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'Office3.of the Director TOP c,r( T '2 #7739 -Her e.x A . Approved For Release 20( &1OZ;,C1A-RDP80BO1676RO0100001OO6w sofa VXWAL, BUMO (V IBVESTItMTIcIt UNITED STATES IXPAIMM CAP JUSTICE WASHING' (l 25, D.C July 1$, 1953 Mr. Allen W. Dulles Director, Central Intelligence Agency Administration Building Room 123 2430 E Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. Dear Mr. Dulles: PERSOM AND CLWI -2LA . VIA LIAISOJ The data in the attached memorandum are submitted ftr yow information. I an unable to evaluate these data other than to state that the informant has furnished very reliable and tmporL.xt information in the past. It is expected that he will also obtain valuable information in the future, eM for his protection it i.: requested that the attached a*ozv ndxun be treated as Top Secret- This information has also been furnished to the Attorney General; Honorable Robert Cutler, Administrative Assistant to t,-.e President; Dr. Walter T. Colby, Director of Intelligence, Atomi-. Energy Comsission; Brigadier General Edward 1. Porter, U$AF, Ds;.tut; Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff, Joint Chiefs ' Sta:_T; Major General Joseph F. Carroll, Director of Special Investigat ons. The Inspector General, USAF; Major General Richard C. Par-.ridge- Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2, Department of the Army; Rear Ada., ral. Carl F. Rape, Director of Naval Intelligence; Brigadier General Charles Y. Bent Ill, Director of Intelligence, Department of the Air Force; General Walter B. Smith, Under Secretary of State; Honorable Janes S. Lay, Jr., Executive Secretary, National Secu,ity- Council, In addition, the information relating to alleged Soviet coerceu in the offices of Mr. Churchill and Mr. Eden, and relating to &viet coverage of atomic energy development in Raglan,, has bean turui to appropriate British officials through established liaison ehsi Sincerely ;;ours, /signed/ J. EnAP WMR Attachment Approved For Release 2003/09"t-'CI 6B018'U100i~rd1' 0 Approved For Release 2003 Q 296MAOP80B01676R001000010001- UNITED STATES D'A r (A+' JU8ZICE FERAL BUREAU MF IMVl QsATIOJ WASHI no D.C. July As 1953 The following information was furnished by an informant lea hoe given extremely reliable information in the past. It pure; to represent statements made by a Soviet official stationed in Europe. This official is believed to be attached to the new Ministry of Rowe Affairs, which was created after the death of Stalin through a consolidation of the Ministries of Internal AttairL. and State Security. This information we obtained by inforean pvt - to the arrest of L. P. Beria. It was stated that Premier Malenkov is busy trying to key: fr being unseated as Premier and to keep peace in the Coe>aetunist Pa,ty and the Soviet ArmW. Molotov is in trouble. The Soviets need someone like Litvinov who could coke more friends in the western countries and at the same time keep the satellite countries under the thumb". Bog molov (possibly Alexandr Bogoolov, an Assist-4nt Minister of Foreign Affairs in 1951 and later Soviet Aeebsssaclo:? to Czechoslovakia) or Mslik (possibly Jacob 1ielik) may take folote r ? ss job. Molotov allegedly has been assigned the task of making neor, friends in England and creating aarre anti-American feeling in, t; 4at country. Molotov is said to have a source (a woman) in Churchi`l.'s office and a source (a man) in Eden's Office. The Soviets will attempt to make "deals" with the British to sell them Russian goods below the world market price. It was reported that the Soviets have no difficulty in kee,ing advised of atomic developments in Treace, have about ninety per ceen-=: coverage of develam~ is in England and still have a good sourcki in -Fn the United States identifying data is available concerning the United States source). The Soviets believe that by 1956 they v_11 have a sufficient stockpile of atomic and other weapons for war They are not ready for war now and do not want war. Beriz is reported to have stated that the Russians would have only a amali chance if war comes before 1956. The Soviets have ;nov reportedly developed a new type of var?uint; system against atomic attack which is superior to radar. It vil i reveal the approach of planes carrying atomic weapons from approxi- mately 663 ail es away. The system has been tested and found to Je workable. However, the Soviets need ties to complete the system arm should have it ocagrleeted by 1956. They believe that the rreeterr countries do not have this new warning system but rely on radar. Approved For Release 2003169/Q2 ;CIA-RDP80B01676RO01000010001-1 REFERRED TO RECEIVED RELEASED nrcInc SEEN BY CLASSIFIED TOP SECRET WITHIN THE CIA1AND WILL lREMAINcATTACH D TO THEHDOCUMENTBUNTIL SUCHRTIMENAS IV TGE IDUACLS Wit?-;l -;l FpR DESTROYED OR TRANSMITTED OUTSIDE OF CIA. ACCESS TO TOP SECRET MATERIAL IS LIMITED TO THOSE IND- FICIAL DUTIES RELATE TO THE MATERIAL. EACH ALTERNATE OR ASSISTANT TOP SECRET CONTROL OFFICER WHO RE -EIVE: OR RELEASES THE ATTACHED TOP SECRET MATERIAL WILL SIGN THIS FORM AND INDICATE PERIOD OF CUSTODY IN THE LEFT-H4, '+?L- UMNS PROVIDED. THE NAME OF EACH INDIVIDUAL WHO HAS SEEN THE TOP SECRET DOCUMENT AND THE DATE OF HANDLIN,, ;.H)4ILD INDICATED CIA CONTROL N). 77393 Sari E--.F. DATE DOC. RFC 0. LOGGED BY SPACES BELOW AND TRANSMITTED TO CENTRAL TOP SECRET CONTROL 0 RE THE TOP SECRET MATERIAL DETACHED FROM THIS FORM WAS: ov rer ~. NATU FORM NO. 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