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Publication Date: 
June 30, 1965
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80B01676R000200050002-5.pdf183.12 KB
TO SUBJECT : REFERENCE: BPAM -OH pproved For Release 2002/08/W14DP80601676R04200050002:5 (CLASSIFICATION) OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR tor for InteUlgence tor for Plans ctor for Science lk Technology ctor for Support 74.19,;':rity ; K5-? Action Memorandum No 3 0 JUN 1965 A.458 Date As we are all aware. the CIA is lacing constantly increasing demands for its intelligence services while at the annie time there are strong pressures to hold the line on expenditure.. This dilemma is made more acute by the need to develop and operate expensive technical intelligence systems in order to keep pace with modern intelligence targets, methods and tradecraft. and by the newt to maintain and improve the more traditional iatelligence program. during a period of escalating costs and complex internationel relations. Z. Dee pits the tight money and personeel situation which nowexists, it will of course still be possible to undertake new high priority intelligence programs and to obtain budgetary approvals for expindlng and improving existing programs. Hever, it will be necessary to absorb the costs of many new and augmented programs through the discontinuance of low priority and marginally productive programs and through econorrqc of operations. 0 3. The Agency's ability to accommodate this difficult *Matti** depend upon the ability of operating officials to carry forth only those programsM which are essential to the achievement of important objectives and.ia carrying out these programs, to make sure that all possible econotnies are realised. In the preparatioa of the FT 1967 budgets and in the submission of long-range (five year) program plans to the Bureau of the Budget. it is essential that these considerations remain paramount. SUSPENSE DATE: (CLASSIFICATION) Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R0 GP.3de 1 Exc!uded irsrn nutsmallt dn:gradin; and 4 3 3 II i-- _ pproved For Release 2002/08/21,tiP806016764)200050002-5 411, 4. I have recently requested the Executive Director-Comptroller to prepare a CM Long Range Intelligence Plan to express the long-term objectives of intelligence and the foreign intelligence capabilities which should be in existence ten years from now. The first five years of this plan will be expressed separately, by fiscal year, to order to hrle11 Into sharp focus the programs and activities required to develop the capabilities necessary to meet long-term objectives. This Long Range Intelligence Plan will be carefully exandned and coordinated to insure adequate coverage of high priority objectives, to reduce ennacessary duplication and to eliminate lesser priority and obsolescent activities. S. The MIMS general philosephy must apply to the Agency's Operating udget for FT 1966 which is now being studied. In its present stage it exceeds the amount requested of the Congress (and not yet approved) by approximately Considerable adjastment dm/award based on program priorities will be necessary before en apportionment request is sent to the Bureau of the fitadget. At my direction the Office of budget, Program Analysis and Manpower is conducting a critical review of all requests for FY 1966. [(signed) W. F. Raborn W. F. Reborn Dir?ctur of Central Intelligence OBPAM/JNIClarke:vgd 10 June 65 Rewritten to include DCI's expressed changes Distribution: 1 - each addressee 1 - ExDir ER - D/BPAM Approved For Release 2002/08/2 ::,c1A-kDP80601676R000200050002-5 ? . . rov,- ...for Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80E3016 ed SENDEIt-WILL.PLIECK CLASSIF ION TOP AND BOTTOM ? ?1 UNCLASSIFIED CO DENTIAL I 1 SECRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS INITIALS DATE 1 Executive Director-Comptroller 41/ Of 2 ais c i ...7)d 1 I 3 4 (' 5 6 , ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks: Attached is a new version of A-458 which revised paragraph 3 to delete the reference to the 15-year plan, and added a new paragraph 4 incorporating the DCI's comments) arecc41-.... RA4 Aiiize-At4? FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME, ADDRESS AND PHON DATE AD/BPAM 6/23/65 -or Rieletitgiptremm, I I CONFIDENTIAL I L. _ SECRET ?- 0167 (40) FORM NO. 0 7 Replaces Form 30-4 APR 55 GUI which may be used. U.S.