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December 14, 2016
Document Release Date:
January 6, 2003
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Publication Date:
June 14, 1963
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Approved For Rise 2003/02/IE' MfDP80BO1676
14 JUN 1963
MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director of Central Intelligence
SUBJECT: Comments on Action Memorandum No. A-255
REFERENCE: Action Memorandum No. A-255, dated
8 June 1963
1. This memorandum is for your information and is
in response to paragraph 3 of reference memorandum.
2. At the start of the October 1962 missile crisis
all United States civilian aircraft were prohibited from
flying in Cuban airspace at the request of the Department
of Defense. To the best of our knowledge, CIA did not
participate in this decision, although it is likely that
the matter was discussed in EXCOM!V1. On 27 November 1962,
the ban on United States civilian flights over Cuba was
modified at the initiative of the Department of State,
from outright prohibition to a warning in the form of a
Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) advising against such flights
since the continued uncertainty of the Cuban situation
risked the safety and property of United States citizens.
To our knowledge, CIA was not consulted prior to the
publication of this NOTAM. Although the risks had been
considered as minimal for some time, the NOTAM remained
in effect until 6 June 1963, both as a bargaining point
with the Cuban Government for the release of Americans
imprisoned in Cuba and as a means of inducing Pan American
Airways (PAA).to resume service to Cuba, if so desired.
The reasoning behind this position is spelled out in the
attached memorandum from the then Coordinator for Cuban
Affairs, Mr. Sterling J. Cottrell, to the Secretary of
- :5- S
Va00P 1
Excluded from automatic
downgradia; and
State Dept. review completed
Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100160003-3
Approved For Rise 2003s~/ A-RDP80B01676R100003-3
3. As a member of the Inter-Governmental Committee
on Cuba' under Mr. Cottrell''' chairmanship, CIA did
participate in discussions which led to the lifting of
the NOTAM which, from our standpoint, was incidental to
the decision not to resume PAA flights to Havana. This
aspect of the problem is also explained in the attached
Richard ems
Deputy Director (Plans)
Attachment: (1)
Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100160003-3
Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP80B01W6R066100160003-3
,mot emsists of __
No. - Ot ----i-1---- Coples, SerPal"
t t Tbs Secretary
Tli s C - W. .t aw
AAA Mr. tisartia
Y M: CCA Starling J. Cottrell
$U Jail: Lifting of listiso to Aisa ( `AM)
Vainiag Against Flights in Cubea
AAars}aso and 1.sresption of Air Service
DurIng the Ostvbosr aissile crisis all Doited States
civilian aircraft vera PXOWbitod from f lying in Cuban
Date in error- E-eL33487)~l at of the Depatrtrett of Refanso.
should read this prahibitiea rss ssdiflad, at
27 November 62 . $ instaes, by' a Notice to Aisven (IOTA3)
30 January 63 ing against such flights (Tab A) since thaix con-
is date of timuaase and the a ira-istp of the Osban sitdatiesr
publication risked the safety atad property of United States eitiseas.
of NOTAM. Althoweb this risk bas; probably been rlaiasl for some
ties, the MOTA* be. eestiswad in affect both as a
possible bargainiag point for affecting the release of
the Ases'ricans imprisoned in Cobs aad as a memo of
ind"Is,g Pan Ansitsaa Aiways (PA&) to rows ss service
to Cuba, if as desir d. Dasta., with alts ssthorisatiean,
tafowned Castro that the t weld Probably be lifts
if the Amm isms w,rt d. Dessau so t