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December 12, 2016
Document Release Date: 
March 27, 2002
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Publication Date: 
December 14, 1964
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80B01676R000500040004-1.pdf48.01 KB
Approved For Release 2002/05/00 t FLOFt80B01676R000500040004-1 14 December 1964 MEMORANDUM FOR: D/DCI/NIPE SUBJECT: Evaluation of the Defense Intelligence Agency REFERENCE: Action Memorandum No. A-437 The DDS&T has requested me to submit to you comments on the above subject. They are as follows: 1. Since the establishment of DIA and as consolidation proceeded, one can detect in COMOR that DIA has served as a focal point for central responsibility for DoD intelligence production and collection activities which are of interest and importance to all three services. This has facilitated COMOR business and has been particularly welcome as an alternative to sorting out the true facts among military agencies where duplication was the rule rather than the exception. 2. The other side of the coin is in favor of a continuation of coequal membership on the COMOR. COMOR must frequently be responsive to USIB requests for statements of requirements within a very short: space of time. The present ability of COMOR to elicit individual consumer statements as to their needs permits it to produce an immediate expression of community requirements. Should COMOR have to rely exclusively on a distillate of Pentagon require- ments through DIA, the results would be on occasion more cumbersome and probably nowhere near as objective. 3. So long as there continues to be a willingness on the part of the DIA member to tackle problems on their merits rather than coming in, as was sometimes the case previously with a stated DIA position which brooked no negotiation, the role of DIA is helpful. On balance, therefore, I feel that establishment of DIA has aided in the conduct of COMOR business. James Q. Reber hairman Approved For Release 2002/05/09ECIA-& 80B01676R000500040004-1