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Publication Date:
May 21, 1958
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Approved For Rele eQ 1g3fl T
21 May 1958
SUBJECT: Resume of OCB Luncheon Meeting, 21 May 1958
PRESENT: Mr. Allen, Gen. Cabell, Mr. Cutler, Mr. Harr,
Mr. Gerard Smith (State), Mr. James Smith (ICA),
Mr. Sprague, Mr. Strauss, Mr. Staats
I. U. S. Policy on Nuclear Fallout
Mr. Strauss referred to a message from the American delegation
to the United Nations, having to do with the above subject. He said
it was evident from this message that our delegation does not fully
understand what the official U. S. position actually is. The delegation
seemed to believe that the U. S. policy is one of deliberate belittlement
of the dangers of nuclear fallout, whereas the actual position,
according to Mr. Strauss, is that our Government continually attempts
to present the true facts of the situation which in themselves show the
danger to be less than the public is sometimes inclined to believe.
Mr. Strauss solicited the assistance of the members of the
Board in devising better means of explaining the U. S. position both
in this country and abroad.
2. Invitations to Hardtack Demonstration
The group then discussed the pros and cons of extending to
additional countries invitations to the unclassified nuclear demonstration
which will be held as a part of the Hardtack tests. Those mentioned
were: Pakistan, Philippines, Thailand, New Zealand, South Korea,
Chinese Nationalists, Iran, Iraq and Spain.
After some discussion, it was agreed that it would be worthwhile
to invite the nine countries listed, but the group felt that there should
NSC review(s) completed.
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be no more invitations after this. It was pointed out that facilities
for taking care of foreign observers will be limited to some extent,
and with this in mind priorities should be set among the invitees.
The group agreed that the Asian countries should be asked first.
Mr. Gerard Smith reported that Mr. Rubottom did not believe
it desirable or necessary to invite any Latin America countries.
3. Economic Aid Policy for Laos
Mr. James Smith commented on the results of the recent
elections in Laos and speculated as to whether the fact of the Communist
gains should lead to a reconsideration of economic aid policy toward
that country. It was pointed out that a Progress Report on Southeast
Asia, and a new Operations Plan for Laos, are scheduled to be
considered by the Board Assistants on 23 May and by the Board on
4 June. Mr. Smith said that if a major change in this policy should
take place ICA would need to know no later than 9 June, in order to
adjust its programs for the coming fiscal year. He said he personally
felt that a change would be desirable.
It was pointed out that even should the above-mentioned papers
be cleared by the Board on 4 June, it would not be possible to develop
a new NSC policy for some time thereafter. Therefore, it would be
impossible to indicate any definite changes in policy to ICA by the
9 June date. It was the advice of the Board that ICA should temporize
as far as possible.
General Cabell gave a brief analysis of the election returns
from Laos. He emphasized particularly that the Communist gains
could well lead to much more important ones in 1959.
Lieutenant General, USAF
Deputy Director
Orig - DCI files
1 - DDCI
1 - BA/OCB
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