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Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R002300020017-9 SECRET SC-r1-33 17 December 1951 Minutes of Meeting held in Director's Conference Room, I,dministration Building Monday, 17 December 1951, at 1100 hours, Gcn=. ral Smith Presiding V 25X1 Allen W. Dulles, Deputy Director Frank G, Wisner, Deputy Director for Plans/' Wa7 F r,r B..?-Wolf, Deputy Director for Administration. Colonel Matthew Baird, Diroctor of Training George G. Carey, Ass}cant Director for 0pcrations6 -I--Chachvo31# _Lsst. Director for Scientific Intelligence Brig. Gen. Trubee Davison; Director'of Personnel` Kin man Douglass l,ssistant Director for Currant Intevlligence*,' ,Tames M. zndrows, Asst. Director for Collection and Dissemination "`Colonel Chester B. Hanson, Assistant to the Director g 0/DD/Plans - 25X1 25X1 ,':.sRistnnt Director for Speci pcrations C 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Director for Intelligence Coordination t- SECRET SC-11i-33 17 December 1951 W4ZUam L. Langer, ssistant Director ror Nationa.L LstiunaLas I assistant Director for Communications D/Assistant Director for Policy Coordination=- Office of R,-,search and Reports Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R002300020017-9 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002300020017-9 SECRET SC-M-33 17 December 1951 16 Problems Incident to Agency Expansion. Mr. Wolf noted that the rapid expansion of the Agency in recent months, as to which he gave some figures, raised a number of problems. He posed the following questions: a. Are people being subjected to too many moves? b. Are we creating ?iorale problems by bringing in so many new people, above and below longer term employees? c. Is the CIA personnel turnover too large? d. Generally, is our expansion too rapid? The Director commented that the answer to the fourth question posed by b;r. Wolf was, "yes' He stated that it would be the policy of this Agency to go slow on expansion and to insist on high quality in personnel. He preferred to have the Agency under- staffed, rather than to have the wrong kind of people working for it. This would require very careful selection of person el, with an effort to secure people prepared to stay for some substantial period of time. The Director also commented that he was not satisfied with current forecasts of future expansion. In some cases, these would have to be reduced as much as one-half to two-thirds. General Davison commented briefly on the CIk personnel turnover rate, noting that it was somewhat lower than a number of other Government agencies and that it had been substantially reduced in recent months. The Director commented that he would be content to see a larger turnover rate, if it was the result of a purge of the unfit. He did not feel that there was any nUcossity for slowing down the employment of now personnel, so long as standards were raised. That, in itself, would accomplish the desired result. Coordination of VIP Briefings. Colonel Baird requested authority to coordinate the indoctrination briefings of VIPs. He referred to an instance in which the time of a number of r;lativjly important people in the Agency had been taken up with briefing a single individual. The Director stated that the way to handle such a situation was to take longer in order to indoctrinate such an individual, so as not to take so many people away from their jobs. SECRET SC -M-33 17 December 1951 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002300020017-9 Approved For Release 2002/07/29: CIA-RDP80B01676R002300020017-9 SECRET SC-M-33 17 December 1,51 3. CIA Representation on Armed Services Personnel Intcrroga- tion Center, Armed Services Documents Intelligence Center and Joint Materiel Intelligence Agency. noted that the foregoing committees had been created as JCS subcommittees without prior discussion with CIA, which had an interest in the field of each. It was noted that cnly one of those organizations was in being, namely K IA. The Director commented that CIA's real objective was to got the product of such groups and to insure that they understood DCI'a requirements. He directed that this matter be referred to Mr. Reber and that it should be handled, if possible, without CIA representation. If CIA did send rcprosontatives, we should be c;;rtain that the men chosen to represent the igoncy were of the type: who would do so with credit. 4. Coordination of Activities in Berlin. The Director noted that he had conferred with General Bolling respecting the coordination of activities in 3,,rlin. 25X1 5. AD/SO. The Director announced that as of this date was taking over as Assistant Director for Special Operations 6. CIA Representation on ICIS Subcommittee on Unconventional Warfare. Dr. Chadwell raised the question as to whether it was appropriate for OSI to furnish CIA's ruprusentation on the ICIS Subcommittee on Unconventional W-arfere. The Director stated that this matter should be refc.rrc:d to Messrs. Reber and Jackson who would reach a "yes" or "no" decision, for presentation to the Director for approval. SECRET SC -M-33 17 December 1951 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/07/29: CIA-RDP80B01676R002300020017-9 would be his deputy. Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R002300020017-9 SECRET Sc -M-33 17 December 1951 7. Utilization of NNIilit::ry Personnel. General Davison noted that a number of the milit^ry personnel assigned to the Agency wore complaining that full use was not being made of their services. The Director statud that each of the Assistant Directors should review the situation in his own Office and should insure; that the capabilities of these men were being fully utilized. SECRET SC-M-33 17 December 1951 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R002300020017-9