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April 28, 1964
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TO 25X1 SUBJECT : REFERENCE: or Release 2002/04e/04 CIA-RDP80B0167 000200030021-6 sEcgr ( CLASS "'CATION) , OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR DeputyDirector/Intelligence Action Memorandum No. A.375 Date 28 April 1964 I. The DCI has directed that the Central Intelligence Agency hall develop the best possible system for the handling of information. indexing and data processing. He wants the Agency system (or systems) to be the model for the Intelligence co, II/ nunity, and feels that by this method we will achieve more than through any organizational devices as proposed by 25X1 2. Would you take all necessary steps to implement this and advise me on at least a monthly basis. LBK:drm Distribution: Original & 1 - Addressee - E SUSPENSE DATE: P "(signed) Lyman B. Kirkpatrick Lyman B. Kirkpatrick xecutive Director it Me 1 it Enttglad trual stoat dontading anct dettassItication (CLASSIFICATION) Approved For Release 2002109104: CIA-RDP801301676R000200030021-6 4tX>7:iO4t=14 Approved For Release 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP80601676R000200030021-6 ER- on your file copy of AM A-375 pis make a notation: "First quarterly report dtd 18 Nov 1964 ?"- ER 64-7918),noted by ExecOir." And either or that copy or on the ticket 7918 make a note that cinpies are filed in DD/I. I have already destroyed one copy and this can also be destroyed once those notatiOns have been made. rita Approved For Release 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP80601676R000200030021-6 'Approved For R. r R ease 2002/09/04 1A=FDP80B01676160200030021 ) a t 31.1 SECT REFERENCE ? Lepty Dlr.ctriIntelltgsnce Depaty Director/Science and Technology : Action Monitore A-375 : DDLAT 1403-be ( 5 May) I. The following po e in response to M. request for clarification of s.bject action memorandum addressed to the DD/I. Z. The DC/ went* CIA to have the beet possible information handling systems. This is not limited to I 'but is Agency-wide and includes the continued development of the 14PIC and the DD/P syeterns. 25X1 25X1 3. The action taken by Ulna is not inconsistent with this objective inasmuch as U313 did not adopt the over-all Iproposal 25X1 but did approve the much more Limited approach recommended by COMB. This le simple recowsibtion of the fact that CIA is after all net wily part of the Intelligens* Cmunity but has leadership respe'neibilittes in this field as well. As indicated by A-375 and by reason of providing the CODIB Chairmanship, the over-all responsibility for cooruiriating both the Agency effort and the Community effort lies with the DD/I, and more specifically with Mr. Bored. 14e, therefore, with guidance and assistance from appropriate representation from DWI). 00/ ?i&T and NPIC, will resolve conflicts which may arise from corn tion for scarce resources. S. Matters sot so settled will be brought by Mr. Bard l to Ceneral Carter's attention through me. 0/ExecDir:kc Orig DD/I 1 - DD/S&T 1 - DD/P 1 - ExDir (signed) Lyman B. Kirkpatrick IV. ER 1 - 0/DDI Chrono 1 - ADDI/M Lyman B. Kirkpatrick Executive Director cc: DA'? Approved For Release 2002/09/04 CIA-RDP80B01676R000200030021-6 - -,rT:pr,f1;7 Approved.foriRellie 2002/09/04: Ca4RDP801301676R0000030021-6 _ MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: REFERENCE: 1 5 NIAY 1964 DD/S&T 1403-64 FOR: Executive Director-Comptroller Action Memorandum A-375 1. This memorandum contains a request for information. That request is contained in paragraph 5. 2. The substance of referenced memorandum states that the CIA shall "develop the best possible system for the handling of information, indexing and data processing." It further states that "by this method we will achieve more than through any organizational device as proposed by The Agency unit of organization most concerned with imple- menting either information system as mentioned above is the Office of Computer Services. 3. Action Memorandum A-375 has been interpreted by us as stating that it is the policy of the DCI to restrict Agency participation in such an information handling system to that level of activity which is basically the current charter of Project Further, that this Agency will not participate at this time in a community-wide endeavor pointed toward the same goal. 4. the minutes of the United States Intelligence Board Meeting of 6 May disclose that that group authorized the establishment of a permanent Executive Secretariat to assist the Committee on Documentation of the U. S. Intelligence Board (CODIB) to further pursue the issue of a community- wide information processing system. It now appears to us that there may be conflict between the contents of referenced memorandum and the actions of USIB. Approved For Release 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP80601676R000200030021-6 25X1 ,Excludzi1 17,..1 zrinati:/ dc',N;rar",;1; aati dacr:r!"1"i,i i Al3proved,forRelfe 2002/09/0gEaR)P80B01676R0600030021-6 -2- 5. We would appreciate receipt of information from you as to the position that should be taken by the Assistant Director for Computer Services in being responsive to requests for information and/or assistance from the Chairman of CODIB, in light of the previous advice given us in A-375. utive Officer ty Director for Science and Technology Approved For Release 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP80B01676R000200030021- sPrT uak tdititid7r;craoll..mti:13:121itile 25X1