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c Approved For Relea3e 2003/03/28 : BEN 80B01676R0Q,i001200 its--tor for Ante lllg+rer e . ?p*ty Director for Plans q " i"-gamins as lush. op ty r=irercter foz. ' cience & i Leputy recta"' for *txpport DIOCUMPE C.eeral Counsel 1AeP*Ctor ' ener'ai the Joint 1" er cars)** : gea y of t Intel'ltgettce War Carnes &$ccutiae r-egistsy 1965 i. The q ?1iar wa ecs y F?ase-w. r s eef whether the should sponsor pe io fc W&:-'gamins of intelligence situations. The Deputy T ,erector has asked some of yo: o: your reco rc .eo-J tkofi. Ve he coostderec this rn tttes ith some caa'e axed has eci: a that, in the lit of the cur., out -ovorld eitua ttorx io; . the a; t mpett. require- Ls ior- ;anpowo t, we will niat at this time ins a take to ;ponsoi of staff ie spensor:eg a rtes of COW-war games au the cer month. a b.hey-ee that full i.:art=ictpatioo by the irk these cola-wax games may well be an a4equate substitute for *tgnate as the focal point for lisi*on with the Jo : ctsi o guncy-spon$octd wa.r-ga r inl = your Cooperation witl~. the Wer Plans staff, #WI .gerncy, will be apprec its . which h t ar C: Xaee"ukio LKW:rcr:31 Aug 65 Distribution: 1 - each adse 1 - LKW chrono Cl -If / 6) Ado\MS For Release 2003/03/28'a,QRDP80B lr~120015-8 C- LZ Approved For Relea" 2003/03/28 : CIA-RDP80B01676R00i"0120015-8 12 AUG 1965 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT: Intelligence War Games REFERENCE: DDCI Memorandum, dated 16 July 1965; Subject: Mr. Kirkpatrick's Memorandum on Intelligence War Games 1. Although I am in agreement with Mr. Kirkpatrick's belief that the Agency would be better prepared for crises if it periodically partic- ipated in more intelligence war games, I do not believe that the Agency itself should sponsor intelligence war games either exclusively inside CIA or by CIA in conjunction with other agencies at this time. 2. If we had sufficient manpower I would be happy to explore Mr. Kirkpatrick's proposal for additional war gaming; however, in view of our present ceilings and priority commitments, it is recommended that such exercises be continued only at the present level. Desmond i z era Deputy Director for Plans Approved For Release 2003/03/28 : CIA-RDP80B01676R001600120015-8 SECRET 25X1 GROUP 1 - Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassiticaflon Approved For Release 2003/03/28 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R001600120015-8 Approved For Release 2003/03/28 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R001600120015-8 Approved For Rele a 2003/Gk- 003/Q / -RDP801301676R0G1/b0120015-8 Execu ive ilegis4xy L g 16 July 1965 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Intelligence Deputy Director for Plans SUBJECT: Mr. Kirkpatrick's Memo (attached) on Intelligence War Games Before I show this memorandum to the Director, I would like to get your individual reactions to the proposal. I am a bit uncomfortable with the implication that the Agency can conduct such war games in vacuo. In any event, I would ap- preciate your advice. 25X1 Attachment - ER-65-4036 Richelms Deputy Director Approved For Release 2003/0328 ?: et~'"-RDP80B01676R001600120015-8 Approved For Releaw2003/03/28 : -RDP80B01676R001W120015- SECR 15 July 1965 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT : Intelligence War Games Eq o,3G 1. As a by-product of the planning exercise for the Agency in which I am now engaged, it becomes strikingly clear that one of the weaknesses in our present operations is a lack of intelligence war gaming. 2. As a matter of background, I would note that Recommenda- tion No. 3 of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board in 1956 urged that there be greater participation of CIA in war gaming. Since that date CIA has participated in war games, both national and on a theater basis. These have proved to be valuable, even though unpopular. 3. In working on the long-range plan, and particularly in studying intelligence assumptions, it becomes apparent that there are many contingencies which could occur and which would necessitate rapid action on the part of CIA, including such things as redisposition of personnel, viz. the Dominican crisis. I believe the Agency would be much better prepared for these crises if it periodically engaged in intelligence war games. These could be conducted either exclusively inside CIA or by CIA in participation with the other intelligence agencies. Some of the contingencies which could be war gamed might be very remote from the point of view of possibility, but nevertheless would provide valuable experience, while others could be events which definitely will take place. 11 Each of these studies would revolve primarily around internal develop- ments in a particular country, 25X1 would definitely have regional e ec s. Or, on a broader scale, what would be required of intelligence if Communist China sent forces into the Vietnam war? Have we given any serious consideration as to what our reaction would be should the Soviet Union seek a much closer relationship with the U. S. , including possible liaison with the intelligence service and even exchange of information on Communist China? Approved For Release 2003/0 V 8C 1 DP8q 4 p 10120015-8 Rg1RDP801301676R00300120015-8 Approved For Reler 2003gE r E. I 4. I would suggest that consideration be given to assigning to the War Plans Staff of DD/P the responsibility for sponsoring periodic war gaming of intelligence situations. 25X1 ,Wyman 13. it pa ric SURET Approved For Release 2003/03/28 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R001600120015-8 SECRE I Approved For Release 2003/03/28: CIA-RDP80B01676F'160012001i5- `, L 19 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT . Comments on Mr. Kirkpatrick's Intelligence War Game Memorandum 1. I heartily agree with Mr. Kirkpatrick's conclusion that the Agency should participate periodically in intelligence war gaming. However, I do not believe that the CIA should attempt to conduct its own in-house games or even to organize and sponsor a series for interagency play. War gaming, of the type outlined by Mr. Kirkpatrick, already is programmed for the Washington community by the Joint War Games Agency (JWGA) of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the CIA is partici- pating this week in a first FY 1966 JWGA game which projects the current Vietnam situation. 2. On 21 July JWGA representatives briefed the Executive Director and other senior Agency officials on the FY 1966 game program and invited full CIA participation, including the sponsorship of games, suggestion of game topics, and preparation of scenarios. The same invitation has been extended to the DCI in a recent memorandum from the Director of the Joint War Games Agency. 3. I recommend that the Agency increase its participation in the programming and playing of JWGA cold war games. We have already recommended to Colonel White that the War Plans Staff of the DD/P act as broker for arranging Agency partici- pation. This Staff already is the Agency focus for partici- pation in other joint games and exercises and maintains continuing liaison with the JWGA. The substantive responsi- bility for game play and for scenario planning, however, should be conducted by the appropriate line component. The Office of National Estimates, for example, would be directly involved in developing scenarios, and suggesting broad topics Fr~bnrv~ _,; Approved For Release 2003/03/28 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R001600120015-8 Excij?--' If SECRET Approved For Re1se 2003/03/28: CIA-RDP80B01676RO90600120015-8 for game consideration such as those outlined by Mr. Kirkpatrick. With the proper degree of participation in advance planning for the annual JWGA program, we can achieve the intent of Mr. Kirkpatrick's memorandum without embarking on a unilateral Agency war games program, and do so more realistically. The DD/I has considerable to gain from participation in such a program. We are prepared to support any component charged with Agency responsibility in this field. 25X1 PAUL A. BOREL Acting Deputy Director for Intelligence Approved For Release 2003/03/28 : CIA-RDP80B01676R001600120015-8 SECRET SEENDEF;5WILL CHECK CLASSIFICA-ION TOP AND BOTTOM -IP ,)(g I Q a as q 2W 3 T1S~~- DP O~Q8E3R i CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS 1 Ex. Director 2 Deputy Director for Intellige nce 3 Deputy Director for Plans i/JUL `v 4 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks : FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME. ADDRESS AND DATE Richard Helms, DDCI 6/7/65 pp 1 ,[ a se 3/28: CIA-RDP B61'77 R0 FORM NO. 237 Use previous editions 2-61 G I STAT 25X1 Q UNCLASSIFIED rove IN 'ECRET ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) FRbM: EXTENSION NO. DD/ P DATE TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFICER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom RECEIVED FORWARDED INITIALS to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) 1. C s't3Fb ~v At" 25X1 2. ADD /P - 3C20i6 3ARXX2Ji.affisx2?8?i -- -3C2-0-1-;k 4. L%Lar Psan3 S DDCI - 7 E12 5. ILLEGIB 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. FORM 61 0 USE PREVIOUS a E] SECRET CONFIDENTIAL INTERNAL UNCLASSIFIED 3-62 EDITIONS USE ONLY