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Document Release Date: 
July 18, 2002
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Publication Date: 
February 19, 1958
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80B01676R002300230067-1.pdf163.64 KB
Approved For Release -Q04(0~/24 : CIA-RDP80B01676R002300230067-1 I ~.i JL.L-i iL I Wednesday, 19 February 1958 PRESENT: Mr. Dulles, Gen. Cabell, Mr. Wisner, Mr. Amor Col. Wazite, Messrs. Sheldon, Kirkpatrick, 25X1 a) Referred to the fact that I had called him concerning 25X1 ip to Rumania to observe the elections there and as: concurrence and then to be coordinated with the DD/P prior to return to DCI`s office for dispatch. h) Inquired as to the status of our publishing program. Mr. Amorv reported that the Publishing Board has just been organized and is just now beginning to get underway with Mr. Amory as Chairman. Mr. Amory expressed the hope that he could make a more substantive report on the activities of the Board in a relatively short time. 1) Referred to the South Korean plane which had been kidnapped by (he North Korean communists and flown to Pyongyang. He urged that we immediately get out as much publicity as we possibly could concerning the outrageous kidnapping of two American citizens aboard the plane and stated that he planned to take this proposal up at the OCB luncheon that day. j) Referred to a memorandum prepared by Mr. Amory on the results of a conversation Mr. Amory had had with General Cutler at a recent Planning Board discussion of the revised NSCIDs. He commented that he would speak to General Cutler concerning this matter when Cutler returns to Washington next week. 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/05/24: CIA-RDP80B01676R002300230067-1 Approved For Release 2004/05/24: CIA-RDRq0B01676R002300230067-1 Mr. Amory: 25X1 b) Advised that he had been giving careful study to the problem of producing intelligence in the guided missile field. He has concluded that he must raise: the strength of this activity in ORR and OSI by eople. In an effort not25X1 to ask for any additional personnel to accomplish this, he is cutting down or the amount of work being done in the conventional weapons field and transferring analysts into the guided missile activities. Announced that the improved CIA. Bulletin has thrown an additional work- load on the Reproduction people because of the new maps and visual presentation aspects of the Bulletin necessitating the addition of seven people to the Repro- duction Staff. He noted that prior to the time the additional persons could be, added to the staff, the present personnel had been spending night and day on the job. The Director expressed his appreciation for their devotion to duty and asked Colonel White to prepare appropriate letters for his signature to each of them. a) Proposed that if the DCI agreed, ill be assigned to NSC Planning Board matters in addition to his present functions as the DGI' 25X1 OCB Assistant. DCI approved of this arrangement as long as 25X1 has the time to handle both duties. 25X1 b) Noted that he had received a message from ex re sin3 the hope that there wdild be few, if any travelers planning to visit 11 during March and April this year inasmuch as during most of this time will be away on business from proper. Approved For Release 2004/05/24: CIA-RDP80B01676R002300230067-1