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Document Release Date: 
March 17, 2003
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Publication Date: 
May 23, 1968
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80B01676R001600120005-9.pdf114.54 KB
proved For Release 200~7~~~6~D01676R0~4G00120005 THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF WASHINGTON, D. C. 20301 JflIP3T WAR GAMES A~CxENCY #xeoutive Aegibtxy -~.~~ ~ 3 MAY 1968 `The Honorable Richard M. l-?eln~.s i~ixectar, Central: intelligence agency Vtxaahington, i}, C. Zf}505 Dear Ms. Helaa~.s, Will yc+u please convey to CIA Lzaison 25X1 C3fficer far Gaxxaes a>c~d Exercises, my e:incexe appreciation fax hie Qatatanding work as your pr3ncigal point of contact fax the Jc~3nt War Garriee Agency, GJ'CS. has served ae 3V~T+GA point of contact aiz~ce I~'ovembex I965, Thraughaut the past thirty xxa4nths, he has consistently been the mast e+~t~perative ar~d helpful of all the Contact offic:er>~ 4f rtome thirty federal departments, a~genciets and rx~ilitary cc~xz~anands with which we maintaia continuing. Ifa~~ri. ias been rno$t helpful fs>, assisting the Faint Y+Tar Games Agexz~cy in aectxxing exceptionally highcalibre paxticipation from the Central Intelligence Agency. Furthex, the a>asiatance he has given.. ue in ,scheduling intexvie~irs with rx-~sny of ypur xnvt~t kttowl- edgeable and expert people hoe peen 4f great ualue. Meticuioualy attentive to detail, has attended 25X1 practically every pre-gaYne briefing g ven y t e PoliticQ~Military ~Garrrea Division dtaxing the period. H'e also maktes a great personal effect to ensure that partieipaote frvn-~ your agenc~T ass fully brief+sd end well infaraz~ed on game details, thus enhancing the value bf their part:icipa,tion to a significant degree. GROUP-4 Downgraded at 3 Year intervals; Declassifisd after Z2 years. Approved For Release 2003/0 ~~~676 8001600120005-9 A roved For Rel 2003/~3~~~~:~~P~ pp ~ 16768001600120005-9 ~rr? It has been a very great pleasure for aii of us to wa~rk clsasely with this c~edfcated and professional representative of the ~iF~ anci we are grateful for the superb job he is doing. ~e look f~+rward tQ cantlnuing the excellent relatiozxahip ar~d outstanding participati?x~ to which has dgvot+~d eo x~,~,ucl~ ti~r~ 25X1 and effort. ~ 3 .Again you have my sincere apgr~:ciatiun~ as well a~ that Q#`.~kie Chairm.an~ Joint Chiefs of Staff for the su work, and: valuable contrfbutione of . Sin: exelyr SIGNED '4V. H. BIRI'3S~NG Brfgadier General, USA +Ghfeff Joint l+yar Gan3ES ~;gencx CONi1DENTW. 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/03/28 : C~A-RDP80B01676R001600120005-9 OFFICIAL I~?UTING SLIP ' O NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS 1 DTI/P ~J i 3 :fir. ~ ; s 6 ACTIDN DIRECT REPLY PP,EPARE REPLY MPPRDVAL COF~1r?ENT DISPATCH FILE ~ RECOF,~I~tENDATIDN RETURN CONCURRENCE INFOR64ATIDN 51GNATURE 4~~~-ee o~ tine Direc ~a> 2 j/~/b~ . UNCLASS ~: T _ ~ 1600120005-9 F08M M0. 237 Use previous editions (40) 1-67 G