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Publication Date: 
December 26, 1950
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Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R002300010024-2 Secret 26 December 1950 I Minutes of Meeting hold in Director's Conference Room, Administration Building Tuesday, 26 December 1950, at 1100 hours General Smith Presiding 1.Ti lliam H. Jackson, Deputy Director, CIPL Murray ,IcConncl, Deputy Director for Administration Assistcnt to the Director Consultant Janes I:I. ;ndreyrs, Asst. Dir. for Collection L Dissemination Theodore Babbitt, Asst. Dire for Rescerch and Reports George G. Carey, Asst. Dir. for Operations Dep. Asst. Dir. for Scientific Intelligence Iisst. Dire for Special Services William L. Langer, Asst. Dire for National Estimates James Q. Reber,. Act'g Bost. Dir. for Intelligence Coordination 2-6 December 1950 " " Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R002300010024-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R002300010024-2 ~;L~ I `Tt:I TIi'C TIC DEi UI`i DI:L! CTOPR S DIARY, It was decided that Assistant Directors. and all other personnel conferring with the Director or Deputy Dirdctor should stop on their way out and inform the Secretary o:i the Director or Deputy Director as to the nature of their conversation. .''r. Jackson will keep fairly detailec diary of all con- versations with CIA or outside personnel. The Director stated that he would rive ?Sr. Kirkpatrick a note of any conversations of i;::porta.nce with non.-CIA personnel. Fu:;FL TO LETT;.;R OI: S`_:CR T"RY 37 DE;, SE. r. Jackson read the letter to t ze meeting, e;:paiming that a bill of particulars would be sent at a later date, and there was no criticisr_ or co-.:ent. Yr. Carey was so.:cwhat vrorr .ed about the or.ission of. any specific reference to overt collection activities in para`-raph E. his reference .as to monitoring activities in the Par He agreed that these could bc; taken care of later with the bill of particulars. 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002300010024-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002300010024-2 SECRET 2 January 1951 Minutes of 1,2eeting hold in Director's Conference Room, Administration Building Tuesday, 2 January 1951, at 1100 hours Piro William H. Jackson Presiding Allen W. Dulles, Deputy Director, Plans Lyman Be Kirkpatrick, Executive Assistant to DCI Executive Assistant to DCI James L.I Andrews, Asst. Dirt for Collection & Dissemination Advisor for Management Theodore Babbitt, Asst. Dirt for Research and Reports George G. Carey, Asst. Dire for Operations Ho Marshall Chadvroll, Asst. Dir. for Scientific Intelligence James Q. Reber, Act'; As8t. Dir. for Intelligence Coordination Asst. Dire for Special Services Kingman Douglass V7illiam Lo Langer, Asst. 1Dir* for National Estimates Asst. Dirt for Special Operations Asst. Dire for Policy Coordination 2 January 1951 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002300010024-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002300010024-2 25X1 25X1 1. I:Ir. Jackson explained that the Marshall letter had been received the Secretary of Defense and had been referred to the Joint Chiefs of Staff for comment and for future discussion with CIA, of its implementation. He stated that he felt there will be little question but that we would receive eve hin we reauested in the letter. Mr. Jackson reported I Mr. Jackson asked Dr. Langer to say a few words on the development of the Office of Estimates. 2. Drr Langer said that the organization of the Office of Estimates ~,ras i~relI~along tm and completion. He pointed out that the Board of 'jI?ational Estimates now consisted of a very high- powered group who would keep all of the estimators on their mettle. as :ioinod the Board of Estimates! irrill shortly be added to the Board. Dr. Langer stated is ne was i:orried about the ability of the IAC agencies to keep pace Vrith such a high level group. Dr. Langer said that he thought He stated that he felt any additional time would result in their getting out of touch with the thinking of 0/NE. 3. Mr. Kirkpatrick reported that the Directorls Staff was maintaining a daily tatus shoot on which would be noted all items which should be called to the attention of the Director. He suggested that any item which the Assistant Directors wish to have brought to the attention of the DCI be sent up for inclusion on this status sheet. Dr. Langer said that 0/NE keeps a daily status sheet showing the progress on estimates and that he would furnish this for inclusion of such part as was necessary. SECS Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80B01 g76R002300010024-2 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002300010024-2 .4. I ireported that two papers were being repared for the Ni SCone clarifying the relations of 0/SO and O/PC in wartime and one defining guerrilla s?rarfare. It was indicated that the method of handling these papers after they were agreed upon by an ad hoc committee composed of and Mr. Kirkpatrick, would be to present them to e Rational Security Council which in turn would ask the Departments of State and Defense for comment. 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002300010024-2