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Document Release Date: 
August 15, 2005
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Publication Date: 
March 22, 1962
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80B01676R001900120045-2.pdf146.08 KB
Approved Release 2006/03/17: CIA-RDP80BO 6 6R001900120045-2 22 Horeb 192 s bunter of Special Group Meeting, 22 March 1852 PUSSNTz Mr. sumin 51r. Joboaon; Mr. Gilpatric mad General Parker; Mr, McCaus The Attorney Corral was present for It.. 1; Arebaasador Reinhardt and Mr. Xarsasssin.s, of CIA, were present for Item 3. 1. Shut j fan alt Will capabilit, of CIA, gave a su nary of the increased logistic to rth Vistula. Z. ritisl- ftm as This Item was discussed briefly. Mr. $cCone ass a:s: to prepare AS assessaMaat of the cbracss of success of venous pro. posed covert lives at actton. It was recognized that this kind of study Faust be distinct from the. 8511 new is progress. 3. Ez A draft aauMt womic for hirer authority, sorsrixg the covert program of suppar-t, was discuss", Mr? Johnson agreed to no with, the Amebas 's and CIA's rtecaaemadatiaos on the It was noted that other Lawwas or gas ram had already listed amr State, CIA wad the Ambassadors. W. Reinhardt was to discuss the proposals with higher authority later in flee afternoon. 4. iseaeac Attiviti The Group thou turned to discussion art: the State Departments paper tecoearseading relaxation of certain restrictive policies with respect to space activities; a draft Defense directive, which rre- iatorced provtowrly-discussed security assures; and a paper tram CIA on the entaet of Soviet kmnd a of U.S. roc I 'n issanncs capabilities. NSC review(s) completed. Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R001900120045-2 Approved Release 2006/03/17: CIA-RDP80BO 4 68001900120045-2 Mr. Johnsen asssspmalsasd that the State position was not that the U.S. should mm acknowledge its ciaadestinss activities In this field, but mother that we should fine[ saw way slowly to surface what we are doing. Me cautioned against baiag so clam- destine that we appear to have a guilt ccssplss. Mr. body suggested that perhaps the best way to proceed would be to esglesssr pesaribilitios of setting the stags for eventual acec*ptaes of this kind of use for out" space, thrasgb the modius of international lsmrysrs, scholars or smiler individuals. hha esph sised that this had nothing to do with say commidersatte of our present eapabilities or aactivitiasae. Ale" there limy., it was agretd that the State Mpartssss nt should tabs the lead in having its internatiopal legal experts work up the case for obtaining such acceptance, without exposing these experts is any way to currently- classified infereaties. Mr. Gilpatric said that the Defense paper had *4 Its objective the etateuance of security discipline within the bstemse establish- mat. Vs. Cone undertook to took further into the Zboioov article entitled "space lea sgi flame and International 1mw," which W" cited to the CIA paper, with a view to seem bow the Soviets the.nsslves have approached this problem. 5. II-A01itaalAsti sr This project me deterred is vtow of its possible Impact an the I bass situation. Oda was approved as presented. Mr. Dwedy this fact to higher authority. 7. L -L Yolitsf, Mince The election projeeet we approved as presented. Me. Ivudy w yrtook to discuss it with higher authority. Si. Smart tte l?hliiierai 1Mntiaser It was voted that State and CIA are in agrseerntst on all specter of the progras for political parties, as Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R001900120045-2 Approved 0 Release 2006/03/17: CIA-RDP80B006R001900120045-2 suarearissd L U the paper recently 'prepared by CM. It was agreed that Mr. McCon end Mr. Jobtson should "stung this at an appropriate bale with higher authority. 9. Peripheral NURt Mr. )icCone said that the five peripheral flights 14 the Soviet Per list, proposed by SO sad disco sad at last se's westing, had bee* further considered by CIA experts. They had coslxded that the information that could be expected frow those wise tons would not be sufficient to J%stify alerting Soviet defenses. Mr. Gilpstric agreed to require the responsible officers to justify these pro- posals further. hoteaas A. Parrott Distribution Mr. Johanson Mr. Gilpatris Mr. hcCoeae Kr. Bundy Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R001900120045-2