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Document Creation Date: 
December 14, 2016
Document Release Date: 
March 17, 2003
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Publication Date: 
August 29, 1956
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80B01676R002300200025-0.pdf57.94 KB
Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002300200025-0 DEPUTIES' MEETING Wednesday, 29 August 1956 PRESENT: General Cabell, Messrs. Wisner, Kirkpat ick Sheldon, Lloyd, Bissell, Q Kent, General Cabell: 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 c. Noted a cable had been received from 25X1 stating that the various persons we sent too for the 25X1 Conference had performed in a most professional and efficient manner and deserved commendation for their diligent efforts. If DD/P concurs, letters for the Actin Director's signature should be prepared in accordance with 25X1 recommendation. Mr. Wisner: 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002300200025-0 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002300200025-0 Mr. Kirkpatrick: a. Stated that as a result of recent meetings the Public Service Aid Society, an internal CIA welfare and charitable organization, will be included as a participant in the forth- coming Consolidated Charities drive. He announced that the Internal Revenue Bureau had now given its approval to the Society as a legitimate charitable organization and that contributions made to this Society are deductable for income tax purposes. He expressed the belief that since the existence of the Society is not too well known as yet, it should be publicized within CIA and all employees asked to contribute at least a dollar to its support. He noted that a paper on this subject will be placed on the Acting Director's desk today. 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002300200025-0 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80B01676R002300200025-0 Mr. Lloyd: 6Announced that pursuant to the Acting Director's request at the previous Deputies' Meeting, a new system of forwarding all supergrade pay checks had been effected. Commencing with the next pay period, all supergrade pay checks will be dispatched from the Finance Office in individually sealed envelopes addressed to the recipients. Mr. Kent: 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/1-8: CIA-RDP80B01676R002300200025-0