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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
November 1, 1965
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Approved For Release 2009/04/10: CIA-RDP80B01676R001500060181-8 WWI 1 November 1965 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD Morning Meeting of 1November 1965 of OCI gave a background briefing on Ceylon. DD/I reported that per the DCI's request he had directed prepara- tion of a current handbook on Communist China. DD/I noted that he would be chairing an interagency group assessing our bombing program in Vietnam. The primary purpose is to assess the impact of the bombings on the North Vietnamese to see if the program matches our foreign policy objectives. Smith referred to the upcoming 7 November Moscow parade and expectations that a new missile, perhaps of a type using solid propellants, will be unveiled. Kent reported that an NIE scheduled for USIB next week, is the first ever done on this subject. He noted that INR had consulted the Department's Affairs Desk. Tom Hughes has agreed to take a specific intelligence position rather than let the policy desk determine the text. DD/S&T tabled a pamphlet on nuclear propelled rockets and facilities related thereto. In answer to DCI's query, he said that copies would be given to DD/P and DD/I. DD/I noted that his Collection Guidance Staff will undertake to make the pamphlet available to other agencies. (See Action 1) DD/S&T noted a request by General Schriever for an Agency bri'ef- ing on Soviet cybernetics. DCI wants to hear this briefing also. DD/S&T noted the vague nature of the term cybernetics. Karamessines reported State Department'approval of the move of in the event that evacuation of Approved For Release 2009/04/10: CIA-RDP80B01676R001500060181-8 (7", Approved For Release 2009/04/10: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001500060181-8 Karamessines noted preparation of several items relating to Communist-inspired attacks against us looking toward making this information available to Presidential Assistant Moyers and perhaps others. DDCI noted that there was no substance to a current rumor that will replace Elder. At an appropriate time will assume the position of Assistant to the Director previously held by Colonel Grogan. Elder's successor as Executive Assistant to the DCI has not yet been chosen. DCI asked for the Agency's view on the report that MIG-15's were sighted The answer was that it was possible that the ChiComs have supplied with MIG's, but this is not con- 25X1 sidered a firm bet and judgment is reserved. DCI noted the meeting) and our 25X1 man I DCI inquired as to what was being done to get informa- tion relating to this meeting to appropriate officials. Karamessines explained that information is being passed this morning to the Depart- ment and there will be an interagency meeting at the Department this afternoon to discuss the subject. DCI commended de Silva for his recent briefing. of Congressmen. He asked that follow-up take place to brief Congressmen as appropriate. DCI asked whether there was any fresh word relating to the FE trip by Clifford and Coyne. He was told about their session with in (See Action 2) DCI noted that the had not approved a proposed pending a "private survey" to be made by McGeorge Bundy. It was noted that we had cabled the field to provide argumentation and detail in the expectation that Bundy will confer with Ambassador 25X1 and perhaps (See Action DCI noted a letter from the FBI Director commending the fact that specific statements made by both agencies had put down the implica- tions in recent press stories concerning an increased FBI role in Latin America. It was noted that this letter is being. circulated to all Agency components . Approved For Release 2009/04/10: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001500060181-8 Approved For Release 2009/04/10: CIA-RDP80B01676R001500060181-8 ACTIONS: 1. DCI wants to be informed and shown an outline of the scope and subjects being covered in a current NPIC effort to develop indicators and collection guides covering major facilities of a national concern to U. S. intelligence. DCI regards this as an important part of a coordinated attack on ways to improve our collection and state of knowledge. This work can serve to tailor our needs to various collection specialties. (DD/I -- by 5 November) 2. DD/P is requested to consider enlisting the support of Clifford and Coyne in seeking approval for 3. DCI asked DD/P to consider checking with Bill Bundy to find out how it was that Bundy's approval for the State Department of the oronosPc meeting last week. was not backed up by the Department at the Approved For Release 2009/04/10: CIA-RDP80B01676R001500060181-8