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Document Release Date: 
October 19, 2006
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Publication Date: 
August 22, 1955
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Approved For Release TS 242M2M A.2 22 Aunt 2.. for is rdination SMICT z Pgr~eat' cia2 C ttee on Disaa"mu t' 2? I attended the first psse a that there ,in be a W =de notes + !' the folZ mdzmtog I " dated. a. PI*DillThe ttee bas the special status of meal Ad so that its by off. du t "A Aw"r be b. Oas backs utter of rftti & Aar VIU ttedl as a the Seersta - (Me. z l. PO "00 ShaulA be a leaared with is Tha its recl3yr+ tsar t wwdVO 25 s att*Wbmo. Next nmtiw X80 in the old FU onf rem. CVMP"LtiOn of 1 delegation *g tt et segs t1w US exam ,tt" Sate .,. 2 ..i %two* --2 USIA ABC stameft start ~1sf For meeting Cam, 'eql* to . assured o be t b in n **'*St tOY wish - iota?' _ --- derleggtiant Will -------w -w6qg a e r I . Problem ,hrtrr- errkad Irea p,! as giveyou s ad and p r t tine a 'ns boat pzoVIis Approved For Release 2006/11/01 : CIA-RDP80B01676R0o0600010043-0 bein ?'be R" proper next day - deft"tion relies C,1 Russfaaanaa ,, etcs r Kx as to whliow As, at s will. r 'may wing.` . e technical teen. *ardor at bst`tT (1rO as t to sae t the aaaa o 1sa to e AEC rpraeeeAuVes s ,. Lions would be incltau sd bed ? V "w a Joint technical posaar I to have passel conduct esperinasuta~l. wir ;cation and surveillance of designated military inotallstic r (see Tab 0). gar. BOW11W.was quite dubious about the effect O Possibly looking too per;r from the Soviet point of v new at the outset. I suggested that the proposal might well be cut doen to` in Mheh each country would designate & ,dingle area vhere a three m#li'Uar services had installatio for this exercise (e. g. the US mig" dwa to the gns Island of OaM and the Soviets Vladivostok). DOWU agree d that this might be c 'durably more acceptable and the GOVersor was receptive to it as a retreat position. i. TlA grants to "withdra ' our 19152 proposal as to n riosl limits Grain ing that they no longer are ratio=L1. Howie countered by. saying the Secretary's letter vas very o re uk T drafted to as to indicate only a c nge in order of attack on " tom problem giving first place to inspestian and verifications and by ,no mwm# implying either reaffirmetton or''mithctravrasl,.of any previous 0eittion., J. The Hutto forces inted pursuant to NSC Action U19 {see White Souse ca zi ranam of. Julyr, revised to be c leta~d b October. 4 August ~ attatctied} are y 15 l is then to bar 30 days opportunity to review the.. reports so that the can **= 146r the problem approximately I December. It. In e1osi.> Governor Staseeri expressed the hope that depart.. mental papery it rough draft form would be freely sire listed among the ec a ittee rather, than held up for i"ull dtpsntal clearance. **eee*e#e* *#**aa* s *****a, ea~e*#.** 2. The u I711g packet of material* inelare the intelligence have so far furnished, to the Season our one reaaetiaa~, Organisation. The large poZ~~si~jp~ ng copy of one of these items so pleaoo guard it with care. Approved For Release 2006/11/01; CIA-R] SJBJ CT: Preai ,#s Ops"a Cambittee c 8isari t Problem + ~ ++Ys can tiii you in on the, relevant lack PMOOMP MAO a to LAC subcozagttee. I feel that W4,111 , d go cut of business and alias adequate c to a~l aymf nd i geaey, to handle !fie job of ints~l se support ttsu? and all the various speeisUs teak forces. ROB W AX)R2, J IL Deputy etor/Int..igenee Atuabolexts