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Document Release Date:
January 31, 2005
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Publication Date:
December 29, 1953
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Approved For Release 2005/02/17 : CIA-RDP80B0167400*0030025-3
DEt'.'' 9
Honorable Allen W. Dulls s
Director of Central Intelligence
Washington 25, D. C.
Dear Mr. Dulles:
This Administration he a long been concerned over the serious
economic consequence of air atomic attack on business, oeaeneras,
and industry in the Unite4 States. It has also been atteernpti rt ;,
by every means at its disposal.. to stimulate the active partici-
pation of private incustr in furthering the national civil
defense program.
In this general connection, the Life Insurance Association of
America has recently established a Committee on Civil Defennq for
the purpose of examir_irg all aspects of civil defense and *titiYin=
the life insurance iri try are to trsr, steps that should bF, tacen,
both by the Associatior as representative of the industry, d by
individual companies. ' eLkber3 of this Coninitteee are: Jar* T.
Phillips, Vice-President, 'car York Life Insurance Company, Chair-
man; Samuel Milligan, Senior Vice-President, I! etropolitan Iiifa
Insurance Compar -; and Gerhard C. Pleicken, Vice-President, John
Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company.
We welcome this Committee, since the industry it represents can
exert a tremendous influence for irproving our overall national
defense. Through the policy holders and the companies that tom
the Association, an estimated seventy percent of the a< pc pu..
lation of the I .teed States can be reached to increase public
awareness and willingness to participate in civil defense. it ,
the extensive investr tints the insurance companies are making in
our urban areas provide a lever for raising standards ol oon?tr":c--
tion and for effecting dispersion which may contribute in the long
run to re ,i.ction of urban vulnerability. At the same time,
insurance companies can actively participate in our search for
means to avoid or niir :ize social, economic, legal, and a siris-
trati>ve disruption that attack on this oauntri would cause. I
like to regard this Committee as a pilot-projeet, from thich we
can learn how best to bring large segvents of industry into etas'
non-military defense preparations.
FEMA review(s) completed.
Approved For Release 2005/02/17: CIA-REP@dA@Q, WfMYNt~- gtions apply.
.mss .a
Approved For Release 2005/02/17 CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000030025-3
- 2 -
Honorable Aneft 4.
Is &se t r- s ibtlity to the Life Is su a c
a: tte4 4ahes to review the stj 1ticant to
national defew picture. To do this sapeditio -
. a series of briefiajs is proposed b V the Cmagittee. ,?.1e it
appear that this tee datwa1d not need mush a briefing, it
to tamprrehcz d the radii tay and, nature of the threat
asasure* that need to be taken, since so mob on these e
has appoared in the public press and in speeabss of high o
we 011 know that umV private execmtiv+ss have not rem-
q ate , and there is little wonder that the public and i ea
i tsst generally are c ertain about the threat and w -w de#an.e .
the potential Value of this )ooreit tee, not onlir
ASMOV but to others caeerared with our national prrsparYeas, l
wish to assist them in obtaining a naplato and tr=k br ufint.
To do this, it seems z esasary that the tbers be cleaM.. cco3.
+e mase rs ha" been arakad to ce to t race
ior!na s ~Lr both #Top cret and "Q" cl e"A"eea .
he rigid seh le imposed on the soemtittee jmBber:3 r,,7
B enlaa az . be"Use of the cur' tey< Ot t3
will QCs, it is l1,v desirable that
and that the briefings be initiatet.
you Vi ll 00= as to the desirability at tborau .7
this - tee ate. that ov.r "aft may work with vm In
c apatt].ities, It I may assist jr. any way- in this aattsr,
do not hesitate to got touch with as.
Val reterson
Approve. For Release 2005/02/17 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000030025-3