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Approved For Release 2002/10/22 CIA-RDP80B01676R000100130041-4 THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE 16 January 1964 SUBJECT : Agency Relations with News Media 1. Policy guidance concrrning the handling of relations with news media will be issued from time to time by the Director or Deputy Director, and under no circumstances is to be changed or modified except by the Director or Deputy Director in written form, or orally and confirmed by implementing memorandum. 2. News media contact for background briefings are to be on a non-attributable basis and are to involve areas of discussion approved by the Director or the Deputy Director after coordination by him with the White House, Department of State. and the Depart- ment of Defense, as appropriate. Such briefings must always be conducted on an individual and never on a collective basis and with customary care to avoid disclosures with respect to intelligence information, estimates or administration policy resulting therefrom. Briefings involving attribution should be avoided at all times except un- der the specific authority of the Director or Deputy Director, such authority to be granted after receipt of policy guidance from the White House. 3. As a general rule, in the absence of specific instructions and coordination in accordance with paragraph 2 preceding, CIA shall make no releases on any of its estimates, analyses, or reports, whether classified or not. It is considered preferable that such releases be made, if at all, by departments or agencies other than. CIA. 4. The substance of personal contacts with individuals of the press, either socially or otherwise, will be recorded in a memo- randum for the record as is the Agency's present practice, and a copy forwarded to Mr. Chretien for his information. Approved For Release 2002/10/22: CIA-RDP80B01676R000100130041-4 Approved For Release 2002/10/? r , A- 80B01676R000100130041-4 "; `? r.. ; red ~~ 5. It continues to be my desire to create an "image" of CIA which identifies the Agency with its statutory responsibility for assembling, analyzing, and evaluating all intelligence of national significance and reporting the substance of this intelligence to policy makers. This image can be conveyed by emphasizing the Agency's statutory role, as contrasted to its operational activities, in private discussions with our counterparts in Government, with members of Congress and in occasional meetings with influential members of the press or general public. It is not desirable in discussions of this character to refer to operational achievements or substantive production or to make any statements bearing or susceptible to attribution. 6. As recent publicity involving the Agency has probably had a varying impact upon different components, Deputy Directors are requested to submit to the DDCI statements which assess the implications of this publicity for their particular areas with recom- mendations as to what action they consider appropriate to accomplish the purpose outlined in paragraph 5. Jo A.' c 1-1~ Director Approved For Release 2002/10/22: CIA-F't13P80B01676R000100130041-4 Approved For Rele!e 2002/10/22: CIA-RDP80B01.676R000100130041- 'ire Rzgistry aabo s"e Of psr oo 1 cats with i" id o X at odor *, will be rac*r4od in a zaamo #o the .Ag.*cy''s rmsont pzt+ 1c*. bit * O: $tiou. SPECIAL HANDLING NO DISTRIBUTION - a 79pproved~,pr Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000100130041-4 Approved For ReleMe 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80B01676R0QQ;100130041-4 S. It continues to be my d*siliero to create an :fix *gs" of ~ IA wbAch idonti es the Agency with its etatutery responsibility for analysing, and evaluating all inteligenc* of rational sting the substance of this t t#Ulg+e a to s image can be convoyed bye p icing the ry role, as contrasted to its operational, activitiss, x s.+l bers of Congress and in occasional n Aeetings with luantial me press or general pub3ic? It is Ekot desirable in of this character to refer to eporational achievre resents O"s" ntlv,e production or to na.k.. any stater entn bearing or k1o bl am e to attribution. 6- As recent publicity involving the Agenc)r has probabl y a l g impact upon d fersnt co4p"*"s. Deputy Directors are impl ations of this publicity for their particular areas with re t-YE- etbti :us as to what aeon they consider appropriate to accosr. 44 In paragraph :5. /s1 Saba A. cCone Director Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000100130041-4 6 yii- Approved For Release 2002/10/22: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000100130041-4 THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE 16 January 1964 MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Committee SUBJECT : Agency Relations with News Media 1. Policy guidance concerning the handling of relations with news media will be issued from time to time by the Director or Deputy Director, and under no circumstances is to be changed or modified except by the Director or Deputy Director in written form, or orally and confirmed by implementing memorandum. 2. News media contact for background briefings are to be on a non-attributable basis and are to involve areas of discussion approved by the Director or the Deputy Director after coordination by him with the White House, Department of State, and the Depart- ment of Defense, as appropriate. Such briefings must always be conducted on an individual and never on a collective basis and wi-la customary care to avoid disclosures with respect to intelligence information, estimates or administration policy resulting therefr:-_ Briefings involving attribution should be avoided at all times exc, der the specific authority of the Director or Deputy Director, sure authority to be granted after receipt of policy guidance from the House. 3. As a general rule, in the absence of specific instructions and coordination in accordance with paragraph 2 preceding, CIA shall make no releases on any of its estimates, analyses, or repor;::., whether classified or not. It is considered preferable that such releases ;e made, if at all, by departments or agencies other than CIA. 4. The substance of personal contacts with individuals of the press, either socially or otherwise, will be recorded in a memo- randum for the record as is the Agency's present practice, and a copy forwarded to Mr. Chretien for his information. Approved For Release 2002/Ef:: P80B01676R000100130041-4 Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000100130041-4 5. It continues to be my desire to create an "image" of CIA which identifies the Agency with its statutory responsibility for assembling, analyzing, and evaluating all intelligence of national significance and reporting the substance of this intelligence to policy makers. This image can be conveyed by emphasizing the Agency's statutory role, as contrasted to its operational activities, in private discussions with our counterparts in Government, with members of Congress and in occasional meetings with influential members of the press or general public. It is not desirable in discussions of this character to refer to operational achievements or substantive production or to make any statements bearing or susceptible to attribution. 6. As recent publicity involving the Agency has probably had a varying impact upon different components, Deputy Directors are requested to submit to the DDCI statements which assess the implications of this publicity for their particular areas with recom- mendations as to what action they consider appropriate to accomplish the purpose outlined in paragraph 5. Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000100130041-4, Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100130041-4 IDAUGN54 Iv I WHREPLACES FORM 10-101 Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000100130041-4 Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : C;h\4DP8i 01676R000100130041-4 10 FEB 1964 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT Agency Relations with News Media 1. This memorandum is in response to paragraph 6 of Mr. McCone's memorandum for the Executive Committee of 16 January, same subject. 2. The recent publicity has not had significant impact upon the Directorate of Intelligence. Insofar as it is discernible the thrust of the reaction of our personnel has been in the direction of returning to a "no comment" policy. 3. There is uniform agreement, however, that we should make a sharp distinction between our policy for dealing with the press and, our policy covering outside contacts of CIA personnel. While our dealings with the press should. be minimal, current restrictions on the identification of DDI personnel could to advantage be relaxed. Thus in at least selected. cases personnel would be identified. with CIA instead of merely "US Government" (a tag which is often either meaningless or ridiculous). Moreover, we should continue our present limited. distribution of unclassified economic reports. RAY . CLINE Deputy Director (Intelligence) Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP89BO1676R000100130041-4 25X1 SECRET DD/S 64-0652 Approved For Release 200 flyDP80B01676R0001001300414 tlv- IrAt 13FEB1964 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT : Agency Relations with News Media REFERENCE : Executive Memo No. 121 dtd 16 Jan 1964 to Deputy Directors and Heads of Independent Offices fm DCI, same subject 1. This memorandum is for information only. It responds to the Director's request that the Deputy Directors assess the implications of recent publicity for their particular areas of responsibility. 2. In terms of the possible effect upon the discharge of the Agency's Support responsibilities, there has been no measurable impact and none is expected. With the exception of the Director of Personnel, however, all of the Support Office Heads agree that the public image of the Agency suffered. The Director of Personnel believes that publicity which reflects favorably upon the Agency and brings to public attention facets of our work which have been relatively unknown to the general public will work to the advantage of the Agency particularly in our efforts to recruit superior candidates for employment. Our experience last fall with the "100 Universities Program" demonstrated quite conclusively that presentations to the public which are carefully planned and deliberately placed in a proper security context before they are released to the public can make a very positive contribution toward the creation of a better public understanding and awareness of our true role in this country's foreign affairs. I believe it is possible to have an aggressive and positive public relations program in this pattern without any underlying implications that recruit- ment is the objective. 3. Among the other Support components the consensus is that any news release or news conference which deals with the substantive aspects of our operational activity or the content of our intelligence output will not only weaken our security but will probably cause adverse public reaction. It is also felt that employee morale may suffer and our people may become confused by any significant departure from our traditional policy unless they are adequately prepared in advance for a new approach to public attribution. Our employees are educated from the time they enter on duty to remain silent about the Agency's activities and to offer no comment in response to public criticism. In general they have learned to live with the relative anonymity imposed upon them by the Agency and their morale normally survives very commendably the occasional journalistic outbursts against CIA. Most of them have come to believe that the best image for the Agency is that of the "silent anonymous 7 ` w.~r....nre Approved For Release 2002/10/A Y0Q&MQa1jj01 30041-4 SECRET ~I latisI SECRET Approved For Release 2002/10/22 CIA-RDP80B01676R000100130041-4 service." If we plan now to alter our attitude toward public acclaim, I believe we should first develop a carefully conceived program and announce it internally to all of our own people in order that they can be educated and prepared to adjust their responses in their personal lives. 4. In summary, it seems to me that the objective of creating an image of CIA identifying it with its statutory responsibility can best be undertaken by a program patterned after the "100 Universities Program" which we found to be so successful last fall. In all probability any positive public relations effort we undertake should not be pointed at the public information media directly but should perhaps reach them through the technique of causing them to report upon partici- pation by our senior officials in activities of interest to the public and related to our statutory responsibilities. Any presentations we make should be carefully planned and thoroughly considered in terms of possible adverse affects upon our security or any other aspect of our functions before they are released for public consumption. Employees should be thoroughly informed of the purpose, intent, and nature of the program and should be given very definite policy guidance for their own personal conduct. 25X1 L. K. White Deputy Director for Support Y E1114% w~._.i. Approved For Release 2002/10/22 :,$OB01676R000100130041-4 Approved For Release 2002110122': CIA-RDP80B01676R000100130041-4 16 January 1964 MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Committee SUBJECT : Agency Relations with News Media 1. Policy guidance concerning the handling of relations with news media will be issued from time to time by the Director or Deputy Director, and under no circumstances is to be changed or modified except by the Director or Deputy Director in written form, or orally and confirmed by implementing memorandum. 2. News media contact for background briefings are to be on a non-attributable basis and are to involve areas of discussion approved by the Director or the Deputy Director after coordination by him with the White House, Department of State, and the Depart- ment of Defense, as appropriate. Such briefings must always be conducted on an individual and never on a collective basis and with customary care to avoid disclosures with respect to intelligence information, estimates or administration policy resulting therefrom. Briefings involving attribution. should be avoided at all times except un- der the specific authority of the Director or Deputy Director, such authority to be granted after receipt of policy guidance from the White House. 3. As a general rule, in the absence of specific instructions and coordination in accordance with paragraph 2 preceding, CIA shall make no releases on any of its estimates, analyses, or reports whether classified or not. It is considered preferable that such releases be made, if at all, by departments or agencies other than C.A. 4. The substance of personal contacts with individuals of the press, either socially or otherwise, wi.-_ be recorded in a memo- randum for the record as is the Agency's present practice, and a copy forwarded to Mr. Chretien for his information. Approved For Release 2002/1,0/2.2-: A-RDP80B01676R000100130041-4 Approved For Release 2002/10/~-2jy:,GJA.B01676R000100130041-4 5. It continues to be my desire to create an "image" of CIA which identifies the Agency with its statutory responsibility for assembling, analyzing, and evaluating all intelligence of national significance and reporting the substance of this intelligence to policy makers. This image can be conveyed by emphasizing the Agency's statutory role, as contrasted to its operational activities, in private discussions with our counterparts in Government, with members of Congress and in occasional meetings with influential members of the press or general public. It is not desirable in discussions of this character to refer to operational achievements or substantive production or to make any statements bearing or susceptible to attribution. 6. As recent publicity involving the Agency has probably had a vary:. 2mpact upon different components, Deputy Directors are requested to submit to the DDC.I statements which assess the implications of this publicity for their particular areas with recom- mendations as to what action they consider appropriate to accomplish the purpose outlined in paragraph 5. i Jo n A. cCConee Director Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100130041-4 Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : C GEM EYES ONLY 16 January 1964 1. Attached is a proposed memorandum for you to sign. Copies will then be given to each of the officers who attend the morning meetings. This memo has already been read almost verbatim to the members of the Executive Committee by me and was handled as a directive for their guidance. Its phraseology corresponds to that proposed by you in your draft memorandum of 13 January (attached as Tab A). 2. Discussions with Mr. Bross, Mr. Kirkpatrick, and Mr. Chretien resulted in this final memo. A separate proposal will be made later for the establishment of a guidance committee to study means by which the Agency "image" can best be put forward in accordance with paragraph 5. This committee will have the benefit of the reports called for in paragraph 6. The makeup of this committee has not yet been agreed but my own inclination is to avoid using our senior commanders whose time is already too heavily absorbed by other matters. I would prefer to use some of our more senior officers who do not have immedi- ate operating and command responsibilities and possibly with some assistance from 3. I recommend that you sign the attached memorandum as written. e:3 - Marshall S. Carter Lieutenant General, USA Deputy Director SECRET EYES ONLY 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100130041-4 Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100130041-4 DRAFT:JAM/mcm 13 Jan 64 MEMORANDUM: Handling of Publicity 1. There is hereby established a committee on public relations under the Chairmanship of Mr. Kirkpatrick and composed of Messrs. Cline, Helms and Chretien. Each member is authorized to appoint an alternate to serve thereon in his absence. The purpose of this committee will be to review and approve all activities in press relations and the manner in which the CIA policy is to be implemented. 2. Policy guidance will be is sued from time to time by the Director or Deputy Director and under no circumstances is to be changed or modified by either the committee or members of the organization. Modifications and policy guidance thereto will be issued by the Director or Deputy Director in written form or issued orally and covered by implementing memorandum. 3. Press releases for background briefings of either attributable or unattributable nature are to be coordinated by the committee chairman and his designees with the White House, Depart- ment of State, Department of Defense, or any other department or agency Approvedi-or teease 26 2/10/2 IrAeR > 06b1fi76R000100130041-4 Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100130041-4 4. As a general rule in the absence of specific instructions and coordination with the White House, State and others, CIA shall make no releases on any of its estimates, analyses, or reports, whether classified or not. It is considered preferable that such releases be made by the Department of State or others. 5. The substance of personal contacts with individuals of the press, either socially or otherwise, should be recorded in a memorandum for the record as is the Agency's practice. 6. With respect to DCI's desire to create an ''image" of CIA as carrying its primary responsibility of assembling all intelligence, its analyses and evaluation, and reporting this to policy makers, it continues to be my desire that this be done. This can be done by emphasizing this role as contrasted with the operational role and by private discussions with our counterparts in Government, members of Congress, and members of the press on occasion of meeting them, and with members of the public. It is not necessary in advancing this responsibility to do anything but refer to the statutory responsibility in the manner in which this responsibility was charged. It is not necessary to refer to any of our production or is it necessary that statements bearing attribution be made. Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000100130041-4 Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100130041-4 Mr. Chretien: The original of this memo was passed through to who returned it to DD/P in a sealed envelope. Consequently I do not know whether or not this should be considered an official copy. NOTE: 25X1 25X1 DD/P reply to Executive Memorandum #121 was ER 64-728 dated 29 Jan frorr E uary 1964. It went xecutive Director to (w ho 25X1 rob bl p a y passed it on t as the 25X1 next ER record shows it goi envelo b ng in a seal ed pe ack to DD/P from 1 : 1 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100130041-4 Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100130041-4 NDUM YOU'. Deputy r rireector Df Gerttral Interline ce IUBJECT Agency ei&tfcarja with Nevis I. At EI' ~: SCI or orandum of ;6 January t964. sar a eub;~aect, pares. 5 and 6 ev rY ).+.o a %.. - --- - -- officers understand and conform strictly with its pro --ti-.n ta.& r,. i r*ncee rmemoasanndum to the atten y/ b11 via ions. Z. The spate Of adverse press comment an t; during recent no g __ _ - Tr as and Saba. months has ceased conce fl ,, are unlikely to have lasting effect but those of Harry t' 1- % t Vat *ape - - been & " a 1 as f tb . They are %v =c trthy and the editorials o be e ar ?bing because they app + mm+mists. '1`'# are has been a good areal b y itation vaeti-~s t~sd for explo requ+cing of anti-CIA press critfc3arrr abroad. All in all, however, of i have the impression that the net harm done has not yet been very great f rays ffi_ the better. I*- - __-* o f o and the less GIVOCL notice e* selective effort + our paw e ations r directl there =my be many situ e awe of the swat damaging results of all this ns yor l the to can help. and on our criticism is likely to be its effect on o>~r recruiting program untor officers. fi i~sases by CJ_A of information on the Soviet sc+ nom c slo' - Unfortunately too many foreign CoM- broad d . a ly note wrrs was widedcr, entatore took their cue from American a ca the fact that CIA rhad was x aattent .ort paid to a ytlcaaal sub,ata ea r, inert i s . > .seed the information. There has been a a an & tthe .Economist gave us seams to be fairer than 25X1 l>a3ty o the 17. pres+as, in time, professional journals and .peCi<sed publicattt~ns in both Europe aand the U. S. will robabt do'betteer us can thin topic. Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000100130041-4 Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100130041-4 25X1 ree entirely with the general Philosophy express `hilex I a g graph of the reference, I would still hopes that very gradually, ever somewhat # - e a i r t t smight aic+ciu this Agency's Clandestine a vice - d Kff fil~lFl~.M'YA an ion as an t ay ?c -- proveect public epu composed of intelligent, alert. devoted, hard-working officers rather than a motley crew of adventurers intent upon taking U. S. policy Into their own done eccas*onalty but consistently would help. The' hi ngs rea t to be, I a should not appear to be in response to particular criticisms as the de- 0 t in unusual circomstaceS, such as Public assurances from high policy officials (the members oup, e, g.) that CIA is regularly and thoroughly ~. ,..-._ -- scrutinized from the policy coordination viiewwpoi. Public state- naents should be few in number but on important occasion: and - fore prestigious groups. Occasional background briefingsr by the President of veele cteed reporters and Congx+sesxnean--stxsssing his knowledge of CIA and confic .ce in iit--would be beelpfeat. Extremely selective, informal, off -the- re'" cc veer- by senior CIA officials with a limited a beer of key re- and cornmentators on either an individual. or small-group and serio tulle and c of ms's eoeratisa elements as well as the s-gn i.ty of many of the problems we face in mosi parco tl y cenv,rt*tior's xnigbt or might not lead direc to ori:nteed articles but ohauld s-ev4r x it in .ttrl'batsbl on anyt the; agates ie3 aim of impressing th*Tn with the profes$loaalisr f .starbU lti: background or frames of r erence ch suspected Agency action or lack of action could be 25X1 placed by newspapermen. c. Collection and presentation a 25X1 material which proves that the Soviets, and other ..ornrieta are engaged in a world-wide effort to discredit this Agency with Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000100130041-4 Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100130041-4 both the American public and the people of other countries. There is a. considerable body of evidence on Communist ni&infor atiOn efforts which can be used to good effect wit aut jeopardizing se- curity. chard Helrn o putt' Director foa Puns 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000100130041-4 Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100130041-4 (CLASSIFICATION) EXECUTIVE MEMORANDUM OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR EXECUTIVE MEMORANDUM No. 121 DATE 16 January 1964 TO: ROOM NO. Deputy Director (Plans) 3 C 34 Deputy Director (Intelligence) Deputy Director (Science & Technology) Deputy Director (Support) FXMIalmuer Inspector General 7 D 49 General Counsel 7 D 07 Assistant Director for National Estimates 7 E 47 Asset Dir for Current Intelligence 7 G 15 Chairman, Watch Committee 3 E 13 Mr. Paul Chretien 1 F 08 D CI Copies: DDCI / ExecDir-Compt. ER This memorandum contains information for the addressees. Ad- dressees may give this memorandum additional circulation within their components as required. All copies should be destroyed, not filed, upon completion of circulation. A master file will be kept in the Executive Director's Office and will be available upon request. Approved For Release 2002/10/22: CIA-RDP80BO1676R00010 E.e am; ama,;, downgrading and (CLASSIFICATION) ded,, f,otion ro gw eas 2l0W/A 2c;AGIpt 13 UNCLASSIFIED D CONFIDENTIAL SF.CRF.T CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO N MEAND DRESS DATE INITIALS I D 1`LL3 2 . } (~ r 2 3 4 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks : FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE DDI 7E32 Hqs p ~o~t 7 FORM NO. 237 Use previous editions 2-61 (40) 25X1 0041-4 Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100130041-4 (CLASSIFICATION) CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY EXECUTIVE MEMORANDUM OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR ER 64 -411 EXECUTIVE MEMORANDUM No. DATE _ 16 January 1964 TO: Deputy Director (Plans) Deputy Director (Intelligence) Deputy Director (Science & Technology) Deputy Director (Support) Comptroller Inspector General General Counsel Assistant Director for National Estimates Asstt Dir for Current Intelligence Chairman, Watch Committee Mr. Paul Chretien ROOM NO. Copies: DCI DDCI Exe cDir - Comptr olle r ER., This memorandum contains information for the addressees. Ad- dressees may give this memorandum additional circulation within their components as required. All copies should be destroyed, not filed, upon completion of circulation. A master file will be kept in the Executive Director's Office and will be available upon request. Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000 E.ctudad from automafic CLASSIFICATION do"ngroding and ~( ) dda.,raean