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Document Release Date: 
April 19, 2004
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Publication Date: 
March 11, 1965
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Approved For Re!ewe 2004/07/ Honorable Dean wok rotary of State hington, D. C. 2,3320 Dean: DP80B01676R004100100011-7 11 MAN 196'; discussions with the Bureau of the Budget a problem ha. aricin with respect to the Agency's production of intelligence on the economies of non-Communist countries. The Bureau appears to interpret the Agency'. lintted research and production in this area as contrary to the provisions of DCII) No. 3/1 (Production and Coordination of Foreign Economic Intelligence), which allocates primarz production responsibility of economic intelligence on foreign countries outside the Sine-Soviet Bloc to the Department of State. At the same time, this directive provides that each department or agency. . . shall maintain adequate research facilities to accomplish its departmental intelligence production mission, and. . may make such studies as it believes necessary to supplement intelligence produced by other depart:lents and agencies. Paragraph 7c. of NSCID No. 3, which discusses the CIA's responsibilities for producing economic intelligence on the Sino-Soviet Bloc, states that the CIA may produce such other intelligence as may be necessary to discharge the statutory responsibilities of the Director of Central Intelligence. While continuing to recognize the Department's primary respon- sibility for the production of Free World economic intelligence, I him found it necessary to develop within CIA a limited capability for all-source economic analyses on non-Communist countries. Part of the need to create this capability grew from the discharge of CIA's responsibility for providing intelligence on Communist ?u conoxnic activities in non-Communist countries. ency's responsibility to produce, En UP 1 EXCkg151 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : Cik-RDP 0 4 01 t , 0 100011-7 - ? OA 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/077, - :IbIA-RDP80B01676ROGUI00100011-7 evel? timely all-source economic intelligence on opments in non-Communist areas precludes, as a r, our relying wholly on the other intelligence of the community. Lastly, or the Director of elligence, I must maintain within the Agency the cape- obtaining immediate all-source economic intelligence aring on critical national policy question. and also blears that e within the Agency the competence to evaluate the economic intelligence on nee-Communist areas obtained from the Depart- ment and other agencies upon which we are dependent. We have found it helpful to reinforce the Department's economic contributions to National Estimates particularly since 1961 When the Department consciously reoriented its economic intelligence effort away from more basic research toward direct support of policy officials in the form of brief departmental reports and memoranda. It le my understanding that the redaction in the Department's capability for economic intelligence research on non- Communist countries has stemmed aot only from this reorienta tion but also from the transfer to CIA. at Mr. Iiilsrnan's request, at the Department's NIS production responsibilities. We understand the adjustments that the Department has made La this field and believe that the people concerned, both in this Agency and in the Department, are fully aware of the economic intelligence produced in their respective organisations. Ike,* Informed the Bureau of the Budget that my responsibili- ties as DCI require that I znsintaia such limited capability as we have developed for all-source analyses of the economies of non Communtit countries, and / have also had the matter brought to attention. The proliferation of new nations, particu- larly in Africa, and the increasing challenge of Communist initia- tives in these newly emergent nations has brought about a sharp Increase in the demands, at the highest government levels, for economic intelligence. In my view, it is necessary for the Department and CIA to continue at least their present joint pro- duction capabilities on non-Cemmunist area. if we are to respond to national economic intelligence needs of urgent concern. This could not be done if the capability of either the Department or of the CIA in this field were reduced. Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : ClirS-F001301676R000400100011-7 Approved For Release 2004/07/0SEMDP80B01676R0V00100011-7 My purpo in writing you is to insure that you are aware of ray views on the importance of maintaining both State and CIA production capabilities at no lower than present levels and to Inform you that I am advising the Bureau of the Budget that we consider DCII) No. 3/1 properly interpretable as permissive of those intelligence production activities. Distribution: Orig. and 1 - Addressee 1- DCI ER, 1 - DD/I 2- AD/RR 1 0/BPA.M D/DCl/NIPE 1'. OAD/RR:OEGutbe:wx 28 Jan 65) Sincerely, Jelin A McCone Director CORM Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : C41RD B01676R000400100011-7