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April 9, 1965
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9 April 1965
Dear Bill,
I have checked and find that there is no English
edition of the Selected Works of Kim Il song. However,
attached is a list indicating the individual speeches which
he has given and which are available in English. If you
will check the ones you want, we will make copies and send
them to you posthaste.
We had a most interesting session with Ray, Joe and
others, and I believe have embarked on a much smoother
course of relationship with your old outfit. I am going
down there next week for the usual and hope to get a chance
to look in on Joe. It certainly was a shame about his
accident and we are all hoping and praying that he comes
out all right.
With very best wishes,
Sincerely yours,
Original w/at
` Execcti-'~o %S: :ry
Approved For Release 2006/02/10 : CIA-RDP80B01676R0003Q0140023-1
LBK chrono
- Addressee via regular air mail
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IYE,36I 1
2~ 61~~ 65'
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Approved For Release 2006/02/10: CIA-RDP80B0167
TO Major General W. P. Yarborough,
Senior Member UNCMAC
DATE: April 1, 1965
FROM : Office of the Special Assistant to the Ambassador
SUBJECT: General- ft
Specific- "Selected Works of KIM I1-song
not have an English translation tof the o locateeonetin the
We have we been able
Works of KIM I1-song, nor are
ossibility none
Embassy, USIS or EASCOM libraries. We are told
that aThere is a
available in Seoul frookourrrWashington Headquarters, and we also
hav obeenn o copy may be available from a Tokyo bookstore.
have been told that a cop-further? %
Would you like us to
Approved For Release 2006/02/10 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000300140023-1
Approved For Release 2006/02/10 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000300140023-1
20 April 1965
MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Director
THROUGH : Deputy Director, Intelligence
SUBJECT : Writings of KIM 11-song
1. The attached list of speeches and writings of KIM 11-song is in response
to your telephone request of 7 April 1965.
2. In addition to the publicly available works of KIM, FBIS has assembled
five volumes of miscellaneous speeches, etc., covering the period November 1952
to date. These volumes consist largely of clippings from the FBIS Daily Report.
We have not explored the feasibility of reproducing this material, pending a more
definite indication of need.
3. Most of the materials listed in the attached bibliography are in the CIA
Library or available to it, and can be reproduced if needed. Items indicated by
an asterisk were not located.
Acting Assist nt irec or
Central Reference
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Approved ForRelease 2006/02/10 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000300140023-1
ang1tsh verolon is cited when avaiUbsa.
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1RL a
al Soviet Nerve, 1950.
Includes broa&eant by Him U-song, 26 June 1950.
lei, . A3 for the cot try" a unification and #udependet ce
and for socialist construction in the northern part of the Re-
public. Pyong s y'orel languages Pub. House, 1961. 22p
- - - All for the post-var rehabilitation and, development of
the national econcssy. Pyongyang Foreign Languages Rub. House,
1961. 63RD
? - - -. Chao-'heien min chu chu i jen mm kung ho kuo cheap pu
ti tang ch'ien 4en mu (The present task of the goverment of the
People's Democratic Republic of Korea] Poi-things Jen Mm Ch'u
Pan She, 1962. 45p.
- - Chayu va toknip ul wihan Chown inmin ui chongui ui
haebang a hinjaeng [Korean people's liberation tsar for freedom
and independence of the fatherland] Pyone4ang, Chown Nodongdang
Ch'ulbansa, 1954. 390.
? - -. Chin i pu Chia ch'ing tui tang yUan ti ohieh chi chino
y~ kwag too On further improving class education of party members]
Ping-fangs Wai N o Cb'u Pan She, 1961. 25p.
? ?. Farewell speech by Premier Kim IL Sung at Hanoi airport,
2 December 1958 [on Xbrean government delegation leaving Vietnam]
In averlaetiug friendship between Korean, Chinese and Vietnamese
peoples. Pyongyaxvj, Foreign languages Pub. House, 1959. p.197-198.
- - ?. For socialist economic construction in our country.
Pycngyaag, Foreign Languages Rib. Houses 1958. 534p.
Partial contents: All for the post var rehabilitation and development
of the national economy, 8 August 1953s p.k2-65; Grain: an important
key to the solution of all problems in the post-war reconstruction,
16 February 195k, p.66-78; Defects in industry and transport ands the
immediate task confronting the party, state and economic organs and
their personnel for removing the defects, 21 larch 1954, p.79-123;
The struggle of the Korean people for the post var rehabilitation
and construction, 10 September 1954, p.12k-1k2; On the policy of our
party for further developing agriculture, 3 November 195k, P?1k3?165;
The address delivered at the national conference of architects and
b alders, 30 Jeer 1956, p?166-189; For socialist economic construc-
tion in the northern half of the Republic, 23 April. 1956, 8.190-2l;
Approved For Release .2006/02/10 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R00030014002e i=*&
- 1 -
Approved For Release 2006/02/10 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000300140023-1
Kam, IT.-S ... Continued
tkt some, problems of the future develapemenrt of the ;rural econ c y,
21 January 1957, p.2I5-272; Speech delivered before electorate
of Maonduk Constituency, 2 August 1957, 8.28-3O5; On the
i ent and strengthening of caaaoodity circulation,, 14 February
1957; P.273-287; Speech made at the 1t3tonal conference of activite
of ping-bui3+dtng industry, U September 1957, P-306-318; SPOfth
delivered at the First session of the second supreme people's
assembly, 20 September 3,957, P.319-3393 Concluding speech made at
the October plenum, Central committee workers' party of Korea, 19
October 1957, p?340-354; The Idea of October is triumphant, 22
October 1957, p.3 j-363; On.the Bark of the party and government
delegation, which attended celebrations of the fortieth anMversary
of the Great October Socialist Revolution and the meeting Of repre-
sentatives of the Co mist and workers parties of various countries
in Moscow, 5 December 19557, P.364-392; On further consolidating and,
carrying forward victories gained in the socialist tranttormation
of the rural econcey in our country, 13 December 1957, p.393-16;
Speech delivered at the meeting of activity under the Ministry of
Light Industry to am up the implementation of the decisions of the
December 1956 plenum of the C.C. of the Workers' Party of Korea,
29 January 1958, Po117-442; Speech delivered at the national meeting
of Young Socialist Builders, 19 Uarch 1958, P-443-455; AU for the
prosperity and development of the Fatherlanrd, 31 Jbne 1958, p.k56^477;
Congratulatory Speech at the opening ceremony of the Haijoo-Eaeung
bxtiacl;yauge railway, 12 August 1958, p.178-486; Speech made at the
ceramonW in hour of completion of the reconstruction of the Soopvong
power station, 30 August 1958, p.487-494; Report at the celebration
meeting of the 10th anniversary of the founding of the D.P.R. K., 8
September 1958, p.k95-53k.
?. The fourth plenum of the Central committee of the Workers'
Party of Korea. Further consolidation of the real aid of the
peoples of fraternal countries. In History of the Just fatherland
liberation war of the Korean people. Pyongyang.. Foreign Languages
Pub. House, 19610 p.225-217.
? -. The great liberation war of the Korean people for free
and independence. Py , Dept. of Cultural Relations with
Foreign Countries, Ministry of Culture and Propaganda, 1951. 17kp.
Immediate tasks of the government of the Democratic People's
Republic of Korea. Pyongyang., Democratic Youth Pub. Rouse, 1962.
Speech made at the first session of the Third Supreme People's
Assembly of the D. P.R.B., 23 October 1962.
Approved For Release 2006/02/10 :CIA-RDP80B01676R000300140023-1
Approved For Release 2006/02/10 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000300140023-1
, 3L-GOD, Koren peop1 s amy switches over to mater
oi`Tensim; first campaign for libet*tiou of Seoul; a radio
address tm 8 JW,,y 1950. In History of the 11b.et
l:L atton rorar of the peopla. P, o , Ft ign
as M. X =se, 1%1. p.4l-60.
I, - ~ -$, nsim Mhugi minzo u tai chi, censers u i tsui to [on social
tiea :#.tsu undo hishi. Tom, Nikkan Bodo ' sushinsba, 1959.
,twomUe solid tyi In I-Poyo1chi Tauboi. Chosen minzokua
M" On further improving class education of party members.
P ug, roreiza La s Pub. Haase, . 1961. 28p.
R >;t del verec at the of the C.C. Workers' Party of
Korea, 1 April 1955.
- -. On the vi ctooy of socialist agricultural co-operativLza-
tiosn and further develop nt of agriculture in our country.
Pyongyang, Foreign Lames Pub. House, 19i9. 63p.
- -. Party's mil3.tazy, political and economic measures for
victory in the war; the country reorganized on a war footing. In
History of the Just fatherland liberation SIC' of the MUam paop e
Pyron'ang, Foreign Languages Pub. Howe, 1961. P.35-41.
A radio address on 26 June 1950.
- Premier Kim Ii Sung intervie sd by Finnish correspondent
28 Nove . ber 1958. Xn Everlasting friendship between Korean,
Chinese and Vietnamese peoples. Pyong yang, Foreign LsnMmWs Pub,
House, 1959, p.52-54.
Interview occured during the Xbrean get delegation's visit
to the People?a Republic of China, 21 November to 10 December 1958.
? Report at the celebration meeting of the 10th anniversary
of the founding of the D. L G R. K. Pyongyang, Foreign Languages Pub.
House, 1958.. 43p.
Report at the enlarged plenum of the central committee of
? -.
the Workers' Party of Korea. 4ongyang,, Foreign Lames 3'ub.
House, 1957. 4099
-. Report delivered by Premier Kim TI Sung at the celebraticaa
meeting of the tenth anniversary of the August 15 liberation by the
great Soviet army (excerpts) In For Korea's peaceful unification.
Pyon eng, Foreign Langres P- R6. House, 1961. p.l3-49.
Approved For Release 2006/02/10 CIA-RDP80BO1676R000300140023-1
Approved For Release 2006/02/10 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000300140023-1
K IL48 }. Kim IX-song eonjip [Se]ected works of Sin A*eongg
fir , Chosen Nodongdang Ch'ulbanoa, 1960-3.963. 64.
V.1, 15 August 1945 to am or 1947
* V.2, 191x8 to awe 100 )
* V.3, o n e 1 9 5 0 to a y 3953) not available
V.4, August 1953 to end. of 1936
V.5, J=ft 1957 to Jam 1958
V.6, July 1958 to end. of 1959
V.1 advertised as available in 3nglish, but not located.
- ? - -0 Report made at the meeting in celebration of the 15th
sngivereary of the August 15 liberation, the national holiday of
the Korean people. F Wang, Foreign Languages Pub. House, 1960.
Report m by comrade Bh 11-Sung on the work of the C.C.
of the Worker8' Pa ty of Korea at the fourth congress of the W. P. B3..
(excerpts) In For Korea's peaceful unification. Pi g, Foreign
lam- 16808 Pub. use, 1961. p.227-21&3.
- - -. Report made by comrade Um 1 Sung on the work of the C.C.
of the Workers' Pity of Korea at the second congress of the W.P.K.
(xcerpts) In For lea's peaceful unification. Pyongyang, 1961.
- ?. Report made by comrade Kim Int.-Sung on the wark of the C.C.
of the Workers' Party of Korea at the third congress of the W.P.K.
(em erpts) In For Korea's peaceful unification. Pyongyang, Foreign
languages Pub Rowse, 1961. p.50-59.
- - - -. Report of the central committee of the Workers' Party of
Korea to the fourth congress, 11 September 1961. Pyongynzag, Korean
Central News icy, 1961.. 12ip.
Vi a peoples. Py ,ForeignLBAgUages Pub. House: 1959.