(Sanitized) CONFERENCE, 28-29 JANUARY 1963

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Publication Date: 
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E 215X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/SECRETRDP801301676R000100150027-8 IDxecutive Begist y (CLASSIFICATION) y -.5? 7 ACTION MEMORANDUM JJ OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR Action Memorandum No A-171 Date January 1963 TO : Deputy Director/Plans SUBJECT : REFERENCE: Conference, 28-29 January 1963 This will confirm the cornments which at this morning's meeting on what he expects to be dose at the Conference. 25X1 Z. The primary purpose of the Conference is to analyse how the Agency is organised and equipped to obtain information on Communist aggression directed through Cuba against the integrity of the Wsstsrn Hernia phere. It shoed be our objective to obtain specific, documented evidence of Communist aggression that can be the basis for OAS or UN action. The Conference should devote attention to how we can improve our capability to obtain hard intelligence on the inter-relationship of the Communist parties in Latin America end the direct links with Moscow through Havana. An example of the type of action which we wish to identify and pin squarely on the Communists through concrete, hard evidence is the direction from Havana to the Venezuelan Communists to sabotage the oil pipe lines. The supplying of arms to Latin American Communists is also considered to be an indication of provocation arid aggression. Training oosrations by the Cubans or Russians of Latin ArrkerieSit COntrrnittilti is also important. The distribution of manuals and bulletins is not consicered as provocative as direct orders for action, particularly sabotage and subversion. 3. The Conference should be directed toward clearly indicating to all stations exactly what assets are evailable to the Agoricy and also what can be obtained. it should be directed toward designing steps to more SUSPENSE DATE: GROUP 1 EkChidId from re hoikradieg deelassific:c f,.17 Approved For Release 2003/04244da RDP80B01676R000100150 (CLASSIFICATION) oved For Relesee 2003/0AVIA-RDP801301676R00Q100150027-8 UM" promptly get this information, return it to Washington on a priority basis where it will be distributed as a matter of foremost importance. 4. Naturally the eport is related to this subject, and a matter for discus.ion&t the Conference. S. The DCI has requested that a questionnaire be sent to the stations today amplifying the previous order which you dispatched. ExDir: LBK: drm Distribution: Originay DD/ 171 - 0/ DCI 1 - DDCI 1 - ER 1 - ExDir eiyit 02 011 SECRET (signed) Ly-Laai, Lyman IS. Kirkpatrick Executive Director Approved For Release 2003/04/24: CIA-RDP80601676R000100150027-8