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Document Creation Date: 
December 15, 2016
Document Release Date: 
September 16, 2002
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Publication Date: 
December 1, 1952
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80B01676R002300110021-4.pdf84.19 KB
Approved For Release 2002110 Oc R P80B01676R0023001W2, 5184 Deputies` Meeting Monday, 1 December =_952 PRESENT: General Smith, Messrs. Dulles, Wisner, Wolf, Hedden, Amory, II 25X1 General Smith: a. Noted a cable to the Senior Representative, concern. .n, 25X1 I land asked if the information contained therein indicated that we were in or another 'flap'. Mr. Dulles stated he did --+ believe so an the was based on information furnished by and pertained tc-) 25X1 After some discussion, the DCI asked that les further rh uss b. Referred to a cable from the Senior Representative, 25X1 and stated that (1) from the information contained therein it wou c. appear t at he (the Senior Representative) had personally visited'- 2 51 t~ris c~ 25X1 true, he deserved a commendation for his excellent report unnde rtook to follow through on this. 25X1 25X1 a. Reported he had received a call from Scotty Reston con erning a [who had (1) been recruited for a position with the Agency t-,, 25X1 1(2) been unofficially advised we did have an opening for him, _ Pij the strength of this rented a house in Washington; 25X1 ? (~+) been notified tYi+~.i; t ~e position for which he had been considered had been abolished. The Dire:!to-r stated that (1) without knowing the facts of this case he was positive =-4a,d been assured of a position prior to a secur:Lty check which he apparently lai ed.: (2) it had come to his attention on other occasions that prospective emoloy~e