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AssI3TANT A7T0~{~~~~~d For Release 2006/09122 :CIA-RDP80B01676R0007001700~ff= ~E~'~Yk~~CCki~ .~ J~Y~~tCC tt~~ixt~tnxt AUG 2 3 1956 Honorable AZIen W. Du11es Director Central Intelligence Agency Washington 25, D. C. Attention: Mr. Orrin Long Liaison Division, O.C.R. Dear alr. Du11es: I enclose herewith a copy of the regulations which were promulgated by the Attarrtey General on August 7, 1956, to implement the Act of August 1, 1956, requiring the registration of persons who have knowledge of, or have received instruction or assignment in the v espi onacxe, counterespi onage, or sabc-tage service or tactics of a foreign government or a oreign political party. This Act repealed Section 2U~~ of the Internal Security Act of 1950, which had designated such persons as agents of a foreign principal unci'er the terms of the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938. The new statute will be administered by the Registration Section of the Internal Security Division of this Department, which also administers and enforces the Foreign Agents Registration Act. As you know, Section 3(c~ and (d~ v~' this Act e~enapts from the registrati on requirement any person concerning whom a written determination i.a made under certain conditi ons by the Attorney General or the Director of Central Intelligence that registration would not be in tYce interest of national security. Si nce ref y, J. WALTER Aeting"Assistant Attorney General Internal Security Division Approved For Release 2006/09122 :CIA-RDP80B0167000700170068-6 `~< Approved For Release 2006/09122 :CIA-RDP80B01676R000700170058-6 UY~dZTID STATES DE~'AI~Tb7E1~' OF JUSTICE Washington, D. C. TITLE 2$ -JUDICIAL ATM3.NISTRATION CI3APTER I DEPARTMENT Oli' JUSTICE PART 12. R~7GYSTRATION OF CERTAIN PERSONS UNDER THE ACT OF AUGUST 1, 156 (PUBLIC LAt~ X93, SETH CONGRESS, 2ND SESSION} Order No. 1.2t~-56 1~'ursuant to the authority vested in me by the a,ct of Au ust 1, 1~5u (Public L:aw $~3, ~3~th Congress, 2nd Session), the following rules and regulations are hereby prescribed for corrying out the purposes and provisions of that uct: Section 12.1 Dtifinitions. As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires: (a} The tern: "act? means the act of August 1, 156, Public Zs,w 8~3, Sit-th Congress, 2nd Session, requiring thc~ re~r3.str~xtion of certain persons who have luiowledge of, or have received instruction or assigxunent in th:; espionc,ge, counterspionage, or sabotage service or tactics of a foreign gavernraent or foreign political party. (b) The terns "Attorney Genets,!" mes,ns the Attorney General of the United States. (c) The term "Rules and Re~zlations" refers tv all rubs, re~;ulatians, registration forms, and instruction to forms made and prescribed by the Attorney General pursuant to the .act. (d) The term "registration statement" means the registration requirEd to be filed with the Attorney General uneler section 2 of the: act. {eJ The terra "registrant" means the person by whom a registration statement is filed pursuant to the provie~ions of 1;he act. Section 1.2.2 Administration of zct. The adu~i.nistratian of the act is assigned to the Registration SECtion of the Internal Security Division, Deps,rtment of Justiee. Communic~.tions with respect to the act s1~11 be addressed to tha Ite~;istrs,tion Section, Department of Justwce, Washi~ton 25, D. C. Cc~i~i~:s of the act, the regula- tions contained in this part, including the forms n~ention~;d therein, may be obtained upon request without charge. Approved Far Release 2006109!22:CIA-RDP80B01676R000700170058-6 Approved For Release 2006/09122 :CIA-RDP80B01676R000700170058-6 S~:etion 12.3 Frier re:~istration with the Forei n Agents egistration u~:cti;on. No person who has filed a registration statement under the terms of the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 138, as amended by section 20(a) of the Internal Security pct of ~.~5p, sh~~l1 be required to file a registration statement under the acct, u~p3.ess otherwise determined by the Chief, Reg3.stratian Section. Section 12.4 Inquiries concerning s,z~~lication a~:' act. Inquiries concerning the application of the act must be aecompaz~ied by a detailed st~~tement of all fac'4s necessary for ~- determination of the question submitted, including the identity oi' the person on whose behalf the inquixy is made, the facts t?~hich may bxing such person ~r~.thin the registration provisions of the act, and the identity of the #'oxe3gn government or foreign political party concerned. Section 12.20 Filing of registration statement. Registration statements sha,31 be filed in duplicate with the Registration Section, Department of Justice, 4dashington, D. C? Filing may be made in person ar by mail., and shall be deemed to have ta,l,en place upon the receipt thereof by the Registration Section. Suction 12.2:1. Time within yrhich reg~.stration statement must be filed. ~rery person who is or becomes sub,~ect to thy: xegistrs,tion provisions of the act after its effective date shall file a registration statement within f. ifteen days after the obligation to rega.ster ar~.ses . Suction 3.2.22 ~"~.teria3., contents of registration statement. The registration statement shall include the following, all of which shall be regarded as material far the purposes ai' the act: (a) The registrant's nasae, principal business address, and all other business addresses in the United States or elsewlxere, and all residence addresses. (b) The registrant's citizenship status and how such status was acquired. (c ) A aetailecl statement, setting forth the nature of the registrant's knowledge of the espionage, cowaterspionage, or sabotage service or tactics of a foreign government ox foreign political party, and the manner in which, place where, and date when such ]~nowledge was obtained. Approved Far Release 2006109/22 :CIA-RDP80B01676R000700170058-6 Approved For Release 2006/09122 :CIA-RDP80B01676R000700170058-6 (d) A detailed statement as to any instruct:tan or training received by the registrant in the espionage, counterespionage, or sabotage service or tactics of a foreign goverzuuent or foreign po:l.itical party, including a description of the type of instruction, or training received, a description of any courses taken, the dates when such courses coxumenced and when they ceased, and the name and offic~.al title of the instructor or instructors under whose supervision the courses were received as well as the name and location of schools and aths~r institutions attended, the dates of such attendance, and the names of the directors of the schools and institutions attended. (e) A detailed statement describing any assignment received in the espionage, counterespionage, or sabots.~;e service or tactics of a foreign government or foreign political party, including the type of assigrm:ent, the date whop each assignment began, the dat4 cf cor~pletian of each assign- ment, name and title of the person ar persons under whose supervision the assigz~nent tans executed, anal a complete description of the nature of the assi~,nment and the exECUtivn thereof . (f) A detailed statement of any relationship which wsy exist at the tame of registration, other than through emplayuzent, between the registrant and any foreign government or forQi~;?n political :arty. (g) Sueh other statements, ini'ormation, or documents pertinenE to the purposes and obJeetives of the act as the Attorney General., having due regard for the national sccuxity and the public interest, may require by this part or amenc~nts thereto. Section 12.23 Deficient registration statement A registration statement which is detern~.ned.to be incomplete, inaccurate, misleading, or false, by the Chief, 3~egistration Section, may be returned by him to the registran'~ as being unacceptable for filing under the terms of the act. Section 12.2+ Forms. (a) Every person required to register under ttie act shall file a registration statement on Form GA-l, and such other forms as u~,y from time to time be prescribed by the Attorney General. (b) Flatter contained in any part of the registration statement or other document may not be incorporated by reference as answer, or partial answer, to any other item in the registration statement required to be filed under the act. (c) Except as speci~'ically provided otherwise, if any item on the form is inapplicable, or the answer is "Ptone," an e~aress statement to such effect shall be made. (d) Every statement; amendment, and every duplicate thereof, shall be executed 'under oath and shall be shorn to befoxe a notary public or other officer authorised to administer oaths. -3+ Approved For Release 2006/09122 :CIA-RDP80B01676R000700170058-6 Approved For Release 2006/09122 :CIA-RDP80B01676R000700170058-6 (e) A registration statement, or amendment thereof required to be filed shall, if possible be typewritten, but will be regarded as in substantial compliance with this xegulation if written legibly in black ink. {~) Riders shall not be used. Tf the space on the registration state- ment ox other form is insufficient for any answer, reference shall be made in the appropriate space to a full i.r~~ert page ox~ pages on which the item number and item shall be restated and the co~zzplete a~zswea? given. Section 12.25 Az~ended xeg,istration statement. (a) An amended registration statement rcay b~: required by the Chief, Registration Section, of any person subject to the registration provisions of the act whose original registration statement filed pursuant thereto is deemed to be incomplete, inaccurate, false, or ru~;sleading. (b) Amendments sha11 conform in all respect; to the regulations herein prescribed governing execution and filing of original registration statements. (c) Amendments shall. in every case make apps?opriate reference by number ar otherwise to the items in original -registration statements to which they relate. (dj Amendments shall be deemed to have been filed upon the receipt thereof by the Registration Section. (e) Failure of the Chief, Registration Sect:Lon, to request any person described in sectio>l ~ of the eat to file an amended registration statement shall not preclude prosecution of such person foa^ a wilfully false state~- ment of a material fact, the iti~i.lful omission of a material i'act, or the wilful omission of a material. fact necessary to crake the statements tlzerein not misleading, in an original registration statE~ment. Section 1.2.30 Burden of establisavailabiJ.it~ of exemptions . r..~...-~.. In alJ. ~,atters pertaining to exemptions, the burden of establ~.shing the availability of the exemption shall. rest with. the person far whose benefit the exemption is claimed. Section .7.2.40 Public examination. Registration statementE shall be available :fax public examination at the offices of the Registration Section, T~epaxt~uent of Justice, Tenth Street and Fennsylvania Avenue, N. W., Washington 25, 1). C., from 10:00 a,m. to 4,00 p.m. on each official business day, except 'to the extent that the Attorney General, having due regard for the national security and public interest, niay withdraw such statements from publ:ie examination. Section 12,41 Pho~aca~e~, (a) Photocopies of registration statements :filed in accordance with section 2 of the act axe available to the public upon payment of fifty cents Approved Far Release 2006109!22:CIA-RDP80B01676R000700170058-6 Approved For Release 2006/09122 :CIA-RDP80B01676R000700170058-6 per photocopy of each p?~,ge, w?iether several .copies of a single original page or one or mode copies of several original pages axe ordered. (Y~} Estimates as to prices for photocopies and the t:Eme required for their preparation will be furnished upon request addressed to the Registrs.tian Section, Department of Justice, Washington 25, D. C. (c) Payment shall accompany the order for photocopies and shai]. be made in cash, or by United States money order, ar by certified bank checl~ payable to the Treasurer of the United States. Postage stamps will not be accepted. Section x2.70 Paxtial cam~l~e,nce not deemed cam lip ante. '.~'he fact that a registration statement has been filed shah. not necessarily be deemed a full. compliance with tYie act on the part of the registrant; nor shall it preclude prosecution, a~; provided for in the act, far wi~ul failure. to file a registxation statement, or far a ~r3.1- fully fa~.se statement of a materia3. fact therein, or fvr the tiri].ful omission of a material fact required to be stated therein. This order shall become effective upon its publication in the I~'ederal Regj.ster. Compliance with the provisions of section ~~ of the Ad~~.nistrative Procedure Act (GO Stat. 23~; 5 U.S.C. 10?3) relative to notice of proposed rule ms.~in~; and delayed effective date is impracticable and corltraxy to the public interest in this instance, for the reason that such compliance ~rould unduly delay and impede the implementation and administration of the act of August ~., l~>G, Public Law X393, 3~+th Cangxess, 2nd Session. I~.ted: August 6, 19~G. ~s ?Hexbext Brownell, Jr. Attorney General Approved Far Release 2006109/22 :CIA-RDP80B01676R000700170058-6