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The Revolt in
A Documentary Chronology of Events
OCTOBER 23, 1956 ? NOVEMBER 4, 1956
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T HIS document records the story of the Hungarian people's revolt as broadcast day-
to-day, hour-by-hour. The record begins with the Radio Budapest account of stu-
dent demonstrations on October 23: 1956, continues through the Soviet military inter-
vention on November 4, 1956, and includes significant excerpts from broadcasts through
November 9, 1956. The source materials for these transcriptions are the broadcasts of
all the central and provincial radio stations in Hungary, official and unofficial. These
broadcasts were monitored, translated from the Hungarian, and edited to give a running
account of the most important political, economic and military events of the revolt. Pas-
sages have been selected only on the basis of their significance in the sequence of devel-
opments; they have been given as completely and in'as great length as possible, with a
particular eye for materials which were not published elsewhere.
The italicized daily summaries are based on press, radio and eyewitness accounts
where confirmation or corroboration were possible. The photographs were obtained from
news services and private individuals:
The record speaks for itself and requires little commentary. Footnotes have been
provided as necessary to explain the background of people and places.
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Resolutions Passed by
the Workers' Councils of
the 11th District of
The labor representatives of the
workers of the plants of the 11th
District have unanimously decided
that in the interest of the Socialist
construction of Hungary and of the
Hungarian people's future, they are
willing to resume work under the fol-
lowin conditions:
1. We wish to emphasize that the revolutionary working
class considers the factories and the land the property of
the working people.
2. The Workers' Parliament recognizes the Kadar gov-
ernment as a negotiating party, provided that the govern
ment, to assure its own legality, will reorganize itself to
conform with the will of the people.
3. The people have put their faith in the workers' coun-
cils to make certain that the will of the people continues to
he carried out. We demand that the authority of the work-
ers' councils be expanded and reaffirmed by the govern-
ment in the economic, cultural and social fields.
4. In the interest of preserving order and re-establishing
peace, we demand that a date be set for free elections in
which only those parties may participate that recognize
and have always recognized the Socialist order, based on
the principle that means of production belong to society.
5. We demand the immediate freeing of the members
of the Imre Nagy government which was elected by the
revolution, as well as the release of the freedom fighters.
6. We demand that a cease-fire be ordered immediately,
as well as the prompt withdrawal of Soviet troops from
Budapest, since Hungarian authorities can assure order
through the labor force. And we demand that as soon as
workers have resumed work, the Hungarian government
open negotiations for the gradual and orderly withdrawal
of Soviet troops from the territory of the country, and
keep the public informed on the progress of these negotia-
7. The police force must be organized from the honest
workers of the plants and from the Army units loyal to the
8. It is requested that the above points be made public
by the government on the radio and through the press.
Conclusion: We shall immediately begin with recon-
struction, work toward supplying the people with food and
re-establish transport facilities, but other tasks will be un-
dertaken only after recognition of our demands and after
they are carried out.
Budapest, November 12, 1956
Youth Manifesto
We staged a demonstration on October 23: we took the
radio; the Corvin Theater, Miskolc, Gyor, Dunapentele,
Cscpcl were ours. Tanks and misled foreign soldier; were
arrayed against us, and yet the city became ours. tf:e coun-
try became ours! The whole Hungarian natior stands
unanimously beside us! The revolution has been vii t~,rious!
And yet God knows on what authority a few coo Dg poli-
ticians in parliament, calling themselves the worker-peasant
government, in the name of the people, behind tlir backs
of the people, direct the tank guns against the? , talk-
ing of a counterrevolution and Fascism nd reviling us, re-
viling the whole Hungarian nation. They want to betray
us and sell us to the Soviet government, to the sec,u ity po-
lice, to Gero and Rakosi and their ignominious grcup, who
have had our cities destroyed with a bar'oarous cruelty sur-
passing even Hitler's. The last of the traitors i~ Janos
Kadar! His crimes are a thousand time, worse than those
of any of his predecessors: genocide, treason, cowzrdicc!
In the name of the dead, in the name of the dean' of the
Hungarian and Russian peoples, we accuse hit,.t and call
him to account, him and his bosses, the responsible leaders
of the Soviet government. As evidence of our strength, we
will keep up the strike as long as a single soldier s on our
country's territory.
For a neutral, independent, democratic and socialist
There can be no more bargaining, no pardon, no excuse.
We accuse and the accusations must be answered.
November 12, 1956
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The Hungarian Revolt
Tuesday, October 23,1956
Student demonstrations in Budapest take place in front of the statue of General Bern and
the Polish Embassy. Students demand reforms, democratization, the return of Imre Nagy.
Police try to disperse the crowd when students attempt to be heard over Budapest radio.
Tear gas is used and then students are arrested. The crowd attempts to free the students
and the police open fire. The demonstration turns into a riot and street fighting breaks out.
Martial law is declared, a call for Russian troops issued, and, during the night, Soviet
tanks and jets are reported used against the demonstrators.
Radio Budapest, Home Service
0900 hrs.' "AS REPORTED yesterday, general meetings
of students have been held in several Budapest universities.
At these meetings it was decided that the youth of Budapest
will hold a silent demonstration of sympathy in front of the
Embassy of the Polish People's Republic. It is the aim of
the silent demonstration to express the deep sympathy and
solidarity of youth with the events in Poland.'
"Youth has also approved a resolution to denounce and
suppress any kind of extreme, provocative and anarchistic
demonstrations. They avow that the demonstration of sym-
pathy will take place in the spirit of Socialist democracy
' All times-both broadcast times and hours mentioned in broad-
casts-Greenwich Mean Time [GMT] ; this is one hour earlier
than Budapest time.
2 Referring to the extensive Polish liberalization and in particu-
lar to the October 19-21 meeting of the Polish Party's Central
Committee, which elected "national Communist" Wladyslaw Go-
mulka Party leader and defied threats of Soviet force.
and promise to maintain order and discipline. University
youth will meet in front of the Writers' Union Building at
1330 hrs. this afternoon."
1100 "The Hungarian Writers' Union wishes to ex-
press its great appreciation of the events in Poland. . . .
Hungarian writers, who in the course of the past years
constantly fought for democratization and against Rakosi's
policy, believe the chief tasks of the Hungarian public to
be, firstly, to assure further advance on the path of Socialist
democracy, secondly, to avoid and beat off all possib.''e
provocations which, making. use of the enthusiasts created
by the Polish events in Hungarian workers and students,
might disturb our happiness and political endeavors."
1153 "A communique from the Ministry of the Interior:
"In order to assure public order, the Minister of the
Interior is not permitting any public meetings and demon-
strations until further notice. [Signed] Laszlo Piros, Minister
of the Interior." [The announcement was repeated at 1215.1
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Tuesday, October 23,1956-Afternoon
Radio Budapest, Home Service
1323 "LASZLO Piros, Minister of the Interior, has
withdrawn the ban imposed on public meetings and dem-
"The First Secretary of the Central Committee of the
Hungarian Workers' [Communist]. Party, Comrade Erno
Gero, will speak tonight at 1900 hrs." [This announce-
ment is repeated four times in the ensuing half hour.]
1400 "On October 23, 1956, at 1300 hrs., the Central
Committee of the DISZ3 opened its sixth meeting. The
Central Committee approved the demonstration of Buda-
pest youth in sympathy with the Polish People's Republic.
It then decided to participate in the demonstration, and
the meeting was therefore interrupted.... The Commit-
tee requested university students and other youth partici-
pating in the demonstrations to prevent any attempts at
"6. We propose that Mihaly Farkas" case be tried it
public in accordance with Socialist legality.
"7. We propose that the Central Committec? revise err
tain resolutions recently passed . . . concerning literature
and the Petofi Club....
"8. Let even the most delicate questions be made pub
lic: the balance sheets of our foreign trade agrecr: crt,
and the plans concerning the utilization of Hungari;crt
"9. With a view to consolidating Hungarian-Soviet
friendship, let us establish even closer relations with thy.
Party, State and people of the Soviet Union on the basis
of the Leninist principles of complete equality.
"10. We demand that the Central Committee o. tic
DISZ take a stand,'at their October 23 meeting, on tic
points of this resolution and adopt a decision on tiF
democratization of the Hungarian youth movement,
"The above resolution was published in all newspapcr.
this morning."
Radio Budapest, in French to Europe
1300 "Last night the Petofi Club4 of Budapest held
a meeting and adopted the following resolution:
"1. In view of the present situation in Hungary, we
propose that a session of the ... Party's Central Committee
be convened as soon as possible. Comrade Imre Nagy'
should take part in the preparatory work of this- session.
"2. We consider it necessary that the Party and the gov-
ernment disclose in all sincerity the economic situation in
the country, revise the Second Five Year Plan [1956-
"3. The Central Committee [of the Party] and the gov-
ernment should adopt every method possible to insure the
development of Socialist democracy....
"4. We propose . . . that Comrade Imre Nagy and
other comrades who fought for Socialist democracy and
for Leninist principles should occupy a worthy place in
the direction of the Party and the government.
"5. We propose the expulsion of Matyas Rakosi" from
the Party Central Committee and his recall from the Na-
tional Assembly and the Presidium. It is necessary that
the CC . . . bring to a halt present attempts at Stalinist
and Rakosi-like restoration.
3 The Union of Working Youth, the Communist-dominated
youth organization.
4 A recently-organized club of intellectuals which has acted as a
major forum of the intellectual ferment and liberalization. It
is named after the great 19th Century poet of the struggle for
Hungarian independence.
5 Former Premier (July 1953-March 1955), expelled from Party
in 1955, readmitted October 1956. Symbol of the post-Stalin New
Course and considered a "national Communist."
Radio Budapest, in Hungarian to Europe
1730 "National flags, young people with rosette, of
the national colors singing the Kossuth9 song, the Marseil -
laise and the Internationale-this is how we can describe-
in colors and in the titles of songs how Budapest today is
bathed in the October sunshine and celebrates a new Ices
of March.
"This afternoon a vast youth demonstration took plac!-
in our capital.. Although at noon today the Minim;
of the Interior banned all demonstrations, the Politburo of
the Hungarian Workers' [Communist] Party eehanged the
decision. Scholars, students of technological faculties,
students of philosophy, law, economics, together w-t=r
students from other university branches, took part in the
march led by their professors and leaders of the university
Party organizations.
"At first there were only thousands but they were joined
by young workers, passersby, soldiers, old people, secor:d-
ary-school students and motorists. The vast crowd gr,w
to tens of thousands. The streets resounded with these
slogans: `People of Kossuth, March Forward Hand in
Hand,' `We Want a New Leadership-We Trust In ire
6 First Secretary of the Hungarian Party until July 1956 lo+u:-
time symbol of Stalinist rule.
' Former Defense Minister, dismissed from the Party in July
1956 and later arrested for violations of "Socialist legality." 4.e.,
for use of Stalinist methods.
8 Both these points are references to Soviet economic exploita-
tion of Hungary.
9 Louis Kossuth, Nineteenth Century Hungarian leader, hero of
the March 15, 1848 revolution against Austria. See later dem;,rd
for national holiday to mark the day.
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Nagy,' `Long Live the People's Army,' and so forth. The
shouts reverberate, the national colors flutter in the air,
windows are open. The streets of Budapest are filled witi
a new wind of greater freedom...."
Tuesday, October 23, 195 6 -Night
Radio Budapest, Home Service
1830 AT TODAY'S Politburo session ... it was decided
that the next meeting of the Central Committee will be
called for October 31. The agenda will be: 1. the po-
litical situation and the tasks of the Party-speaker, Erno
Gero; 2. questions concerning organizational problems."
1900 First Party Secretary Erno Gero addresses nation.
He says, in part: "Dear Comrades! Dear Friends! Work-
ing people of Hungary! . . . It is our resolute and unal-
terable intention to develop, widen and deepen democracy
in our country. . . . But of course we want a Socialist
democracy and not a bourgeois democracy. Following
our Party and our conviction, our working class and our
people are jealously guarding the achievements of our
People's Democracy and will not allow anyone to touch
them. We shall defend these achievements from what-
ever quarters they may be threatened. The main purpose
of the enemies of our people today is to undermine the
power of the working class ... to shake the people's faith
in their Party . . . to try to loosen the close and friendly
ties between our country . . . and the other countries
building Socialism, particularly between our country and
the Socialist Soviet Union. They try to loosen the ties
between our Party and the glorious Communist Party
of the Soviet Union, the Party of Lenin, the Party of
the Twentieth CPSU Congress.'"
"They heap slanders on the Soviet Union; they assert
that our trade relations with the Soviet Union are one-
sided and that our independence allegedly has to be de-
fended not against the imperialists but against the Soviet
Union. All this is a barefaced lie, hostile slander without
a grain of truth. The truth is that the Soviet Union not
only liberated our country from the yoke of Horthy fascism
and German imperialism, but that after the war, when
our country lay prostrate, the Soviet Union also stood by
its and concluded agreements with us on the basis of full
equality, and that it still continues this policy.
"There are those who intend to create a conflict between
proletarian internationalism and Hungarian patriotism.
We Communists are Hungarian patriots . . . we also
categorically make it plain that we are not nationalists.
? ? . We therefore condemn those who strive to spread
the poison of chauvinism among our youth and who have
taken advantage of the democratic freedom assured to
working people by our State to carry out a demonstration
of a nationalistic character. . . . We are patriots but at
the same time we are also proletarian internationalists."
"February 1956. It marked the official beginning of the deni-
gration of Stalin and encouraged liberalization.
1923 A bulletin stated that the previous announcement
of the Central Committee meeting was "erroneous" and
that the CC would meet "in a few days."
2122 "Dear listeners, you now hear a special announce-
ment: the Politburo . . . called on the Central Commit-
tee to meet immediately in order to discuss tie present
situation and the tasks to be carried out."
2123 "This afternoon the youth of Budapest marched
up to Parliament. In the evening Comrade Lure Nagy
addressed the youth. Comrade Imre Nagy is now holding
discussions with youth representatives."
Radio Budapest, in French to Europe
2300 "This morning, students of all the universities and
high schools in Budapest staged a demonstration under
the leadership of the Petofi Club of the DISZ, which
decided . . . to take responsibility for their [the students'1
action.... A delegate of the Petofi Military Academy also
spoke, expressing the sympathy of the Academy students
with the following demands:
"A Socialist Hungary, truly independent; March 15 an
official holiday; Imre Nagy reinstated in his former office;
the State established on a new economic basis; new leaders
for the Party and government; those responsible for mis-
takes held accountable at a public trial....
"At the Polytechnic University, Mihaly Feketc, Deputy
Minister of the Interior, announced to the students that
the ban on the march had been lifted. He emphasized
that the employees and Communists of the Ministry had
rallied to the side of honest Hungarians in the interests of
a change... Shortly before 1400 hrs. the youth of the
universities gathered in front of the Petofi statue in Pest,
singing the Kossuth hymn. . . . The demonstrators, in-
cluding well-known professors, carried Hungarian and Po-
lish flags. At 1400 hrs. Imre Sinkovits, the actor, recited
Petofi's poem, `Rise, Hungarian!' He then read the de-
mands of the students. Finally, the demonstration marched
toward Buda, where it was joined by students of the Poly-
technic University, and all gathered before the statue of
General Bern".... Nearly 800 officers of the Hungarian
People's Army joined the youth and marched in a group.
. . . Members of the Petofi Club, with the aid of loud-
speakers, thanked those present for their support. . . .
Students bearing Hungarian and Polish flags mounted to
the foot of the statue and university delegates placed
11 Polish patriot and leader who also fought for Hungarian inde-
pendence in the 19th Century.
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wreaths there. Fifty thousand people sang the National
. "Peter Vercs, Chairman of the Hungarian Writers' Un-
ion, then read the seven-point resolution of the presidium
of the Writers' Union, and its demands. It runs as fol-
lows: -
" `We have arrived at a historic turning point. In this
revolutionary situation we shall not be able to acquit our-
selves well unless all the Hungarian working people rally
as a disciplined group. The leaders of the Party and State
have so far failed to present a workable program. The
responsibility for this lies with those who, instead of ex-
panding Socialist democracy, have obstinately organized
themselves and are still organizing in an effort to restore
the terrorist regime of Stalin and Rakosi. We Hungarian
writers have formulated in seven points the demands of
the Hungarian nation.
" `1. We demand an independent national policy based
on the principles of Socialism. Our relations with all coun-
tries, particularly with the USSR and the People's Democ-
racies, should be based on the principle of equality. We
demand that the conventions and economic agreements
made between States be reviewed in the spirit of equality
of rights for. the nations involved.-
" `2. We demand an end to the [present] policy on na-
tional minorities....
`3. We demand a clear disclosure of the country's
economic situation....
" `4. Factories should he directed by workers and spe-
cialists. The present wage system should be reformed, as
should working norms and the disgrace'-ul condition of
social benefits, and so forth. Trade unions should truly
represent the interests of the Hungarian working class.
" `5. Our present agricultural policy should be estab-
lished on new foundations, and peasants mould be assured
the right of free self-determination....
" `6. . . . The Rakosi clique, seeking restoration, must
be removed from our political life. Imre Nagy, the pure
and courageous Communist who enjoys the confidence of
the Hungarian people and all those who in the part years
have fought systematically for Socialist democracy, should
be given a suitable post. At the same time, a s e,olute
stand must be taken against all counterrevolutionary at-
tempts and aspirations.
"'7. The development of the situation demands that
the Patriotic People's Front1' should assume politica repre-
sentation of the working classes of Hungarian snnciety.
Our electoral system should correspond to the demands
of Socialist democracy. The people should elect. b-' secret
ballot, their representatives to parliamert and to all the
autonomous organs of our administration.
" 'We believe that we are expressing the thought:; of the
nation', says the declaration in conclusion,"
12 The overall mass organization, led by Communists an-
dering their arms before the deadline are promised immunity.
Budapest Radio announces that order has been restored in Gyor, Szeged, Komarom an,'
Szekesfehervar, but admits fighting still going on in Budapest.
The government issues repeated appeals for order; ministers plead with the people to re
turn to work, citing food and fuel shortages which endanger the health of the population.
Radio Budapest, Home Service
0500 REPETITION of previous day's broadcast appealing
to the rebels to lay down their arms.
0900 "Members of the Hungarian Revolutionary Worker-
Peasant Government took the oath of office on November
7 in the presence of Istvan Dobi, Chairman of the Presi-
dential Council. The Government then . . . passed the
following resolutions:
"l. . . . all officials of ministries and higher organs of
administration ... should report without delay in order to
resume work... .
"3. . . . All civil servants, including employees of local
organs . . . must report for duty by November 10, 1956.
Those willfully failing to do so must be regarded as hav-
ing voluntarily resigned from their posts and it is forbidden
... to furnish them further pay or allowances....
"4. . . . Revolutionary Committees should remove from
their ranks without delay counterrevolutionary elements
opposed to the ... People's Republic....
"5? . . . All railway workers should regard it as their
patriotic duty to liquidate the present disorderly situa-
"8. . . . The government orders managers of food shops
to make provisions within 24 hours for reopening their
shops. ..."1
* * *
Address by Istvan Dobi, Chairman of the Presidential
Council,' to the peasantry:
i Other resolutions were: that executive committees of local
councils should be responsible for implementing the regime's or-
ders; that Dr. Gyorgy Csanady was to be Commissioner for Posts and
Transportation ; that a Commission for Public Supplies be ap-
pointed; and that schools must open wherever possible.
' Istvan Dobi, a peasant and former member of the Smallhold-
ers' Party, was Chairman of the Presidential Council under Rakosi.
"Brethren, Hungarian peasants. . . . We must .,pe,t a
new page in our history, and it is saddening that we had
to liquidate the mistakes, errors and crim, Ls of t hhe 1 ?ast
amid the roar of guns . . . and that we have to stt:r a
new life in this poor country from ruins. . . T;wrv will
be Socialist democracy, legality and a Gvorker-,'eas.tnt
rule. . . . The humane, honest, clever Hungarian ;_)eas:tnt
way of life will be enforced. . . . It is a goal for whi l I
have worked very hard in the past years, o ten in va:r -
a goal for which you have suffered so much . G/hf n-
let's hope soon---the weapons fall silent . . . a )ove the runs
there shall blossom forth a flourishing life oward which
we all aspire.
1000 "... Members of the Army who, on ..ccount of t le
exceptional situation, have become separated fron, to jr
units or institutions, should . . . stay where i ,ev all * *
"The commander of Soviet military units . h:Ls c?r-
dered : 1. Arms must be surrendered at on( e, but at t1 to
latest by 1600 [GMT] on November 9. Pconve =.ur-
rendering arms will not be called to account. .. 2- 't raflic
restrictions in Budapest are lifted as of No; ember b ?-
tween 0600 and 1800 hours [GMT]. The command l-o
calls on factory, communications and public supply servir e
workers to resume work. All who hinder th?
of work will be called to account...."
. . The Revolutionary Worker-Peasant GoverinDoi t
calls on workers of meat, bakery and dairy in lustr\ ',stal--
lishments in Budapest to resume production . ftd h,
sake of providing food.... We appeal to transport ' nt 's -
prises to . . . deliver flour from mills to baker cs.. Th?-,
Budapest City Council appeals to all drivers . to tivcr:;
on the delivery of food. . . . The government also appe:th
to provincial food industry enterprises to organize l t u:
deliveries of bread, meat, milk, flour, sugar and live an frr,l
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Budapest. . . . All trucks carrying food . . . should be
irly labeled with the notice: `Food.' Soviet military
its have been given orders to facilitate food deliveries
5 Address by Gyorgy Marosan, Minister of State,
workers and peasants :
Workers, working peasants, my comrades!
-We must see clearly in the present grave situation....
2 Hungarian Worker-Peasant Government was formed
=order to protect the Hungarian working population.
r- creation of this government was made necessary be-
-se the ravages of the counterrevolutionary elements had
be stopped.... In the course of the past years the ad-
_turist policy of the Rakosi-Gero clique has caused de-
.ied dissatisfaction among the Party membership, the
rkers and the broad strata of the people. I, too, have suf-
?d. . . . I suffered innocently in prison for years... .
ere can, however, be no personal offense great enough
shake my firm loyalty to the cause of Socialism. That is
y I firmly oppose all those who are making use of the dis-
_sfaction.... Everyone must see clearly that a counter-
-olutionary attack was launched against the entire people.
. The counterrevolutionary gangs have not been con-
ned with the problem of what will become of us in the
ster. . . . Repudiate the infamous anti-Soviet slander
ich is being spread by counterrevolutionaries. . . . We
_st be grateful to our Soviet brothers.... There are al-
st two million organized workers in the country... .
ey can see to what extent our factories have been demol-
2d during the last two weeks, the same factories and in-
atrial plants which were built by our workers.... Every
-iest worker must report at his old place of work.... The
d weather is here, we must be prepared for the coming
-iter. . . . Recently there has been much talk about the
ole world watching us. We workers and working peas-
-s must know that the whole world's Communist, Social-
and Workers' parties are watching us also.... Up and
sk! This is what our country's preservation and our
ure happiness demand."
'On November 6, 1956, Peiping radio . . . gave an ac-
znt of the telegram sent by Comrade Chou-En-Lai,
-mier of the Central Chinese People's Government, to
mrade Janos Kadar. . . . Comrade Chou-En-Lai greets
... Revolutionary Worker-Peasant Government and ex-
--sses his best hopes and good wishes. The Chinese peo-
also express their wish to help the Hungarian people
:i the . . . government made available 30 million rubles
this purpose. The aid will be sent in the form of goods
--hin the shortest possible time...."
3dio Gyor (Soviet-Controlled)
35 Appeal by the Red Cross and the University of
-`Unarmed representatives of the Red Cross and Uni-
-sity ... will proceed this morning to [location unclear]
Melyvolgy. We appeal to the fighters of Mecsck to send
Janos Kadar
a doctor or other medical representative . . . to discuss he
transportation of their wounded to a hospital."
* * *
. . . [Unintelligible passage] If during the two hours
allotted they do not leave their hiding places and return
home, the Soviet command will annihilate them with heavy
artillery and air power. The Soviet Command and . . .
forces of public order will . . . first proceed to the sc -ne
and appeal to the fighting group to lay down their arms.
Everybody will be allowed to go home." [Remainder in-
Radio Szombathely
0700 "Kossuth [Budapest] radio announced ... on Tues-
day that the provisional Central Committee has started on
the reorganization of the [Communist] Party.... This ap-
peal ... is a magnificent sign of life.... [The appeal] says
that the Party will isolate itself from the mistakes of the
Rakosi clique . . . not to deny the achievements of 12 years
.. . but to avoid the extremes of both right and left. . .
The main task now is the resumption of productive work.
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Unidentified Soviet-Controlled Radio
0644 General description of the fighting: resistance
groups still fighting all over the country; Soviets starting
to liquidate rebels in Szigetvar and Nagykanizsa areas;
small resistance groups fighting in Zalaegerszeg; Soviets be-
ginning to employ heavy artillery and airplanes in the Pecs
area; fighting in Komlo, Bakony area and Matra and Bukk
forests; heavy fighting in Budapest, in the Eighth District
and Kulsokobanya, Nagyteteny and Budafok; Soviets start-
ing to bomb Nagyteteny and Budafok [in Budapest]; rebels
firing on the Soviets and the police and army in various
small towns; Soviet reprisals causing serious damage to
buildings in Cegled, Kiskunhalas, Pecs, Nagykanizsa, Ujsze-
ged, Szolnok and Miskolc. Appeal to the population not
to aid the rebels, since Soviet reprisals will destroy houses
and lives.
Radio [Free] Roka
0205 Report that the rebels will not give up, or lay
down their arms, and will fight as long as their ammuni-
tion lasts. Plea to the Western world for prompt help so
that the blood shed so far will not prove in vain. State-
ment that Soviets are using inhuman tactics, including
incendiary bombs.
Radio [Free] Rakoczi
0316 Broadcast interspersed with Morse sit=pals. Airr se.;t
unintelligible except for sentence, "1)o not ;rive ut yncr
Radio [Free] Rajk
0800 ". . . Pay no attention to the promises ... t>.r e
traitor, Janos Kadar. Do not believe . . . that Kadar s
clique will insure sovereignty for Hungary at ,he very- r u -
rnent when a foreign army is engaged in mass slaughter in
our unfortunate Fatherland, when the lofty to lets of Con.-
munism and sovereignty are [trampled under oot?] u 4e
most bloody, most barbarous fashion. Wh_j appoint(l
Janos Kadar and his clique as the so-called g?)vernrnent---
the sovereign Hungarian nation, or the foreign occupic r
whose troops by the thousands ride over the bodies of the
dead in our country? And even if the new Pakosi were
truly inclined to carry out his obviously false promise:.,
what guarantee is there that the Soviet leadership wot l.i
give him an opportunity to do so? Not the gcvernnrc s it c -f
Janos Kadar, but the leadership of the Soviet is the ab?,c
lute master in our homeland, which has again been c.c
graded to the status of a colony. . . . Comades, let us
preserve the fighting spirit of Marxism-Leninism, let us
continue to fight within the framework of our betrayed a.uf
outraged Party for the independence of the Sccialist clrrn-
garian nation."
Thursday; November 8, 1956 -Afternoon
Radio Budapest, Home Service
1300 "
REPORT from Szeged says that conditions are
normal in the city. Work is proceeding in the factories.
Streetcars are in normal service. Trains are in service in
the area of ... Miskolc. Normal conditions have resumed
in Gyor.... In Szekesfehervar the shops are open...."
1315 "The Council of Ministers, at its meeting on No-
vember 7, 1956, decided that clothing and footwear de-
posited with pawnshops . . . having a total value of less
than 500 forint must be given back to the owners . . .
without any reimbursement.... What is the issue? Many
workers, chiefly in low-pay categories, were compelled dur-
ing the summer to pawn their winter coats and other winter
clothing, even shoes, because of the failures of the former
1404 "Appeal of the Minister of Finance: I order all
enterprises ... to furnish advance payment on account of
wage arrears ... to workers who, on the basis of the ...
government decree, resume work by November 10. Advance
payment must not exceed 50 percent of normal earnings.
Those who have . . . carried out their normal work . . .
must be paid their ordinary wages...."
"Announcement of the Commander of the 1`dationa. 11)
lice Force: I order policemen ... to report fo duty 'v it,
out delay...."
"Peace has not yet been restored to the clpital . .
We will not deny that among those bearing arms ilte?c
are some who are misled, but the majority want t
make trouble or are tools of the counterrevo lutionwirs
Yesterday afternoon, for example, a large group of lo?3te--
attacked warehouses at the Western Railroad St ction. hi ol_e
into stores and trucks, looted textile and furn ture stares-
. . . House committees, house guards, be vigil;tnt anc? sr'
that armed groups or individuals do not snea . into your
houses to shoot from there and thus endanger your life md
the lives of your children. . . . For the sake of the oood
supply . . . workers in the food stores should .tart selling
from available supplies at 0800 [GMT] on the pint) of
1454 ". . . Comrade Kadar ... visited leaden of the (:ity
and County of Szolnok on November 4. . . . ( :ontrarv to
former practice, the meeting took place in ay extrernefy
cordial and friendly atmosphere. He inquired a out evenrs
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Hungarian rebels guarding the highway near the Hegyeshalom border station on November B.
Szolnok and the County. Then he analyzed the
Snces in which the nationwide uprising took place and
" `First of all,' Comrade Kadar said, `we must not for-
t that the peaceful demonstration of October 23rd made
-oper and justified demands of the Party and govern-
nt. The replacement of Gero and the removal of the
.kosi-Gero clique from leadership met with approval
gong Party members and Party supporters. The eco-
-mic demands, too, were justified. These ... fit into the
gram of the new Worker-Peasant Government. The
?uble began when the counterrevolutionary forces used
peaceful demonstration and the uprising of the workers
d youth for their own ends.... Hostile elements living
the West had been informed ... and arrived en masse
Hungary, accompanying the various consignments of
1, as Red Cross personnel, to help the counterrevolution-
forces.... Imre Nagy's government tried to eliminate
the counterrevolution through political maneuvers and
in a peaceful manner, but it achieved diametrically oppo-
site results. The policy of procrastination -only helped the
counterrevolutionaries. They shouted slogans of indepx nd-
ence ... and democracy while they killed innocent people
by the hundreds. We, the Communists in Imre Nagy's
government, could not let this happen without comae-nt,
and left his government on November First.... It wa, in
these circumstances that the Hungarian Revolutior ary
Worker-Peasant Government requested the commar der
of the Soviet troops to help in liquidating the counterrc vo-
lutionary forces. . . . The government agrees with the de-
mand that Soviet troops leave Hungary as soon as pr ace
and order are restored, and it will begin negotiations for
this purpose.' "
1530 Speech by Sandor Ronai,8 Minister of Commer -e :
9 Former Social Democrat and National Assembly Chairmat
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". . . Who can deny that . . . we have achieved great
results? Could we have achieved even better results? Yes,
but the unscrupulous, evil policy of Rakosi and his clique,
which belittled the people and made a nockr i , 1,? the
lofty ideas of Marxism-Leninism ... led to the point .titiere
the cup of bitterness overflowed... "
Thursday, November 8,1956-Night
Radio Budapest, Home Service
1805 APPEAL by the National Federation of Trade
Unions :
"... For the emergence of this state of affairs grave re-
sponsibility rests on Rakosi and his clique.... The Revo-
lutionary Worker-Peasant Government deeply condemns the
anti-democratic policy pursued for years by Rakosi and his
clique, and will oppose every attempt at restoring this sys-
tem.... We request industrial trade union branches, fac-
tory committees and all organized workers to prepare for
the resumption of work everywhere...."
1820 "What happened in the parliament building at the
end of last week?
"... Instead of men wearing working clothes, men clad
in old officers' uniforms taken out of mothballs and men
clad in fur-lined coats appeared on the steps of the parlia-
ment building. The lobby ... was filled with heel-clicking
former landowners, Horthyite army officers and share-
holders. First of all, the landlords of apartment houses
came. . . . Then came politicians who styled themselves
`Smallholders,' and . . . started to argue whether 100 or
200 holds of land should be given back to .. landowners
whose lands had been confiscated . . . because they col-
laborated with the Fascists. Then former factory owners
and shareholders who called themselves Social Democrats
put in an appearance and conferred on whether works em-
ploying 100 or 150 workers should be denationalized....
Zoltan Tildy himself said that he would have to resign be-
cause he could no longer tolerate the support his own party
gave the counterrevolutionary forces. . . . This is a sad but
true picture . . . . In addition to the white terror which
unfolded in Budapest and the provinces, the picture will
also throw light on the necessity for creating the Hungarian
Worker-Peasant Government...."
1825 "Complete order and peace prevail in Mezotur
[Szolnok County]. . . . In the town of Cegled [Pest County]
work has been resumed. . . . In Kecskemet [Bacs-Kiskun
County] order has been restored.... In Vas County there
is complete peace and order. . . . [Railroad] traffic is
normal between Szombathely on the one hand and Nagy-
kanizsa, Kaposvar, Zalaegerszeg, Gyor and Veszprern on
the other.... Bekes County reports that calm and order
prevail.... Between Szeged and Bekescsaba two trains run
daily in each direction. . . . Workers of Budapest, follow
the initiative of Vas County and the other counties; work-
ers in the countryside, follow the example of workers in
the bakery and food industries. Start work. Children need
food, warm homes, window glass, clothing and so forth.
We cannot expect everything from abroad...
2015 Appeal by Gyorgy Marosan, Minister of Stat-
"Hunger and insecurity are endangering the popul it ion.
. We must create peace and order in the heart of our
country, in the capital, in Budapest. The government : ails
on the population of Budapest. . . The hiding 4 l rrns
and armed persons involves severe consequ(nces. All I:on-
est patriots who still possess arms ... must ... turn n t ieir
arms immediately.... It may be that the )opulatior will
have to face famine and danger of death.... Thou ;:wd, of
freight cars loaded with goods and constru_tion nc.ouials
are standing at our frontiers waiting for he Hungarian
railwaymen. . . . For all this, peace and order rnu::t be
brought about in . . . Budapest. . . . The government vill
take all necessary measures to assure legal order."
2040 Talk entitled: "Those Who Want Socialism vi ust
Not Associate with Counterrevolutionaries." Statement
that posters signed by resistance groups app( ared in Bu la-
pest the previous day, claiming that the s roups ,qtr f ort
Socialism and do not want to overthrow the 1'reof,!e's
Democracy but that the Kadar governmen- has l.raruted
the majority of the people as counterrevotationar.r?s nd
Fascists. Denial of these claims.
"The first sentence in the Kadar government's ~tpfr='al
refers to the noble aims of the mass mo"ement wi ch
started on October 23. It also refers to . . the. r i, yes
committed by Rakosi and his associates.... It also ,piiks
of protecting our national independence and sovereignty.
. . . How could it, then, call the majority of the rle-r,'le
counterrevolutionaries and Fascists?"
Statement that the posters were issued by ecnrents
did not want to distinguish between revolc tionari-s 3-td
counterrevolutionaries. "Those who issued the posters to
not separate themselves from the forces of the cud 1n tr r-
revolution. . . . We do not believe that our- magi fin c rit
youth are bent on preventing the shaping of a firm rte r:o-
cratic regime. We do not believe that the' want to ire
yoked to -some sort of Horthyite arbitrariness after t to
despotism of the Rakosi-Gero clique. It is therefore o-ir
conviction that every true patriot must line t p t ie
Kadar government...."
11. . . The friendly attitude of Soviet solders has al,o
enhanced the population's confidence. In some ,)Ots's
. . . Soviet soldiers shared their rations with the trerranrs
. . , and offered the children warm food. . . It ' t *r e
that there are long lines in front of bakeries, )ut . ffot:r
is being delivered again.... But not all of t} e new_, fr r;o
Budapest is reassuring. The population has nfornrcc. 1 e
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olice that counterrevolutionary groups have broken into by saying that the Russians will break into the shop:; and
-ie Szabadsag stores and taken clothes.... Armed counter- ransack them if they do not do it. Bandits have bi 'ken
2volutionaries attacked the liquor factory in Forgach into the Orion radio factory and stolen 5,000 radio sets,
treet.... At Pesthidegkut counterrevolutionaries loot the which were later sold at the football ground in 7nglo
lops and try to encourage the population to take part ... [suburb of Budapest]....
Friday, November 9, 195 6
Fighting continues, particularly heavily in Csepel and Kulsokobanya, as well as in the
3rd, 6th and 20th Districts of Budapest and in the suburbr. Fighting also reported in Duna-
pentele, Kalocsa, Gyor, Pecs and Komlo.
adio Budapest, Home Service been given instructions to organize armed worker-gu: rds
ALL FOOD shops and shops selling manufactured
ods, all restaurants, confectioners and espresso bars must
-en their premises on November 9 at 0700 [GMT]."
00 "In the Budapest First District the Hungarian So-
-list Workers' [Communist] Party organization has been
-med. Leadership was prevented from falling into the
nds of people compromised in the past years. The or-
-rization is functioning on the premises of the former
ingarian Workers' [Communist] Party....
'In Ujpest, one of the armed group centers is in the ...
ustrial school. If the population cannot intervene in
.e these buildings might also be damaged. We seek the
p of sober-minded citizens to prevent that, as well as
looting of shops....
Kobanya [working-class section of Budapest] is still
ated from the rest of the city on account of counter-
Jlutionary activities endangering communications. Some
gs settled in bomb shelters and in the Tenth District
-er tower, seriously endangering district water supplies.
the Eleventh District . . . forces of public order have
n reorganized... .
Szeged has furnished a typical example of counter-
.lutionary activity. Gyula Kovacs, an officer graduated
z the Horthyite Ludovika Military Academy and a
-icr major in Horthy's army who spent four years in
Dn on a charge of anti-democratic behavior, was made
xman of the so-called Revolutionary Council in Szeged.
A long list was compiled with a view to the execution
ommunists and non-Party members, honest persons,
Jul to the people. The executions did not take place
because the Soviet Army disarmed Gyula Kovacs and
ounterrevolutionary associates...."
"The Budapest police headquarters concentrates
.s activities on the restoration of law and order and on
creation of public order and public security. To this
:hey have organized so-called `R' special groups, whose
is to liquidate all criminal and looting elements and to
ct the population from being disturbed.
he `R' groups will appear on the streets of Budapest
in the next few days. District police headquarters have
e restoration of law and order...."
Anna Kethly
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0835 "Last night everything was quiet in the Hungarian
steelware factory. The 25 worker-guards made sure the
factory remained intact. There were some armed attacks
on the factory but they were repulsed. The factory is
ready for the workers to resume work...."
structs the house-committees and janitors of }h u to p,st
houses to collect the arms, ammunition and exuiori'res
found in the houses and to hand them over to the dis r,ct
police offices or to policemen carrying ident ty carets..
The house-committees and the janitors wil he noid e-
sponsible if arms, ammunition and explos;ves an, la er
found on the premises."
Friday, November 9, 1956 -Afternoon
Radio Budapest, Home Service
1220 "RADIO STATIONS opposing the Hungarian Peo-
ple's Republic disseminated news that the Imre Nagy gov-
ernment has been arrested. We inform the country that this
news is false. Imrc Nagy left the parliament building of his
own free will. Several members of the Imrc Nagy govern-
ment actively support the Revolutionary Worker-Peasant
Government and occupy public office. The other members
of the disintegrated Irnrc Nagy government also left parlia-
ment of their own free will. The report about the arrest
of Cardinal Mindszcnty is also baseless."
1413 "The Hungarian Revolutionary Worker-Peasant
Government on November 4 temporarily suspended the
reception of Red Cross consignments from Western coun-
tries to Hungary . . . motivated by the circumstance that
the 30 aircraft which arrived on November 2 and those
which followed on November 3, described as carrying
medical supplies, were found to contain consignments of
arms as well. . . . The government is otherwise grateful to
the International Red Cross organization for the dispatch
of badly-needed medical supplies. The . . . government
accordingly gives its consent at once and with pleasure to
the International Red Cross proposal ... to have the con-
signment sent to Hungary through Yugoslavia."
1600 A decree by the Commissioner for Public Supplies
forbidding the sale of all motor fuels ["such as gasoline,
diesel oil and motor oil"] in Budapest. Fuels may be ob-
tained only on license of the Commission for Public Sup-
plies. All stocks of motor fuel over 100 liters [26 gallons]
must be registered with the Commission.
1600 "Nearly 100 restaurants began operating in Buda-
pest today, selling a standard warm meal." The Minister
of Agriculture appeals to rural organs to "pr 'vent \-., rs ':i rrg
of harvested crops...."
Unidentified Radio
1545 A report that in Budapest resistance forcez rave
renewed emphatic attacks in the suburbs, or,cning tire rn
Soviet and Hungarian armed forces from roe Is and burnt-
out houses, then hiding in cellars; the Soviet Commarid has
given orders that all cellar entrances ano passafreuways
be locked and barricaded. Further report,: of large re-
sistance groups in the Third, Sixth and T'ventietnn Dis-
tricts, and in the Buda Hills.
Statement that the situation is particularly se.i_rw in
Kulsokobanya and Csepel where the resistan _e groups are
being reinforced from rural areas; these reinforcements are
arriving in trucks and are bringing food sent on authorisa-
tion of rural workers' and peasant council;; the `,ov et
Command has therefore ordered that all vehicles approz c p-
ing Budapest be thoroughly inspected, with trucks pro-
hibited from stopping inside Budapest unless abse Putt ty
Further reports: the lines of resistance groips at
1 -una-
pentcle have been penetrated, but extremely stro-i7 ie-
sistancc continues; Soviet troops have gainer: no advance
in the fighting at Kalocsa; in the Gyor area, Soviet trooos
are driving resistance fighters toward the herders: -,oviet
tanks are attacking resistance forces in the area of Pcc s and
the Komlo Forest.
Unidentified Free Radio, Location Unknown
1529 "The freedom fighters are already fired but en-
thusiasm is greater than ever before. We request ac i:e
intervention before it is too late. Please help us save :> ir
Friday, November 9,1956-Night
Radio Budapest, Home Service
1900 "
xEsoLUnoly of the Hungarian Revolutionary
Worker-Peasant Government ... :
"The . . . government assigns from its members Dr.
Ferenc Munnich, Deputy Premier, to the control of affairs
concerning the armed forces and public sr curit% . Lore
Horvath to the control of foreign affairs; Istvan Kossa co
the control of finances; Antal Apro to the control of inCL s-
trial affairs; Imre Dogei to the control of agricultu;?r' ;u,d
Sandor Ronai to the control of commercial affairs.
"Signed: Janos Kadar, Premier...."
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'00 Announcement that the government is assigning
mporary liaison officials "to assist the executive commit-
s of the county and county borough councils."
100 "The Presidential Council of the People's Republic
is decided that until the next session of parliament, at
hick the modification of certain sections of the constitu-
:)n will take place, the Hungarian Revolutionary Worker-
?asant Government elected by the Presidential Council of
.e People's Republic will be the supreme organ of the Peo-
e's Republic.... The Hungarian Revolutionary Worker-
?asant Government will itself decide which of its members
will control the various branches of the State managern?nt.
"The Kossuth crest will be the crest of the Hunga ian
People's Republic.
"Signed: Istvan Dobi, Chairman of the Preside: tial
Council of the People's Republic; Istvan Kristof, Secre arv
of the Presidential Council of the People's Republic."
Unidentified Free Radio, Location Unknowi
2215 "Send news. In general and in detail. We :ook
forward to news! Say something!"
NOVEMBER 9 was the last day of consecutive broadcasting by free radio stations.
Subsequently, such broadcasts were heard irregularly. The revolt, however, did not
end with the partial silencing of free stations: the workers of Csepel Island, for instance,
continued their armed resistance until November 14. Workers throughout the country
observed a general strike and either refused to work or engaged in drastic slow-downs.
Peasants refused to hand over their produce to the authorities and instead fed resistance
forces. Intellectuals continued to voice their opposition wherever and whenever they
could. In many localities suited for guerilla warfare, insurgents, reportedly reinforced by
Russian deserters, continued to harass Soviet occupation forces.
The first Soviet armed intervention in Budapest on October 24 united the over-
whelming majority of Hungarians, including most Communists, in defense of the na-
tional rebirth. The second Soviet intervention on November 4 crushed the emerging de-
mocracy born of this unity, but also reinforced the national desire for independence,
free, democratic government, and neutrality. This opposition to the puppet Kadar gov-
ernment and its Soviet masters, far from weakening in the presence of Soviet tanks,
grew all the more adamant when news spread that mass deportations of young patri-
ots to the Soviet Union were taking place. Indirect confirmation of such reprisals was
broadcast by the regime-controlled Radio Budapest on November 14:
"The resumption of work in Szolnok County has begun in the past few days. Some
40 to 50 percent of the workers are active in factories and enterprises. To some extent
railway communications have also started.
"According to the latest reports, however, scaled railway cars have carried prisoners
eastward from Budapest, and therefore the railwaymen allegedly went on strike again.
This information was relayed by telephone to the various factories .nd more and more
workers are quitting their jobs."
In the following days, despite repeated denials by the Kadar regime and the
Soviets, there were many reports - some emanating from escaped victims - of box-
cars filled with youngsters rolling through the Hungarian countryside during the night,
either directly to the Soviet Union through the border station of Zahony, or northward
through Czechoslovakia. Railwaymen and other workers therefore persisted in their
strike and railroad lines were blown up. On at least one occasion a desperate attack
was launched by the patriots against the Russian guards of a deportation train.
The Kadar government has had to depend upon foreign military rule for its sur-
vival. Many reports indicate that Kadar has tried repeatedly, though unsuccessfully, to
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induce popular leaders to join him in buttressing his administration. Faced with th
solid opposition, the new regime often has had to discard the fiction of its own viabilit.
and independence: on many occasions-as shown by the broadcasts - orders wei
issued in the name of the Soviet military forces; in other instances, Kadar was forced
to bargain with opposition worker leaders in an endeavor to restore a semblance e
order to the country.
Toward the end of November the Hungarian people still seemed adamant in thei
demand that Soviet troops withdraw from the country completely, and worker repro
sentatives who tried to compromise on this basic demand could not influence the ran}.
and file to return to work. Another demand of the workers, that Imre Nagy (who ha(
taken refuge in the Yugoslav Embassy) be returned to power, was frustrated by the
Soviets. On Thursday, November 22, the Yugoslavs stated they had been given it written
guarantee by the Kadar regime that, in case Nagy and his party of some fifty othe'.
refugees chose to leave the protection of the Yugoslav Embassy, they would be allowec
to return to their homes unmolested. The following day the Kadar regime announcec
that Nagy had decided to leave for another "People's Democracy"-Romania--of hi,
own free will. Reports from Hungary indicated that the workers did not believe thi,
version of the events, felt incensed over the brutal abduction and continued to insist
that Nagy return to the government.
The following are excerpts from a broadcast by Radio [Free] Rajk, located some-
where in Hungary, November 10:
Everybody knows that people who gave up their arms with peaceful inten-
tions have been shot dead, hanged, or imprisoned. It would have been more decent ii
the occupying power had forbidden the soldiers of the Russian Army to shoot irrespon-
sibly and to loot, a thing unknown in Hungary before the Russian soldiers started it.
"Comrades, now you can see, you can see from the official `confession' of the Janos
Kadar gang that it is impossible for any kind of `proconsul,' even if called a govern-
ment, to serve the interests of the Hungarian nation under Russian imperialism. There
is only one course -- to shake off the Russian terror regime or die.
"We, Hungarian Communists, the faithful followers of [Rajk?] will do our utmost
to shake off the Russian yoke. ..."
Excerpts from a broadcast by Radio [Free] Rajk, November 11:
" . This base treason has unmasked Janos Kadar not only before the nation but
also before the whole world. We hope that the free nations of the world will give
Kadar the same reply we Hungarian Communists gave him - namely, that we do not
recognize him as the head of the government, and we cannot recognize his so-called
"Comrades, both Kossa and Kadar still have the impertinence to talk about Hun-
garian sovereignty. How and when did the sovereign Hungarian nation appoint Ka-
dar head of the government? By what right has he the audacity to pose as the leader
of the government in these bloodstained days of foreign occupation? . . .
"No organization of our Communist Party, [however] camouflaged by various
pseudonyms, ever elected Kadar or his accomplices to take over the government of the
nation. They could not have done so even if they had been authorized by the Hun-
garian people, or the Hungarian Communist Party, because it is not they but Russian
terror that rules the country....
"We request, and indeed expect, the free nations of the world to assert what moral
influence they can through the press in the interest of the downtrodden Hungarian
people. If UN observers were sent to Hungary it would be disagreeable, not (only?]
to Janos Kadar, but to his Soviet masters."
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Appendix I:
Government constituted on October 27:
President of the Council
Deputy Presidents
Imre Nagy
Antal Apro
Jozscf Bognar
Ferenc Erdei
[former member, Smallholders' Par y]
[former member, National Peasant I'artv]
Minister of State Control
State Farms
Mining and Power
Internal Trade
Metallurgy and Machine
Light Industry
Communications and Post
Foreign Minister
Foreign Trade
People's Culture
Urban and Rural
Chemical Industry
Central Planning Board
Not yet designated
Miklos Ribianszky
Zoltan Tildy
Sandor Czottncr
Antal Gyencs
Sandor Tausz
Fcrcnc Munnich
Antal Babits
Rezso Nyers
Antal Apro
Bela Kovacs
Karoly Janza
Eric Molnar
Janos Csergo
Mrs. Jozsef Nagy
Lajos Bebrits
Imre Horvath
Jozsef Bognar
Gyorgy Lukacs
Albert Konya
Istvan Kossa
Ferenc Nezval
Gergely Szabo
Arpad Kiss
[former member, Smallholders' Par y]
[former member, Smallholders' Pay y;
former President of the Republic]
[Univ. Prof., Communist]
[former Soc. Dem. Party, Communi t]
[former member, Smallholders' Parts']
[former member, Smallholders' Parr ?, ]
[Univ. Prof., Communist]
-Government constituted on October 30:
Premier and Foreign Minister
Minister of State
Imre Nagy
Janos Kadar
Geza Losonczy
Bela Kovacs
Zoltan Tildy
Ferenc Erdei
[Peasant Party]
government constituted on November 3:
Premier and Foreign Minister
Minister of State
Imre Nagy
Zoltan Tildy
Bela Kovacs
Istvan B. Szabo
Anna Kethly
Gyula Kelemen
Jozsef Fischer
Istvan Bibo
[Social Democrat]
[Social Democrat]
[Social Democrat]
[Pctofi Peasant]
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Government constituted on November 4:
Ferenc Farkas
Geza Losonczy
Janos Kadar
Pal Maleter
[Petofi Peasan
Deputy Premier
Minister of Armed Forces & Public Security
Ferenc Munnich
Minister of State
Gyorgy Marosan
Minister of Finance
Istvan Kossa
Foreign Minister
Imre Horvath
Minister of Industry
Antal Apro
Minister of Agriculture
Imre Dogei
Minister of Commerce
Sandor Ronai
Appendix II: Radio Stations During the Revolt
The following official Hungarian radio stations became
"Free Radios" during the course of the revolt:
Budapest (Radio Kossuth) became Radio Free Kossuth
after October 30. Debrecen, Dunapentele, Eger, Gyor,
Kaposvar, Miskolc, Nyiregyhaza, Pecs, and Szombathely
also operated as "Free Radios."
There were four free stations whose location could not
be definitely established : Csokonay, Rakoczi, Roka and
Finally, there were amateur and military shortwave sets
which broadcast at one time or another during the fighting.
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