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Publication Date: 
October 10, 1966
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Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80B01676R00050001011 66- 4290 /15 10 b/4 The Honorable Clark M. Clifford, Chairmen President's rornign Intelligence Advisory Board Executive Office Building Washington, D. C. Dear Clark: I have given a good deal of thought to the a made by General Taylor at the Eoard meeting an SepteMber 29th to the ef- fect that Steps might be taken to designate the i)irector of Central Intelligence as Executive Chairman of the USIB? I understand that such a designation has been helpful in the case of the Under Secretary of State in his role as presiding of- ficer of the Senior Interdepartmental Group. The 1SIB, however, already has an established method of operation which I believe is working reasonably well. This procedure has its basis in the pro- visions of NSCID 1 and has been developed by usage over the years, While I as grateful for the expression of the Board's support which is inherent in General Taylor's suggestion, T believe that such a change would actually not confer arer additional effective authority on me in ny capacity as "ISIB Chairman. On the other hand, raising the issue at this time could conceivably have an adverse effect on the cooperation and collaboration generally evident in the USD, and might be interpreted as an indication of a feeling that the Director of Central Intelligenee is in a weak position. The Executive Chairman concept, as expressed in NUM 341, gives such an official full powers of decision on all matters within the purview of his group, with the caveat that a menber who does not concur may request referral of the decision to the next higher authority. Under NSCID 1 the 1STB reaches its decisions by agreement. The Chairman determines that a given position represents a consensus of the Board and this position is considered agreed unless a dis- senting meeber expressly requests that the issue be referred to the NSC. Such an appeal has Almost never been requested. On occasion, f! Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80B016i6R00050001011"1--'51 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500010111-5 when a and res higher auth h a position to remove the issue channels, in- ThUH, since re is necessarily a right of appeal to higher authority in either case, it peens doubtful to as that an xecu- tire Chairmanship would in fact give the DCI substantial' greater ability to overrule any serious differences in TrIB than he now has In accordance with the agrent reached at the September 29th Hoard meetings T. am enclosing & suggested draft of a letter which the President might address to me. I have put this in the form of a rather infernal communication which serves specifically to re affirm the provisions of the President's earlier memorandum to Admiral Ribero on the subject of the DCI 's responsibilities and also to identify the preblem posed by the rising costs of intel- ligence activities; to recognize the absence of managerial con- tra by the ma over many of these expensive programs and the necessity for collective and coordinated action between the DCI and the heads of departments to improve the efficiency and ef- fectiveness of the overall intelligence effort. The wording of the letter is intended to resolve any anbiguities which exist as a met of differences between the earlier letters issued re- spectively by President Kennedy and President Johnson. /t makes it olear, for example, that the DCI is to work directly with heeds of departments who are enjoined to collaborate with him in efforts to improve intelligence activities. When you have had a Chance to look the draft over, I should greatly appreciate an opportunity to talk to you about Cordimazy, /s/ Richard Ae1m6 Richard Helms Direetor Enclosure RH;ed (10/10/66) ?t$ 4 .111.11 Distribution: Orig & 1 - Addressee 1 - ER Approved For lieteS-002/08/21 : CIA-RDP8060167tROOMV1R1/1V 1 - ExDir-Comp. / rono 1 -ExSec/USIB Approved For Relgase 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R0.0.0500010111-5 Dear Dickt T wish to DRAFT ize the view epreesed to your predeces- sem in my memorandum of 24 September 1965 ooncerning the high im- portance of efficient management of the total united States foreign intelligence effort which is vital to our national security and the success of our foreign program,. At the same time, we must all reccads* that the costa of intelligence activities, in terms of both money and manpower, are becoming an increasingly significant item in the national budget. New and sophisticated intelligence collection deviees not only are very expensive in themselves, but also require additional and nib- stantial outlays of manpower for processing and analysis of the material collected. Wo must hold these costs and epower commit- ments to reasonable dimensions without aopomising our ability to provide adequate intelligence support for the national security. I recognize that you do not hove direct control over all the assets which contribute to the foreign intelligence program of the Government. Nonetheless, i expect you, as Director of Central Intelligence, to guide and coordinate the intelligence community as a whole and to taXe the lead in assuring that the intelligence necessary to the 1oremmtment-63aperation is collected, evaluated, Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500010111-5 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R0110500010111-5 and disseminated with utmost efficiency. 1 shall expect the heeds of departments and agencies having reeponetblUtieg in the foreign intelligence field to give you their full suppoit and cooperation. In additions I want you* working with them, to insure that all foreign intelligence programs and activities of this Government ars evaluated and eondnated efficiently and effectively. 01$ 4 0101 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500010111-5