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X Appr d For Rele 2002/11/22: CIA-RDP80B01676R000 0120028-0 THE WHITE HOUSE bNA t N ( " 1 January 14, 19b3 MEMORANDUM TO THE HEADS OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES SUBJECT: Federal Salary Administration Attached is a copy of the President's letter of January 2, 1963, to the heads of the four agencies primarily responsible for administration of the four major statutory salary systems -- the Classification Act, the Postal Field Service Compensation system, the Foreign Service Act, and the Medical-Dental-Nursing salary system of the Veterans Administration. The purpose of this memorandum is to invite the attention of the head of each agency employing personnel under any of these four systems to the President's concern that "The payment by the Federal Government of salary rates comparable to those paid for the same levels of work in private enterprise imposes upon the Executive Branch a duty to assure that positions in the Federal service are properly classified in accordance with applicable standards and procedures, and that the incumbents of those positions possess the necessary qualifications...." 11. /j/. Reardon, Jr. Spe cial Assistant to the President Attachinetit Approved For Release 2002/11/22 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100120028-0 App, d For Rele 2002/11/22: CIA-RDP80B01676R000 0120028-0 7'I!E WHITE HOUSE "Ya:.hii rton Jain=ar 1963 THE 3ECRZTAR Y OF STATE THE POSTMASTER. GENERAL THE AEMINISTRATOR 07 VETERANS AFFAIRS THE CHAIRMAN, UNITED STATES CIVIL 3 ERVICE COMMISSION I have today signed an .:.xecutive Order providing for administration of the Federal Salary Reform Act of 1952. As con`en.plated I)y the Act, this Order pwovides for an annual rc-.view of the ccrnparabih-ty of Federal salary rates with those maid for the sane level of work in private enter- prise. This Ad:ninistration has vigorously espoused the principle of comparability cf Federal salary rates with those cf private entezprise, :n the Federal Salary Reierrr Act of 196.'., the Congress has adopted this principle. 3rb- stantial progress has alreadr been made, bi.t co,,.tinui.n' q efforts will be necessary to fully achieve and maintain this objective. The payineit by the Federal Oo'%ernrr.ei; of salary rates to those paid for the 3ar_ie levels of work in private enterp-ise irnooses upon the . xecutive Branch a duty to assure that positions in the Federal service are properly classified in accordaice with applicable standards and pro cedures, and that the incumbents of those positions possess the necessary qualifications. I shall expect each of yoei., as the officers prim-aril-,,r reapcns .ble for the administration of the four major ,tatutorv salary systems dealt with in tn?: 196? Act, to devoc: ne sonal attention to these points. Your first reports on the operation cf the so'ar' systems in your agencies will form the basis for a report which the Director of the Bureau of they Budget and the Chairman of the Ci-;j1 Sevic:- Zorn-T:ission Will Submit to me not later than Decerrbe?~ 3 ? , 1(7f ?, Y cur reports snould outline the actions which you have tdken to assure that the av:,teins are so adminie-tered ttir.t the gradirg of positions and the ciualification3 of incumbents are in shirt accordance with the law and the aprlicable regulations. Approved For Release 2002/11/22 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100120028-0 Appr ,qvied For Release M6* If ERN j1676R0019N 00120028-0 4 "1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY EXECUTIVE MEMORANDUM OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR 06- EXECUTIVE MEMORANDUM No. DATE j MEMORANDUM FOR: DEPUTY DIRECTOR (PLANS) DEPUTY DIRECTOR (INTELLIGENCE) DEPUTY DIRECTOR (RESEARCH) DEPUTY DIRECTOR (SUPPORT) COMPTROLLER INSPECTOR GENERAL GENERAL COUNSEL ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR NATIONAL ESTIMATES zD r:LBIS:drm. Dist tribu tion: Addressees I - D/ DCI O/ DI)CI ER ExDir This memorandum contains information for the addressees. Ad- dressees may give this memorandum additional circulation within their components as required. All copies should be destroyed not filed, upon completion of circulation. A master file will be kept in the Executive Director's Office and will be available upon request. CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY, Approved For Release 2002/11/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1'676R000100120028-0