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EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OFFICE OF DEFENSE MOBILIZATION WASHINGTON 2a. D. C. 25, D. C. irtelligence Agency -2OE 14n ny Federal agencies are coric.i't*d with Eaoec at i rnR Order 103421 " es for a program of physicsll security a inst cover tr acts for .,.- ale:*cd facilities in tie United States and its onseaeiior which re : ; .rzt to defense ;sabilizstion, defense productioL or the eesent gal ' 1 1 t : Order VI-1 is ad I inv and eesistiing in this rnatter?. .Member- ~. The Facilities Protection bard, ertabl i R.hed by Defe.-.st :; ?. ,,_ ?. ^ , ,:_d seems of accomplishing more coaprehensi we iwo)J..emena -atioli Si..ce the Director of tt.e Office of Defense Nis v 4- . now j i~_ ability or this Order, mtobers of s to Y ar De. art errt of Defense Deartaeent of Apiculture De-wrtmerrt of the Interior Ekepertreart of Ctxerlerce De nartme nt. of Labor General Services Administration Federal. Civil. Defense Adzaint strstLon Ato ic Energy Ccxnml ssior. interatrte Circe Cosaiss on We plan to issue: 1. A General Memos: or. Physical Security, and 2. A Defense t+bbiii.zetion Order (a) preacrib`.ng policies, (b) aseignirLg accurity co# iz .ntrn to appropriate mncivs of gover rm i `, 6.ri (c) prescribing the operatting steps req,irod to carry out the program. FEMA review(s) cc* p For Release 2005/02/6rrfii~' ~~~~a u~Q runs Q~a }i1~y. lrtrard inclu3,ce r ep?-etxar+tati.ves of the follow-in agurteiea Approved-For Re-le4se2065T02TTT c1A-RDP80B01676R001100090062-5 As an Interim measure, I am reVesting the head of each agency having essential wartime functions to take pbysic3a1 sectr~tty cognizance (within the pur-riew of Executive Order 10421) and make a sjecial survey of those building or parts of buildings which house assent La. wartime functions n f the agency. This request does not In any way alter the building manage- ment arrangements 'which exist now or say be load! in the future. The purpose of the s+artej- is (1) to eosfirn the adequacy of existing physical security nees rsa, or (2) to dates ine the additional measures which should be taken sad the cost iavslved. I offer the following points for your guidance in conducting this smreeyt 1. Caluider only the apses Aiah hoards yez a 1, records and egnipsea* sasoel.sts4 lit b essential. rartiar functions. Please excl. i*io wtioet sites from this survey as they we being bsalUAd separst.13. Also exe]a a military poste, camps and stations, and Atomic Inergy installations, as they are excladed from the requirements of Executive order 10k2l. 2. Consider the advisability of moving essential wartime fmetions eit is the sires building or elsewhere to places 'which vin provide bather rstea1 se cwrity at lower coat. 3. Consider protective aasarss againast co?ntrt acts (espionage, sabatags, sad o r ssbversivo setsvities) as distinguished from evett sets (w aq' edlits action, including air attack with nwlssr moons). Consider pri> M12y protection against isolated incidents of covert aatiitty designed to appear as accidents rather than all-out soordina tid effort by enemy agents coupled With plaened #%W PI" overt ewer r Aoti'm. The use of nuclear vs pone and biological or chemical devices in covert activities ihouU be considered exttsaly difficult to catelage as an accident . 5. Consider the rma,jor obyective to be a 37.tdent degree of physical security against covert acts rather, than absolute security. In order that we may have the berafit of your survey in formulati ;"; policy and also to have a basis for reporting a+ccomplis'zents under this program, will you please furnish us a report, a ,rcpt"istely classified. for security reasons, giving the following information t Apprrcr red-florrRelease-2005/02/17: CIA-RDP80B01676R001100090062-5 Approved For Release 2005/02/17 : CIA-RDP80B01676RO01100090062-5 I. L1ui lding surveyed and location. 2. Zssential VWtisn fuaetion ]roused therein-- identified by codes. 3. Statement that the "icral security measures are adequate or identify the added measures you feel are neoessary, as follews : a. Guards - n ber and aural cost. b. Enclosures -- parttions, fences, etc. -- cost. c. rischanioal devices -- floodlights, alarm systems, fire extinguishing sy ite ;, etc. 1 Installation cwt ~2) Enna] cost after installation s. Total cost for the building. 1 Installation 2) Ann sLl th arsafter e. Portion of the total cost thigh cannot be financed within feeds now availab.e to or budgeted for ywx a4nclrs i am aware of the practical problm involved it, financing added rh`rsi eel security measures. IOcrer'er, I feel that to MW it face this problem an3 3Ptemine what, if any, added physical seewity is needed in the it tere,3t or' national. defense. Your cooperation in this natter will be gea~t1y appreciated and will contribute substantiall7 to oexTTIM out Executive Order 10421. sincerely yaSrs, Ger4an Graf Director Approved For Release 2005/02/17 : CIA-RDP80B01676RO01100090062-5