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Document Release Date:
August 18, 2005
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Publication Date:
May 8, 1958
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Approved For Releasa:P O9/03L17w;:;
IA pAZQB01676R002700050035-2
8 May 1958
SUBJECT: Resume of OCB Luncheon Meeting, 30 April 1958
PRESENT: Mr. Cutler, Mr. Dulles, Dr. FitzGerald, Adm. Foster,
Mr. Gray, Mr. Harr, Mr. Herter, Mr. Scribner,
Mr. Sprague, Mr. Staats
The planned move of parts of the Hardtack test series from
Eniwetok to Johnston Island, which was gone into at the 9 April
meeting, was discussed again. It was agreed that some sort of
announcement of this shift would have to be made, but that it should
be played in as low a key as possible. Adm. Foster said that an
earlier draft of a proposed release has now been reworked.
There was further discussion regarding the public announcement
of the efforts the U. S. has made to achieve agreement on an Antarctic
condominium. It was unanimously agreed that the time has come for
us to take immediate action to achieve whatever propaganda benefit
there might be in such an announcement. Mr. Herter said that he
would instruct appropriate State officials to proceed with a draft of a
statement, which would probably be made by the President.
3. Visit of Soviet Air Marshal Vershinin
The results of the special OCB meeting of 29 April, which dealt
with the matter of an invitation to Air Marshal Vershinin to visit
this country, were reported. It was stated that the group had agreed
NSC review(s) completed.
Approved For Release 2006/Q /17':'CIA-R
P99BB,1 76R002700050035-2
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that the invitation to this official should be of a routine nature, and
as little fanfare as possible should surround his visit. It had been
agreed that, although the recommendation of Ambassador Thompson
had merit, overriding considerations indicated that the visit should
not be timed to coincide with. Armed Forces Day or any similar
celebration. On balance it appears best to delay the invitation for
some weeks or months.
4. Polish Floods
the effects of the recent floods there. Messrs. Herter and Dulles
advised against putting any official government pressure of this kind
on private firms. ! -- . L, -.-1 ' .:.,L.Z, - i~a,t
Mr. Harr suggested that certain drug manufacturers might be
asked officially to contribute medicines to Poland for use in alleviating
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Mr. Herter reported on his recent conversation with Juan Trippe,
in which he had suggested to the latter that Pan American arrange to
have its Boeing 707 airplane fly to Belgium during the International
Exposition. Trippe had said that PAA would be willing to consider such
a trip, if it were believed to be in. the national interest; however, the
airplane has not yet been granted safety clearance by the Civil
Aeronautics Board. He said that should the certification come through
in time they would be glad to consider the matter further.
6. "Quantico Group"
With further reference to the suggestion that a "Quantico Group"
be re-established in possible preparation for a Summit Meeting (as
discussed at the 16 April meeting), Mr. Herter said he had talked
this matter over with the Secretary of State. The latter had said he
had no objection to convening such a group, provided that it were a
small one and that a highly-qualified official from the Department of
State be assigned to monitor the progress of the group.
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Approved For Rely 13/1 ~fD 676R002700050035-2
7. Possible Soviet Actions in Connection. with May Day
The DCI gave a report on certain actions which it is believed
the Soviets are capable of taking in connection with their impending
May Day celebration. He dealt primarily with possible developments
in the scientific field.
Orig - DCI files
1 - DDCI
1 - BA/OCB
Approved For Release 2006/03/17 3CIA-RDP80B01676R002700050035-2