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Approved For Release 2004/03/18 CIA-RDP80B01676RO01900110001-1 MTM?RANDUM State Department review completed SU3.TECT: Cable Correspondence Between CIA R-ad natters and Mr. WCAmw Regarding Cuba in Septermber, 1942 1. After leaving New York oa the night of 30 Agguat to travel to Eure" by ship. Mr. McCone was given the first in- formation concerning photographic conftriua#tom of a altos in Cuba in a message from quarters seat I an 4 September. This cable included the folly: "CI -n readout confirms eight and probably nine SAM sites under crash construction. Z414 of nine sites afted will blanket entire western halt of Island. Ninth is on east coast and we expect others will be built to cover entire country. Construction proceed- ing so ,iekly we look for some to be operational within Moat week or tin days. Readout also showed eight torpedo boats with dual,, radar-gcideel, missile launchers. Such missiles have estimated range of about 15 miles for a 2, OOG.pound hi-explosive payload with do accuracy. Presasne you know of weekend comsne in which Moscow claims right to extend military assistance to Cuba while danger of invasion persists. All this creates now atmosphere. Principals meeting with President today to discuss whither now, and with Hill leadership at White House this afternoon. i= 2. On 5 September Mr. McCone was advised as follows: "In Initial reaction to official U.S. statement 4 September re SAM sites and PT beats. Cuban spukeamea emphasis log claim that arms-buildup is exercise of right of self-defense. Moscow is silent so far. Cuban military forces for past week or se to high state of alert. It may be that regime deliberately alarming populace to justify massive Soviet assistance and to divert minds from eca*omi+a plight. Approved ,F rr RRe llease e0 X03/18 : CIAO-RRDPP880BO1676R001900110001-1 Sc iE to per sow"* of Cuba. Thu viii take about ~. Approved For Release 2004/03/18 : CIA-RDP80B01676RO01900110001-1 In backs of our minds is growing danger to the birds. 3. On 6 September the daily cable to Mr.. hicCone contained the followiz*: "Continued readout new shows total of nine, probably tea, SAM sites.- Other info, from ground reports, points stroftly to at least two others. In meeting with Latin American ambassaaders be" 5 September re Cuba, Sec State asked them to touch boon with Horse Governments said reach early agreement to convene meeting of OAS foreign ini rays to discuss Cuban developments. Sec State in response to query from Mexican Ambassador said we have impression Moscow does not desire develop Cuba as Soviet base this hemisphere. H. said Soviets under Cuban pressure give economic and military help but are thus far careful not to make unlimited security commitment." 25X1 4. On T September, Headquarters received the foilawiag 0 " Question very much if C-package will be helpful and urge frequent repeat miss . of recent reconnaissance operations wbtch, Gilpatric advises iuform*tiv e. Also I rapport use of A-10l if necessary. My hunch is we might face prospect of Soviet short-range s*rfaco ta- surface missiles of portable type to Cuba which could command important targets of southeast United States and possibly Latin American Caribbean areas. "You might suggest to Rusk that we develop joint pains for action is Cuba with selected Caribbean. South American states as an, alternative to seeking Unanimous OAS action which most cer- tainty will be an ineffective compromiser solution if past history is any indicator. II Approved For Release 2004/03/18 : CIA-RDP80BOl 676RO01 900110001 -1 Approved For Release 2004/03/18 : CIA-RDP80B01676RO01900110001-1 25X1 S. On. 7. September to Mr. McCoia e: "Have report from EWd source stern cabled the following flat Cuba, has ets 01 same 25X1 25X1 kind that Act down U- 2' and that preparations have been made for 'complete destruction' of tlratntaeaawe e Base In a ve t of attack an Cuba. "Assume you acting press reports showing bow Congressional Republicans pressing for a J1orm - type resed*ti+ou authorising President to use troops if necessary in Cuba. " i. On S September the following was seat to Mr. McCe.: "Readout of latest (5 September) take shows three more SAacs, these in Las Villas Province in central Cuba. Total SAME now twelve, pr y thirteeen. To blanket island, we look for eventual total of about 25. Also spatted one WO-21 at ants. Clara airfield. Nineteen crates seen probably bases lam-21 which would total M. (Totaill number M(;.15, 11 and 19 is carried at about 40.) MM-21 is is 000 MPH jet, with altitude capability 40, 000 feet, equipped with two Mr-air infrared missiles as well as standard rackets and canna ne. "I have talked with Rush who was most appreciative for your suggest re Mast action planning with selected Latin states. " 7. On lp September Mr. McCone cables "Difficult for me to rationalize eaotensive costly defwwos being established in Cuba as such extreme costly Measures to accomplish security 'amd secrecy not consistent with other policies such as refugees, legal travel, etc. Appears to aus giaite possible measures now being taken are for purpose of insuring secrecy of some offensive capability such am MRBM's Approved For Release 2004/03/163-CIA-R?P80B0. 67&RO01900110001-1 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/03/18: CIA-RDP80B01676RO01900110001-1 to be ipwtalled by Scawie der ?"seat puss completed am country secured from o erflights. Suggest Beard of National Estimates st"y motif es behind these defensive measures Wj&b even seem to exceed those provided V ost acts igee.' 25X1 8. On 10 September *quarters sent the f Mr. McCa: jag to 25X1 Mexico and Brasil (who have been iau vanguard of these Opposing tough polity re Castro) now Jointly discussing possibility of making diplomatic break with Cuba. Reason is not new Serial inroads but that Mexican, and Brasiitan governments now think we will invade and a raase Castro and meat to be spared mestic embarrassment by breaking beforehand. "Tbaatsks for your toughs is Cuba. Beard of National Estimates has them and is ceneldering." 9. On U dspternber Headquarters cable& the following to lair. McCene: "Havana Radio charges that two cargo ships, outward bound from Cuba, one Cuban and the ether British, were attacked U September off nartbern coast of Cuba. as *An* group called Alpha-6 (based in Puerto Rico) probably did the job. Student exile group is kdatmi last weekend publicly announcdd i tentaio to attack Bloc ships moving in and out of Cuba. ?e Is growing mood of frustration anwal refugees and danger of unilateral operations and incidents is likewise growing. "Assume you noting in press the Somlat statement issued !i September xn-kl sweeping cbarg o that U. S. preparing Cuba inv salon and Warning that "if this attack is arcade, this will be beginning of wpleashing of war. " Implications of the 4, 400-word statement under study. W ill advise you further. " Approved For Release 2004/03/.14.; CIA-RDP80BOl 676RO01 900110001 -1 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/03/18 : CIA-RDP80B01676RO01900110001-1 020 your request Hew.rd of National mates examine implications of defense equipment. ?shaving is Prousainary sea" of National. zatimartees statement 'Whale gsestion Soviet, motived"We including possible reasons why Soviets migh eemader is ph eire, but will regard this problems as one to be met by the V. S. and not ter responsibility. We estimate the chances are better now than they were at Pins Dol Leta to obtain two-di s OAS majority for sanctions and other steps short of mU y action aimed at Cuba. It became clear that the Soviet Union was establishing an 'offensive' base in Cuba, most Latin American goverm beads would expect the U. S. to a llminata it, by war means were necessary. but many of them would still seek to avoid direct 1nvoh. I' 19.On 20 September, Mr. Con tabled as fellowes "west most careful ooaasideradioa to Conclusion last s ce Paragraph D. As an alternative I can see that an offensive Soviet Cam beat" will provide Soviets with most important and etbre tr tradink position in connection with all other cruel areas and home they might take as ect+ed risk to order to establish such a position. 20.On 20 September, Headquarters sent the following to Mr. cConeez Approved For Release 2004/03/ .$1 CIA-RDP80B01676RO01900110001-1 Approved For Release 2004/03/18 : CIA-RDP80B01676RO01900110001-1 "Khrushchev, is two rocad talks with visitors 4Asstdan Vie* Chancellor and Belgian Score Moister), held to firm Use re Berlin but still no time, deadlines for separate treaty. We gather tra these talks and other assorted evtdenece that Khrushcbev likely to show up here alter elections to talk with Presi- dast and. failing to get W h" he wanks, to take up Berlin at UN before proceeding with treaty. > tasbchev also making belligerent noises re Cuba. Nis contends U. S. blockade would be act of war and be will uei subs and rockets to enforce right of paseaa 25X1 21. On 21 September mina tors cited its last briefing cable to Mr. Mc Cesne Who wras then on Ids way back to the va d States, TM cable-- can. "One of our best sources reports a resurgence since mid-August at o14 line Communists, especially was Roca. Castro said to be unhappy over dominant role, with Soviet backing the ant Communists playing once again. Source use 'A. Is econ field (this is the primary preserve of the Cseebs), bloc technicians work* closely With Cubans at plant and Production levels. !*. At ministry, pain, and policy levels, Soviets ezertieg tnenca through old and tmowd comrades (Roca, SRedrigues. and Pom). 'C. In military field, Soviets prsvidlift advisers and cenvemtlonral eaiufp t to Cuban Array but are key masticated weaponry and electronic gear herder Somet direct control.'" Approved For Release 2004/03/18 : CIA-RDP80BOl 676RO01 900110001 -1 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/03/1'8 CIA-RDP8 B01676RO01900110001-1 KI U HCH I-KNOX TALK 1 . According to a report from CINCUSNAVEUR, Lon- don, Khrushchev stated f latly_ du ink a talk with Westing- house International president William Knox on Qe Br hat he had both conventional and nuclear warheads in Cuba a Movie -manned missile sites. 2. However, we learned late yesterday from Alexis Johnson of State that a member of the UCUN staff had al- ready talked to Knox in New York following Knox's return to the US, and that Knox had said he did not have any- thing particularly new to report. (Johnson recognized that this was at variance with the Navy report, and also noted that the USUN member had not had the substance of the Navy report.) 3. Knox is presently scheduled to call the State Department at 0900 this morning, and the story of what Khrushchev actually said should then be clarified. will follow up with State. OCI COMMENT: We still have no positive evidence of the presence of nuclear warheads in Cuba. However, we have noted in photography what appear to be nuclear warhead storage buildings in the vicinity of several bal- listic missile launch sites. Approved For Release 2004/03/18 I: CIA-RDP80 01676RO01900110001-1 25 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/03/18: CIA-RDP80B0 Soviet tanker Grozny, still about a day out from the quarantine line, will presumably be the next Soviet ship across the line. The Grozny is the one which has ammonia tanks on deck--and is presumably heading for the Nicaro nickel plant as it has in past runs with ammonia. G/C C t-t e t a r n ~t1 S/ Approved For Release 2004/03/18: CIA-RDP80B Approved For Release 2004/03/18 : CIA-RDP80B01676RO01900110001-1 1. Lebanese vesse 1 MARUCLA is well within the quarantine zone 'VAP W, W a. intercepted at in. rom r,n 2. Our information the East German passenger ship VOELKERFREUNDSHAFT is as followst Ship should be in the Western Atlantic by now, but no recent positions are available. Ship departed the Baltic and has an ETA in Havana about 27 or 28 October, has-some 500 industrial workers (probably East 25X1 Czech workers on board. This is before the ship left. Germans) Vessel reportedly and at least 55 25X1 25X1 from press announcements 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/03/18 :- CIA-RDP80BOl 676RO01 900110001 -1