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STAT Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R 0994!;5020034-6 The Honoreble Gord Special Assistant to National Security Affairs The White House Washiegton ZS. D. C. 1 3 OCT 1960 Dear ?cordon: sident for JUL Kitty Chris I have r exantioed the 1930 paper prepared for you by In the light of cerrest conditions. As I stated is my address to the Veterans of Foreign Wars La August, we seed ia this country more *Wootton en the history and policies of the Communist movement. Vier* is a real urgeoey te build up our knowledge on the entire background of the Coounnaist thrust acairlrt our alvt1taation. The proposed Institut* at the Usiversity of 1431-th Carolina would certaialy help fill this need. I doubt however Whether it is advisable to centralise the study ef Communism in a how institutions. I believe that it is essential for our educaticeisl institutions throughout the country to emphasise training in ail 5f the ramifications of Comm:mint intrigue and its historical background. I have no obecttan to your forwarding the 19-50 paper to the President of the University of North Carolina as I feel it is an excellent paper as of its date. Of course since then we have learned a good bit more 111i1Ont the nature of the Communist Etire Also corns of the suggestiens for faculty appointments tna,y no Longer be applicable. You naight find the most useful part et tae poesy is Appendix III which provides suggestions for courass 07. Communism. (EXECUTIVE FILE Approved For Release (902/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000900020034-6 STAT Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000900020034-6 believe risen miiversitirs hv. en rtins Dias Communist that the University of North Wasik is this field to espied our andierataa4 sm. Shiterely. Aliso W. DuUes Director Eareloseres: S TAT CA/PRO/C/PLB iS Oct 60 Rewritten: AWDmfb 10 Oct 60 Second page rewritten: AlkD:blp 13 Oct 60 Distribution: Orli & 1 - Addressee whinc 1 - DDC1 1 - DC1 1 - ER w/basic 1 - DD/P 1 - ADDP/A CA/PRG/C/PLB STAT STAT oncurrecl Chief. Covert Action Staff CA.4 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000900020034-6 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/08/2S 180B01676R000900020034-6 to expand the tea IIILCS000 in its new e additional advice. iarn. I wtah the University - be glad to provide 2 racloeuree cc: DDCI Signature Recommended: CA/ PRG/ Cl Allen W. Done* Director emc (5 Octobe 1960) Distribution: Orig and 1 - Addressee 1 - DDCI 2 - DCI 1 - DD/ 1 - ADDY)/ A 2 - CA/ PRG/ C/ PLB 2 Approved For Release 2002grC1RptRDP801301676R000900020034-6 Approved For Release 2 A-RDP80601676R000900020034-6 V4Ita*SEI n le Gordon Gray Assistant to the President for Security Af fairy The W e Haus e Wssb1ngtn 25. D. C. omitted the 1950 paper prepared for you by 25X1 the light of current conditions. As I stated in my ess to the rano of .5-oreign *ars in Atatist, we need in this country mar. .4 Hon on the history and policies of the Communivt vexzent. There s a real tirgsacy to build up our knowtodge on the e background o the Communist thrust against our civilisation. * the proposed Ituft at the University of North Carolina would kelp fill this a I doubt whether it is advisable to contralixe study of Conarnuni In one institution. For a wider appreciatior , olievo that it is eel for educational institutions throughout tho country to emphasize sitting in all of the ramifications of Com- munist intrigue and its M* teal background. Although do not object forwarding the 1950 paper to the dent of the 17niversity of N h Carolina, you might like to out to hint the doubt express 4 above, as weU as the fact that am of the suggestions for faculty intrnonts sem no longer applicable. You might find that meat aeful part of the paper ia Appendix III which provider sugg..tio for courses on Cammurth I believe that American universitio play in increasing andorstanding of the gratifying to learn that the University of N an important part tr at throat. It Carolina is planning Approved For Release 2002 MHL-91A-RDP80601676R00900020034-6 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000900020034-6 THE WHITE HOUSE WAS H IN GTO N September 12, 1960 Dear Allen: You probably have forgotten that in 1950 for some months prior to my inauguration as President of the University of North Carolina, I gave a good deal of thought to the prospect of establishing at the University a Free World Institute. land others were very helpful to me in formulating, some ideas about the project. I expended considerable effort but had a good degree of success in "selling" the idea to top faculty leadership. However, I was unsuccessful in obtaining foundation funds and the University being a State-supported institution didn't have any reserves to draw upon. Recently I have learned from the President of the University of North Carolina that on his initiative the Universits, would like to consider again proceeding with such a project. There is attached a memorandum from dated 22 May 1950 and a proposed program of study and research. I know that you think well of this general idea in educational instutions. I am wondering, however, if you feel that documentation is still valid. Would you have your people take a look at it and let me know whether it would be appropriate for me to send to the University the paper -- of course without any identification with your agency. Gordon Gray Honorable Allen W. Dulles Director of Central Intelligence Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000900020034-6