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Approved For Release 2006/12/06: CIA-RDP80B01676R0006001200~7=6 28 Augwt 1964 MEMO"14DUM FOR: The Executive Director/Comptroller SUBJECT: Oswald: Assassin Or Fall Guy? by Joachim Joesten 1. This memorandum is for information only to call your attention to a new book entitled Oswald: Assassin Or Fall Guy? by Joachim Joesten. This is one of a group of several recent books which "prove" that Lee Harvey Oswald could not, and did net, assassinate President Kennedy. While the author states that he does not know who did kill the President, he feels certain that it was a deep conspiracy in which CIA, the FBI. the Dallas police and extreme tight-wing circles were involved. Considerable emphasis to paid to the CIA role in Chapters 13 and 14, the latter entitled Oswald and the CIA. 2. There are several interesting factors concerning this book. First. it is published (1964) by the New York fires. of Marsani and Munsell, a firm which puts heavy emphasis on Communist or extreme left-wing authors. Carl Marsani worked for GCI. 055 and subsequently the Department of State. He was convicted in 1947 for making false official statements to the Department to denying his membership in the Communist Party and was sentenced to one to three years in prison. Following his release, Marsani established this publishing firm whose publications include one entitled Cuba Versus CIA (1961). of which he was also the co-author. The dust jacket of theJossten book announces the publication of a book entitled The Oswald Case by Carl Marsani, and states that his wartime U. S. intelligence and State Department experience qualifies him well "to analyse the hidden aspects of the Oswald case, particularly as related to the CIA. " We are advised that Marsant's book on the Oswald case will not be published until after the publication of the Warren Commission's report. 3. Joachim Joesten was born In Germany In 1907. and throughout his career he has been a free-lance writer and news correspondent in Europe and the U. S. Jossten is now a naturalised U. S. citisen. living in New York. He edits his own mimeographed publication. entitled New Germany Reports, which he describes as a "series of exclusive monographs. " [vj0R1/QQF/HRP 4404111 Approved For Release 2006/12/06: CIA-RDP80B01676R000600120027-6 the Agency's activities from public sources, containing the usual mix- tare of fact. extrav*gances. and misinformation. The second part of the boo Is devoted almost entf ly to the case of Colonel Abel and the Soviet spy ring around Jack Soble One of Joestenn's main themes, is that the necessary secrecy of intelligence operations creates an unchecked ceatsr of power. In the U. S. Crovesnrnent which poses a potential threat to western democracy. ritten in Journalistic style, Fart I of this book purports to describe for his employment, several associates alleged that Joestsa was a member of the German Communist Party, and that the Swedish police bad a dossier on him. These allegations could not be substantiated. 5. in 1938,, Joestea published a book in Munich entitled C. I. A. not employed because be was considered neither tennperrrnentally saint! nor physically qualified for intelligence work. During the investigation 4. Joeaten w#af consider" for OSS employment in 1943: he w&* the book. In his acknowledgment. Joesten characterises Carl Marsani as "a shrewd and hard-hitting editor and publisbe r in the finest American tradition ... "; for Mr. Hoover he suggests dismissal. cribes as brilliant and courageous. " In his dedication, Joesten states` that Lane's brief 'will go-down in history as one of the groat libertarian documents?' and characterizes the work of the FaI (1F`ederal Bungled Investigations) as "police state tactics, " a theme which runs throughout 8. Joesten dedicates his book on the Oswald case to Mark Lane, (the attorney who originally represented Oswald's mother). whom he des- cuntacw with enemy personnel. _ Jossten se"rely attacks the important testimony of the Nast German defector, Gun er Msennel. Captain Kauffman's conviction for espionage was subsequently reversed but the rest of the conviction stood. 7. In 1963, Joestan published, as the SeptemberfOetober issue of Now Clerrr-ar-y Its Ports, a monograph entitled The Trams-up of Cats Ka : How a tuneless American Officer Was 'I'ts d b a Sclreenia Rod. In this piece be comes to the defense of Captain Kauffman, an Air Force officer convicted by court martial of espionage and failure to report to CIA and another devoted to the Day of Pigs, 6. Is 1963. Joesten wrote a .bunk entitled ',Thar Call It Intelligence. which the reviewer in CIA's Studies,i*lIe1ligeato describes as a "sisaay potboiler." a Characterisation which could also probably be applied to his 1964 book. Irn Ilisaste des biisstrauens, which includes a section devoted SEMI-, 0 9. Joesten states his beliefs' . *Li: de* 44 "was picked as a fall guy precisely because, as a petty. &ad p Pe discarded, agent of the- CIA. and later of the FHI. he was as ideal scapegoat ... ", 10. In Chapter 16 of this book, Joestea again states his belief that some officials of the CIA and the FHI, as well as figures such as General nalker and H. L. Haut. were involved in the Conspiracy. and states that many readers would resist the suggestion that the CIA and the FBI could participate. "fto very id - seems unpatriotic. " (p. 146) looston states." But to support his contentions he cites "a conservative newspaper . W. Richard Starnes, " and Starnes' statement that be questioned ",whether President Kennedy himself has and affective control over this monstrous bureaucracy. "' (p. 146). Joesten wonders whether Starnes' For Eastern informant at this view of CIA might not have been Ambassador Lodge. 11. Joesten also cites another Starnes piece attacking the FBI and states further that "there are men both in the FRI and the CIA who are capable of anything, given the proper motlvS And one of the most power- ful of bureaucratic motives was operating: survival. " (p. 147). Another of Joesten's conclusions is that CIA disliked Kennedy's attempts to ease the Cold War because this would mean the dismantling of part of CIA and bringing the Agency under Preside*tial control. "I are sure there are men in CIA, just as there are General Walkers In the army, who simply couldn't accept this situation and who thought of Kennedy as a traitor. And traitors are executed.'* (p. 152). Neither does it escape Joestan's notice that Allen Dulles is a m, ember of the Warren Commission. roved For Release 2006/12/06: CIA-RDP80B01676R000600120027-6 Walter Pforsbeimer Distribution Orig & 1 w/boek - Addressee - DD/I - DD/P (Attt - DD/ S (Att : Mr. Bannerman) - NIPE Staff (Ate: Mr. 'Bros.) - IyG~M/~ ? 00C 1 yr/book C ci staff p tt: Mr. Rocca) 1 w/book D/Security (Att. Mr. Gaynor) I - CA/Prop (Att: Approved For Release 2006/12/06: CIA-RDP80B01676R000600120027-6 Approved For Release 2006/12/06: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000600120027-6