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December 12, 2016
Document Release Date: 
February 14, 2002
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Publication Date: 
February 11, 1952
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80B01676R002300080008-3.pdf65.07 KB
Approved For Release 2002/92/27: CIA-FDP80B01676R002300080008-3 L'CIJ ~ItY S,,.tn. ..,~ ;,...?. DAILY STAFF MEETING Monday' 11 February 1952 PRESENT.. 25X1A Reported on the successful completion of his trip to New York respecting press and radio coverage of the Athens trials. a. Reported on the application of ONE post-mortens on NIEs to the requirements problem. It is a part of the function of these post-mortems to indicate the gaps in intelligence coverage which if filled would materially improve the final estimate. Steps are being taken to develop from these post-mortems requirements analyses which can be used by the several IAC agencies. b. Noted that Mr. Reber is preparing a new paper on the j latch Committee question. c. Noted that CIA participation in international intelligence con- ferences is being reviewed. Mr.= Reported that Col. 'White understands that budget hearings may begin as soon as ten days hence and emphasized the importance of complete preparation of any presentation material which the Director would use. He noted that there are three principal problems to be resolved: 1. The personnel ceiling: whether is to be used for budgetary purposes. (It had been earlier under- stood that the self-imposed personnel ceiling would not be reflected in the budget presentation.) 2. The PSB budget. It was reported that the present status of the Director's thinking is that the PSB should stand on its own budgetary feet. (It has since been confirmed that at the PSB luncheon on 7 February' it was agreed that the Depart- ment of Defense shoula. alone support the PSB budget.) (CONTINUED) Approved For Release 200 /6`27: CIA-RDP80BO1676R002300080008-3 'iCLUF tV in :i anti Approved For Release 2002102!27:: CIA-RDP80BO1676R002300080008-3 The problem of OPC (whether CIA should sustain the budgetary requirements of OPC or whether it should simply act as an agent, leaving it to State and Defense to support the budget). In general, what is to be presented should be thoroughly cleared with the Director. The presentation should include a report, a financial statement as to costs for the past year, and a general review of the world situation. Approved For Release 2002/02/27: CIA-RDP80BO1676R002300080008-3