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October 29, 1956
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Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP80B01676R001100040039- lip! P : Direct ATTIATIO STAT offering a tr pto- apbic system or p,o-avjbje wie t~y 7EFe-Mited 3tate:x. Also copy of our ec:knoviederrt . 2. We would rrecia ~ your taking appropriate action and replying to hiz d r sti.y if further co capon ence it acesry. . CIE I r, U CIB louses: a/6 STAT OCI/ /mfg/29 Oct 56 Distribution: Orig & 1 - Addressee 1 Asst to DCII-' 1 AT)/CI 1 - SpINT NSA review(s) completed. Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP80B01676R001100040039-6 25X1 STAT iwvab" Ryrstty_. 7-7", ..~.._ STAT Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP80B01676R001100040039-6 ill acknrvIedM_ your letter Of Ck"tcab 7, 1956 phic system for pos ib1 u by d your Letters' tc? the Ikt1?1 ..,y v e Ia that hrsnc h 'Crf the Gn rz nt; Most. e. ua.1jf1ed on the omits ixt' your sy tem. Thaw you f y inte3re3t rand c--)ncert. C?t ti> ~ D - Sholdon ocl'g/29 Oct 56 Distribution: Orig - Addressee 1 - Asst to DCI /'_ 1 7w 7 (; 1. 1 - SpINT STAT Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP80B01676R001100040039-6 ' Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP80BO 1676 R001100040039-*-xeC.j'-'e 8-'11oi ~ ~ O tob-,r 7, i,:5 fr.. Al-:3r W, Dulles Dir?3ctcr 1. 'CA - tra' t S ..i 5..3a r 7'3:.c 4a hiri,,ton, D. Incloaed you w Ll fir' ,?.iphered message, and Its of :t ony e playir., a sy;3tem a Y..?; -~ been well over twenty-years n d ~velo -tr . . y reason for 3uhTlttlna; it for.your cOno er- at-io*A fo ~1J:.s. :)ur' n r the ,,o jean war, in .. tale, Washingtun, I :ii &de t ha acrua.In-,ance of a :,anal Offiee w .ose name, unfortixnately, I i~au lbng, sLric- for'uotteyi. In the course of our brief, but '1 'sarit aac.zs.lntaLoe, I nad :,-,r-E+.~,,:on to ;how D.`f leer a ter s::a 1, and 1nconseouei-it& pore:-on cf? this cipher system, r:uc to ::y surar13e he beca.i:e ve_ y much I.nterestel arid, after asking, ~Ge a num':er of per anent que=tior23, d'."ct3d that under no circura- star:ces was I to re,real any porlttion of this isysteia to anyone else. He also gave ire the naw:ie- and address of a governmental agency, yours, with the irstruc?t:cr.s that just as soon as it was possible for me to do so., I et.Oud forward the system to you for your consideration. I failed to follow this rut 41oubt excellent advice because at ti-e,t t _ V, 1.8 "v"'l, i:. , r'y cS. ~.13s a "two.:.r R1~Y-Ml-I ing m ; , . . . , < d, ._._.c , ait Lk.ot lu lour, or: any other agency &C'-.iire, au . use, this c:: her syeLe.T,, I would be, because of my a poor person *.o trusted with srch an lm?)orta(_t: sacrr'o. 3c,, in a n:arrr. r of s-)~ia' 1nE;, I shelved the entire idea until such a day w en I wc'uld h&ve quit .drinking fcrr {,ood. Frar1t y I never ant;.cipat ed, or desired, that this day should ever arrive. But, arrive It did. On June 1, 1954, to be exact. On that date I ^i.ffered a _,erforation of the stomach aid was rushad to thy ^' c : County osoital, Chicago, 1 _'_incis, where I underwent emergency surgery. I was released from that :a, thirty- ci?ver. 3fi.y3 later. July 7th, to be exact. Since that date I have not taken a drink. And, becauss of the badly ulcerated? con.:. it's on of w' gat re.;;aini. of nay- s : omac!7 wAich, by the way, the docto:-?s wanted to re_nove entirety, and still do, fo. that :natter, it is extre,^ely dpubt''ul that I. 3:311 evsr dries again. At l: ast not in this world. Co:;se uent'.y I now feel that I can safely rya tr.i 3t:F~,3 :;ith-i a--y :_ort of ccnz 1ue:~ ;al matter. For o, vioas reas-:ne I have failed to incl.ade the master ,a.:jy fry:n whtc i the inc o3ed cii ht.'t d :z. z:a"e was formed.. Tras* irg your judg:~zent, and f,?'liil?,r certain that should same prove.desirat'e you will ins ti,-atU whatever course of action is in orI ., I re tin... lery Tru iy Your: "V STAT Approved For Release X2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP80BOl676RO011P0040039-6 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP80B0167$R001100040039-6 ~7itl3men: . The cipher system I herewith call to your attention- one different and henceforth reintoswathe ll whileent.usiirelng but al. ~hat?et et can b be formed master keys. letter of the alphabet, In sac:: of these master keys every excepting is represented by anywhere from orL3 to ei&,ht, or more different letters. ciphered For instance the letter a in the following c message, is represented by thefollowing eteigatiletters; v,u., t, 1, w, d, y and c. daoh of these eight are sed to represent eight other and different letters. issystem Isdonor a due to the While complex to an extreme b this the fact that no cipher or code every- thing, or deciphering of a message. Everything, e b but t e thing, can be. memorized. And that easily. ' the ll' . Is admittedly far from being an Einstien, mentally, intwrligrncs confident that he can teach any person of average it may , this entire system in a weeks time, or less. Hownevver, with this be amiss, t mentiont one' fully t if not actually this system, it would ld prove extreIely .iffiou impossible,. to decipher a message, should he not know how to. locate, and properly identify, certain key letters which would be contained in each and every message. Follows the ciphered message... QBIF R.JFK REBE KGiiR UQNX JHAJ GOZ3 CHHD JDWJ F JWO GHYR NHT1 PD'1L HE K FAYE G'WBR IPID HZDT GBJ0 NEGQ WWRX LKPA GOIX PZDK TIWC GWPV PDRX LWPT Z"NX 'TDMV GOCX DILC UBNG YKAT GPSX K'TY.I 3TTQ YLJR IDWG KE?P FCBU XGAT GXYP JRDK EYRX LWPT JDCL CDEP Follows the unciphered message.. In this cipher system the letter z when used'Vill letterenote eitenote a period or other stop. When used the letter z. The master keyefrom er ;.icha his message was ciphered is denoted by the following 1 I have purposely made this message, that is the ciphered version. considerably simpler than touid do made. Aft aerlall, it sorely taxed what few brains I posess have. Brother, you can take it from me, that I never will make rains. a cipher expert, or any other kind of exppeerrtces cuirdeairrd Hoping all this labor on my part prod the affect, namely, arouses your interest to the extent that you will reliele me of this vexing brain child, I remain Very Truly Yours Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : - 40039-6 STAT