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Document Release Date: 
August 19, 2003
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Publication Date: 
March 28, 1966
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Approved For Release 2003/08/25 CIA-RDP80B01676 00170006002-f 9 8 MAR 1966 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Meeting with Jim Clark of the Bureau of the Budget 1. On 14 March 1966 Jim Clark of the Bureau of the Budget tele- phoned and was mildly upset about our criticism of Marty Convisser for going directly to the Office of Communications about a problem without first setting up an appointment through PPB. This led to con- siderable discussion and culminated in a meeting between Dick Helms, Jim Clark, and me on Wednesday, 16 March. Jim Clark felt that BOB analysts are being unduly restrained in their freedom of movement within the Agency and that this apparently represents a change in policy. Dick reaffirmed our desire that all appointments for briefings and meet- ings be made in a regular manner through PPB. At the same time, he assured Jim that we would make available to the Bureau all the informa- tion they desire and that BOB analysts would certainly have an oppor- tunity to talk with any Agency employee at any level. Dick encouraged Jim to try this arrangement for a month or so and to come back and talk with him again if he has any problems. 2. After leaving Dick Helms, Jim Clark and I pursued this matter and got into the area of casual meetings, including social contacts such as lunches, at which business might be discussed. He asked whether we intend to insist that a PPB representative be present at such meet- ings. I assured him that we do not wish to inhibit casual or social con- tacts in any way but that there will be a very definite problem if a pat- tern of such contacts develops which makes it appear that BOB analysts are attempting to by-pass PPB. I also said that, if an analyst gleans some information in any such casual discussions which appears to con- flict in any way with the information he has received from PPB, I thought the analyst would be obligated to go to PPB and straighten out the matter. 3. There is no question that the Bureau does not like this new ar- rangement. At the same time, there is no question that Jim and I understand each other, and I think that with good will on both sides this arrangement can be made to work. L. K. White Executive Director-Comptroller cc: D/PPB Approved For Release 2003/08/25 : CIA 0017000j02Z6 25X1 de^Ia;^ Approved For Release 2003/08/25 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R001700060022-6 ExDir: LKW : jrf Distribution: 0-ER 1 - ExDir Approved For Release 2003/08/25 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R001700060022-6