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Document Creation Date: 
December 12, 2016
Document Release Date: 
May 3, 2002
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Publication Date: 
February 17, 1964
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80B01676R000200150031-2.pdf109.69 KB
1. It is ptSSMUM to I ake s.c A response to Niccmorg e S ys n sm andwat of Juno 1T. 1943, an the Avve s*b3ect, by early April. A copy of the six o ecti w.. is att hed. as well as a copy of. r. flnndy#s later to the Chairman. UND, of October 21, 19630 in which auks for We second report. Z. I believe that the r. se this time am be quite short and coax is*. U shsald deal only with acttrittes that have taken place since the sa trstafl of the first report. on mar g. 193. it should not be necessary to datelicate any pan of -t report. As noted to Mr. S r'm letter. the emphasis shesttd be: been progress made is carry , *t She vari es proposals wade to the first submissions. Approved For ease 2002107429 : CIA-RDP80B01676W0200150031-2 4. mach coupon! l be ex petted to coordiaaate its efforts with those USI 1 agencies which are cap*ble of rnaktng substantial rim to the final report. Exceptions to any parts of the report which may be taken by any pss cipstiag element of the Coweaenty, should be clearly spelled out in the appropriate place !Le report. 3. It is requested thst the addressees of this rnemorsndum, or their deslgni.s, Meet with, me to dtecuss the formaaet and general substance of the replies. The sea ettag will be held on Wednesday. Febr,*,y 19, in the DO Canferel a Room at Z:3*. It is hoped that first ceerdi d drafts can be made available by Monday. March 9th. /s/ Marshall S. Carter --arswl S. Carter Lde*teaant General, USA 1 e Director Attachrn,eatts DRAFT:TAP/MM typed in O/DDCI:lcv Distribution: Orig & 2 - Adse (1 ea) r._ 3 l - ER - 1 - Ex Dir 1 .. EA /DCI 1 -? D/DCI/NIPE - 7 DocI Approved For Release 2002 ./ 07/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000200150031-2