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PDF icon CIA-RDP80B01676R001100010013-7.pdf117.49 KB
Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : CIA-RDP86B01676RO01100010013-7 Gad *' = Jul. I" {r. yn W. PM-11 , ;f Acting Sjocretax-J l ati.Qr ronstrttcs and S? a Couneil WasUinon 25,, D. C. amord&uce 'with your req stt of t J IY 1959 and pursuant to action of t MW at its etir 0n 3) cl 1959, oft o Mency 1 serve F re, sresfultati. . SIGNED Alien W. Lzle. Ux-ector 25X1 rec or ors 6e_, Deputy .~.e~uty ty Director Iratel te.nttl~enee JUL 1959 Date Date DAstrSI~:lh (8 July 1959) Distribution: 2 - Addressee 7. - - FrI - "DCI owA A' !A, A-RDP80B016176R001100010013-7 - AD/SI ? r . - GMD/sI Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : C1A-RDP80B01676RO01100010013-7 8 JUL 1959 }EMORMDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence THROUGH: Deputy Director/Intelligence SUBJECT: Agency Representative on Ad Hoc committee to Review "Preliminary U.S. Policy on Outer Space" 4SC 581 /l I. This memorandum is for your action as stated in paragraph 2. 2. The Agency has been asked to nominate a representative to an ad hoc committee of the National Aeronautics and Space I I ose stated in the subject above. of OSX participated in the forcmx)jation of the preliminary statement of policy. It is recommended that he be designated to serve as your representative in the forthcoming meeting. 3. A suggested memorandum for the Acting Secretary, National Aeronautics and Space Council. is attached. k- kER.HERT SCOVII,,1?.E, JB. Assistant Director Scientific Intelligence Enclosure: Proposed Letter Deputy Director Int li;ence W4P,~~ ~L 1 25X1 ApprovedJFor Release 2003/02/27 CIA--RDP80B01676RO01100010013-7 1 0 JUL 1959 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : CIA-RDP80B01676RO01100010013-7 NASC PAPER---PRIVILEGED For Authorized Persons Only NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE COUNCIL WASHINGTON 25, D. C. 7 July 1959 MEMORANDUM for Director, Central Intelligence Agency SUBJECT: Ad Hoc Committee to review "Preliminary U. S. Policy on Outer Space" NSC 5814/1 1. At the NASC meeting on June 30, 1959, the President approved the appointment of the subject committee to be chaired by Dr. Hugh L. Dryden, Deputy Administrator, NASA, and with representatives as follows: Members: Department of State Department of Defense National Aeronautics and Space Administration Atomic Energy Commission National Science Foundation Office of Special Assistant for Science and Technology Advisers: Bureau of the Budget Central Intelligence Agency Joint Chiefs of Staff U. S. Information Agency 2. You are hereby invited to nominate the representative of your agency. 3. The Chairman has asked that the first meeting of the Committee be held at NASA Headquarters, 1520 H Street, N. W.,on July 16, at 2:00 p.m. The members are requested to come prepared to present their agency's views on the revisions to the policy that should be considered. These views may be presented orally, rather than in the specific and more detailed terms that it is assumed will be a part of the Committee's review. This first meeting will determine how detailed the subsequent review is likely to be and whether or not it will be necessary to appoint a working group to synthesize the various points of view into an initial draft of the policy paper. Fran)(ilyn W. Phillips Acting Secretary Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : CIA-RDP80BOl676RO0110001001 :7i:.