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Document Release Date:
August 18, 2005
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Publication Date:
April 17, 1958
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Approved For RelpaSe 2006/03/17 C1A-P,D08"B01676R002700050038-9
17 April 1958
SUBJECT: Resume of OCB Luncheon Meeting, 9 April 1958
PRESENT: Mr. Cutler, Mr. Dulles, Mr. Gray, Dr. FitzGerald,
Mr. Harr, Mr. Herter, Mr. Scribner, Mr. Sprague,
Mr. Strauss, Mr. Washburn, Mr. Staats
1. Loss of Scientist in Helicopter Crash
The death of Dr. Mark M. Mills in the crash of a helicopter
at Eniwetok on April 7 was discussed. It was generally agreed
that, apart from the loss of a valuable man, this accident could
have adverse psychological effects in connection with the current
controversy over continuation of nuclear tests.
2. U. S. Satellite for Foreign Use
A memorandum from the Director of the National Science
Foundation, addressed to the OCB, was tabled. This memorandum
requested the Board to consider the pros and cons of setting aside
a U. S. satellite, after the close of the International Geophysical
Year, for use by foreign scientists. Dr. Waterman suggested that
it might be worthwhile to allow such scientists to include in this
vehicle instrumentation developed in their own countries.
An opinion was expressed that it might be better to make such
an offer after launching techniques have been more fully developed,
so as to avoid the possibility of an unsuccessful attempt after foreign
instruments had been included.
The proposal was referred to the OCB Working Group on the
Scientific Earth Satellite.
NSC review(s) completed.
Approved For Release 2006/Q3'117 : CiA-RDP3 B01 f 68002700050038-9
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3. High Altitude Nuclear Tests
Mr. Strauss announced that the high-altitude shots will be
undertaken as a part of the HARDTACK tests will be held at
Johnston Island, rather than at Eniwetok. The reason for the
change is that it is not certain how much fallout will result, nor
how widespread it might be. There are no inhabited islands
closer to Johnston than the Hawaiian group, which is some 800
miles away.
4. Flight of Boeing 707 to Brussels
A suggestion was made that the U. S. should consider arranging
for a flight of the new Boeing 707 commercial aircraft to Brussels
at some time during the course of the Exposition, which opens
April 17. It was noted that the 707 has many features which are
superior to those in any other existing airplane, and that showing it
to a European audience might have a very good psychological effect.
It was also suggested that well-known public figures might travel
on the 707 to Brussels to attend the scheduled "America Day,
which will be held there in early July.
Mr. Dulles said that he had discussed this airplane with
Samuel Pryor, Vice President of Pan American Airways, which
has purchased it. He said that perhaps it might be useful to approach
Juan Trippe with this suggestion, and that he woul be glad to speak
to Mr. Trip if the oards$ed him do sod cTM"O
Id a s
The Board then discussed the difficulties inherent in carrying
on government operations which are readily criticized by individuals
of stature, who are not fully informed. It was suggested that some
of these individuals might be asked to get together and produce
constructive ideas of their own. These might in themselves be
substantial contributions, and in any case they might result in better
understanding and more cooperation on t art j6f the criticizers.
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