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April 22, 2002
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Publication Date: 
July 3, 1965
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For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000200160010-4 T- t / L MEMORANDUM FOR : DDCI SUBJECT : Lectures at Service Schools You will recall that during one of our discussions on my responsibilities I mentioned to you the great importance that I placed upon the Agency's public image as reflected in the relations with other departments and agencies. I indicated that I thought the lectures given to the senior service schools and the Foreign Service Institute were among the most important done by the Agency and should have the personal attention of the DCI and yourself to insure that the best pos- sible presentation is made. You asked if I would give you a memo- randum on this. Listed below are the ones which I consider most important. 1. The National War College. At the start of each year the National War College asks the DCI to speak to a joint meeting of itself and the Industrial College of the Armed Forces on the role of s important. $houtlto intelligence in national security. National this followed shortly thereafter by the the Agency for a full day, the organization and mission of the CIA~y I also been given by myself on g important as it gives us a chance to consider this to be exceedingly iclarify many misim the day consists ofrlecture possessed of the from Wheelon, Lundahl and others, and of obviously these should be well presented. Z. The Army, Navy, Air War Colleges and the Armed Services Staff College invite the DCI to address their national strategy This seminars. Admiral Raborn did so this year to Army and Navy. is important for our public image both with the services and with the external guests that they have coming to these sessions. In addition, I lecture on the organization and each year they have asked this is good for them and would mission of the Agency recommend that somebody continue to give it. 3. The Senior Seminar of the Foreign Service Institute also spends a day in the building for a program very similar on heat of the National War College. We generally put our first team d . program, and I urge that this practice be continue Approved For Release 2002/07/29 G CIA-RDP80B0l676R000200160010-4 d For Release 200 -r- -h R 0B01676R00~0160010-4 4. The National Interdepartmental Seminar also spends a day in the building four or five times a year, and in view of the broad Agency representation at that course I consider that our presentations are important. Lyman B. Kirkpatrick Executive Director LBK:rcr:3 July 1965 DistributioN: O - addressee 1 - Col. White 1 - LBK E R Approved For Release 200 180B01 676R000200160010-4