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Document Creation Date: 
December 12, 2016
Document Release Date: 
August 16, 2002
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Publication Date: 
October 25, 1962
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80B01676R000100140044-0.pdf80.53 KB
eCVt~tr?3 ttegts.zy Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : ~~0B01676R000100140044-0 _ k ;, I ~~- :~~~ ACTION 1VIEMORANDUM OFFICE 01+ THE DIRECTOR TO . SUBJECT REFERENCE: Action Memorandum No. ~.,,~, Date ~Tg ?~teb~-z_~~-2 Deputy Director (Support) for th? I3ireetox of Training CIA Career Trafaing Progra.xz3 ~femoran+da from the Director of Training dated ~ July l9bZ, forwarded by .A1ZyT)S 2 August 19b~, subject: CIA Training ~rogra:xa (Proposed} 3. The two outlines proposing a CIA training program, with a slight variation in the tevo proposals, have been revitwed and approved in pri:ncgle. generally speakim-g the three-phase proposal would appear to be preferable at least far the start and until we have mandatory training thoroughly phased ic~to the Agency system. 2. 'tye have given coasiderabie thought to theses programs and trust that you have also been doing the earns and that we are now ready to rriove ahead with the preparation of a formal proposal for preeentatian to the Agency and for i.zxYpie~mentation, In gresentir~g this proposal we want it clearly understood that formal training would henceforth bs an .~.geney requirernerxt for advancement and for acquiring greater respoasibilitiee, and that those employees who are passed over for "' training will realizes that their advance has ended, and that they will either remain at that level for the rest of their career or be phased out of the Agency, and they sans wQUld be true of those passed over for 'Senior" training who would realize that they had reached their tap grade. 3, It is recognized as fundamental that the appropriate participation by qualified students is a.n essential element for the success of pouch a SUSPENSE DATE: i L?ecernber 19b2 Approved For Release 2~~ GROUP 1 Eacld@etl iron itlMmBtk IsiRp~ 7 0 6768000100140044-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/21: D~80B01676ROQ010D140044-0 .~