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December 19, 2016
Document Release Date:
October 4, 2005
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Publication Date:
January 26, 1954
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Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80B01676R001000030021-7
ER 5-1286/A
JAN 26 1
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Alum W. VaLl"
4/DCI vml (26 Jan 54 )
Distribution :
prig - addressee
1 DCI files
I - official w/basic
1 - roading
1 - VML chrono
DIA review(s) completed.
FEMA review(s) completed.
On file OSD release instructions apply.
Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80B01676R001000030021-7
y~+4 A.
Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000030021-7
JAN 211954
Honorable Allen W. Dulles
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington 25, D. C.
In further reference to the Civil Defense Committee of the Life In-
surance Association of America, which was discussed in my letter
of December 29, 1953, I thought it might be helpful to describe a
little more fully our conception of the briefing which you might care
to arrange for this Committee.
As we have discussed this Committee's assignment for the Life In-
surance Association of America, it has become clear that the life
insurance officials by and large are either quite confused or have
serious doubts as to the reality and nature of the threats that face
this country. At the same time, they clearly do not comprehend he
scope and nature of the effects of weapons potentially deliverable
against us.
I realize fully that much of the information needed by this Committee
should be provided by other agencies; notably the Atomic Energy
Commission, the Office of Defense Mobilization, and the Departn'ent
of Defense. Letters similar to my letter of December 29 have gene
to those agencies. We are assured informally of their cooperation
in handling their respective portions of the briefing planned for this
From our discussions with the members of the Committee, it aphear3
to us that your Agency could best contribute by giving them an ovt?ral?
evaluation of the threat to this country, inherent in the present and
future capability of the Soviet Union to attack the continental United
States. This would naturally lead into a somewhat more detailed
discussion of the possible scale and nature of such an attack, particu-
larly as regards the characteristics of weapons and means of deliver-v.
Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000030021-7
Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000030021-7
- 2 -
We have tentatively scheduled January 28 and 29 for the briefing of
this Committee in Washington, subject to completion of their security
clearances. Since the Central Intelligence Agencyts part of the pro-
gram should logically precede the others, I would appreciate it very
much if you could arrange this briefing for Thursday morning, Jan-
uary 28. I hope this date will be convenient to you and your staff, .s
it will permit us to set up a logical and balanced schedule for the
I know that our respective staffs have already been in contact in this
matter, and I feel sure that a valuable program will be worked out.
Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated, and I know that it will
result in the Committee's being able to make a distinct contribution,
not only to the progress of civil defense, but to national understanding
of the entire defense program. 1
Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80B01676P401000030021-7
Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000030021-7
JAN 21 1954
Honorable Allen W. Dulles
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington 25, D. C.
In further reference to the Civil Defense Committee of the Life In .
surance Association of America, which was discussed in m, lette,
of December 29, 1953, I thought it might be helpful to descr..be a
little more fully our conception of the briefing which you mi;,nt ca--e
to arrange for this Committee.
As we have discussed this Committee's assignment for the Life Its
surance Association of America, it has become clear that the life
insurance officials by and large are either quite confused or have
serious doubts as to the reality and nature of the threats tliat face
this country. At the same time, they clearly do not compre wend
scope and nature of the effects of weapons potentially deliverable
against us.
I realize fully that much of the information needed by this Gommit ee
should be provided by other agencies, notably the Atomic Etiergy
Commission, the Office of Defense Mobilization, and the Departrr;-::nt
of Defense. Letters similar to my letter of December 29 have go.-,e
to those agencies. We are assured informally of their coop-.ratio
in handling their respective portions of the briefing planned for th:.s
From our discussions with the members of the Committee, it appars
to us that your Agency could best contribute by giving them in ove rail
evaluation of the threat to this country, inherent in the present an=.
future capability of the Soviet Union to attack the continental United
States. This would naturally lead into a somewhat more detailed
discussion of the possible scale and nature of such an attac), par, :cu-
larly as regards the characteristics of weapons and means of deli _-cry.
Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000030021-7
ft-0 %_0
Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000030021-7
on W. F ul1ee
104 laud Wry 28 and t9 for the bri.Ln oI
fttaas. Subject to cenWIeticit of th'
the Cent #1 la .nce A4pncy'* part of rim
caally precede the o ta, I would app ciate ;t *r
td arrange thi_.s rioting far Thwr .g morning, Jan -
,g appreciated. and I know tit..
bad able to rnako a distiaact c
T0 rcaaa of civil defense, but to natieftal
re ease program..
Val Petersca
=0 s ante Will be c v ie*t to you your std,
up a logical and bat c.d sa eed%de for t:
active stag l k&-.* aa4r0beams in c taa M
e tb&t a valt as pars rsau id U be worker Vic.
Approved Q%r Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000030021-7