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Publication Date: 
April 23, 1958
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80B01676R002700050036-1.pdf130.49 KB
Approved For Relek Q 23 April 1958 SUBJECT: Resume of OCB Luncheon Meeting, 23 April 1958 PRESENT: Mr. Allen, Mr. Cutler, Mr. Dulles, Adm. Foster, Mr. Gray, Mr. Harr, Mr. Murphy, Mr. Scribner, Mr. Sprague, Mr. Staats 1. Newspaper Publicity A general discussion took place on the extent to which sensa- tional newspaper publicity can make the conduct of foreign affairs more difficult. Specific instances cited were: (a) reports concerning SAC procedures, on which the recent Soviet complaints about irresponsible flights with nuclear weapons were undoubtedly based, (b) the great exaggeration and distortion by the Japanese press, which resulted from American wire services' treatment of a fairly innocuous statement contained in a speech by John Irwin, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, (c) publicity given. to a statement by Secretary Seaton, proposing a U. S. copper tariff and the resulting cancellation of the state visit to this country by Chilean President Carlos Ibanez. In this connection the Executive Officer distributed an extract from the minutes of the Cabinet action of January 22, 1957. This indicated that on that date the Cabinet had concurred in the proposal of the Director of USIA that actions or statements intended to be issued by various departments and agencies should. be carefully coordinated with USIA if it appears they will have an impact abroad. (The Record of Action carries a note added later, to the effect that this procedure supplements existing OCB procedures, and is designed to apply primarily to agencies which do not regularly participate in the OCB.) Mr. Allen said that he was not fully familiar with the NSC review(s) completed. Approved For Rel U 676R002700050036-1 zloZ3/ Approved For 01676 R002700050036-1 background of this particular action, which occurred before he joined USIA. He undertook, however, to look into the matter thoroughly and report back to the Board as to what if any further action should be taken. 2. Possible Visit of Soviet Air Marshal Vershinin The Board discussed again the matter of an invitation to Soviet Air Marshal Vershinin to visit the U. S. , returning General Twining's visit to the Soviet Union. (This matter was first brought up at the meeting of 27 March.) The possibility of having the visit coincide with a military holiday, such as Armed Forces Day, was again discussed. Mr. Dulles suggested - and the others agreed - that it might be unwise to tie the visit in with such a military demonstration, particularly in view of the recent Soviet complaints about SAC flights; the consensus was that the return visit should be treated in a routine manner. It was agreed that Defense should study the matter further with a view to clarifying exactly what they expect to gain from the visit. 4. Damman Pier Mr. Dulles reported that a project which the U. S. has undertaken in connection with construction of a pier in Damman, near Dhahran, was not progressing according to schedule, and that apparently no funds had yet been committed for this purpose. He said that the Saudi Arabians are annoyed at the American failure to take the promised action. Since no ICA member was present at the luncheon, Mr. Murphy agreed to investigate this matter further. Approved For Re e I /03/ t 16768002700050036-1 Z~Z' ~ Approved For R 103/ 7L Li 016768002700050036-1 Mr. Harr questioned whether the U. 5. is giving adequate assistance to Euratom, particularly in the crucial early period of its existence. In response, Admiral Foster outlined various steps that the AEC is taking in this connection. He pointed out that their contemplated actions would involve Congressional legislation, the appropriation of funds and negotiations of formal agreements with other countries. He concluded that AEC is doing everything possible and that this does not seem to be a field in which OCB could make a substantial contribution. Distribution: Orig - DCI files 1 - DDCI 1 - BA/OCB 3 Approved For R ",e 7 c-