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Publication Date: 
July 11, 1958
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TP SECRET Approved For Release 2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002300230036-5 Friday, 11 July 1958 PRESENT: Mr. Dulles, Mr. Wisner, Colonel Whitel 25X1 Messrs. Sheldon, Kirkpatrick, 25X1 Colonel White: e5X1 b) Reported the Director should soon receive a written request from the Department of State for $4, 000 which would represent the tuition fee of the CIA. representative selected to attend the Department's Senior Officer School which opens for the first time this Fall. c) Noted that the Training bill has now become law; however, it does not become effective for 270 days. He said that Hr. Houston is preparing, for the Director's approval, a request to the President for certain A.gency exceptions to this law. d) Noted that ill have to retire in about 11 months on reaching the age of 70. He said that likely candidates for replacement are either scheduled to go overseas or are alread overseas and suggested that rather than interrupt their schedule that e asked to stay on another year. Colonel White went on to say that in all probability I would make the best replacement for 0 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002300230036-5 Approved For Release 2004/0~: 44FOB01676ROO2300230036-5 a) Noted that the dinner last night forl 25X1 had gone extremely well and hd _j had been outgoing and in fact 25X1 made the statement that he wanted to be considered 25X1 The Director said he had been considering whether r n e s ou reorganize his dinner I and on balance felt it would be better to have a smaller dinner at his residence afterl 25X1 25X1 c) Noted he had made very careful notes of the Director's presentation to the JCS on 9 July 1958 and stated he intended to circulate these notes to the senior officials of the Agency. The Director concurred. Referred to the Bureau of the Budget analysis of the cost of strategic intelli- gence and asked the Director if he was ready to discuss this matter. The Director said he wished to take it up with General Cabell upon his return and that he had: about decided the data in question should be circulated to the members of the I'1.C. noted his agreement and pointed out that he firmly believed the IA.C members should receive this infj oration compiled by the Bureau of the Budget in order to prepare an agreed upon outline of how such information should be submitted in future years, particularly since the President's Board of Con- sultants can be expected to ask DCI the action taken on the paper in question. Reported that as a result of the Far Eastern trip taken by Mr. Macy of tht~ Approved For Release 2004/04/19 CIA-RDP80B01676RO02300230036-5 U~ SECRET Approved For Release 2004/04/9: IA-RDP80B01676R002300230036-5 Bureau of the Budget to look over our activities in that area, Macy had been discussing with him procedures to evaluate our activities. 25X1 on to say that he believed this could best be handled by acquainting Mr. Macy with our system of checks and balances, The Director approved. Mr. Kirkpatrick: a) Noted he had received a call from Bob McCullen of State respecting the escapee problem and had been advised that McCullen had asked why the U. S. Government pays the expenses of these escapees rather than loaning them the money. The Director asked DD/P to get in touch with Mr. McCullen on this matter. 25X1 25X1 b) Noted that the Department of State has drafted a letter to Dr. Killian, the President's Scientific Advisor, recommending that he appoint a panel to consider a system that might be agreed upon with the Soviets in order to pre- vent surprise attacks by either the U. S. or the U.S.S.R. Mr. Sheldon noted that the Watch Committee, and in particular I could be of a 25X1 great deal of assistance to the panel. The Director commented that any such system devised would be of interest to this Agency and asked o 25X1 obtain a copy of the proposed letter to Dr. Killian prior to final approval. Mr. Dulles: a) Reported on his meeting with General Twining and others on comparative estimates and noted that the committee appointed on this subject had agreed to accept three or four of our proposed items for study, e.g., radar, submarintts, and nuclear capabilities. The Director also said this Agency had been asked to prepare memoranda on U.S.S.R. bacteriological and chemical warfare capabilities and noted that after consultation with the DD/I it had been decided thati ONE, would be the CIA. focal point for Agency activities in the comparative estimates field. 25X1 b) Noted he had received a telephone call from C. D. Jackson that a Mr.~ Director commented that this was something we would have to watch closely and said Mr. Jackson had promised to give him a further call after at which time this subject would be further d_scussec. 25X1 3 Approved For Release 2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002300230036-5