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Publication Date:
March 25, 1958
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1 l 'III, I F ~1.F r
Approved For Relea ` ,?q6(~ 1T: 14 1
SUBJECT: Resume of OCB Luncheon Meeting, 19 March 1958
PRESENT: Mr. Cutler, Mr. Dulles, Mr. Gray, Mr. Herter,
Mr. Scribner, Mr. Smith, Mr. Sprague, Mr. Strauss,
Mr. Washburn, Mr. Staats
1. U. S. Initiative Regarding Control of Outer Space
In the course of a discussion on the recent Soviet proposals
for b .At control of outer space, Mr. Cutler pointed out that such
a proposal had in fact been made first by the United States
(specifically by Ambassador Lodge at the United Nations in early
1957). It was agreed that at an early date the President should
issue a statement, either at a press conference or otherwise,
making it clear that this country had taken the initiative in this
matter over a year before the Soviets' suggestion.
2. Demonstration of a "Clean" Nuclear Explosion
Mr. Strauss referred to the paper which had been circulated
to the Board members by AEC, with regard to the possibility of
holding a demonstration of a "clean" nuclear bomb as a part of the
HARDTACK tests at Eniwetok. He pointed out that the President,
as long ago as July 3, 1957, had publicly stated that we would invite
foreign observers to witness such a demonstration at an appropriate
time in the future. Mr. Strauss indicated, on the other hand, that
there were certain disadvantages to the proposal, including the fact
that it would be difficult or impossible to demonstrate the low
percentage of radioactive fallout, particularly if the observers did
not wish to be convinced, and that the expense of such a demonstration
would run into two or three million dollars.
NSC review(s) completed.
Approved For Releas . PIpjtf/,44T17 : P j,
-Z-yo 1340
Mr. Strauss said that there had recently been a ,e'ries of leaks
of important classified information having to do wit atomic energy,
and deriving from information given to the SefteAW"Committee on
Atomic Energy. Mr. Strauss intends to write a letter to Senator
Anderson pointing out that these leaks have occurred. He said that
the principal ones involved information developed during a debate
between Senator Javits and Senator Anderson, and the other stemmed
from a television or radio broadcast.
The consensus of the group was that it would be better not to
conduct this demonstration had a commitment not been made by
the President; however, it would seem that we should under the
circumstances honor this commitment in as effective a manner as
could be devised. State, Defense, AEC and USIA were asked to
work out the details.
3. Leaks of Atomic Energy Information
4. Safety of Nuclear Weapons
The meeting adjourned to Secretary Herter's office, where the
group met with Generals Loper and Starbird, of Defense and AEC
respectively. These two officers explained the various safety factors
involved in the transport of nuclear weapons, with particular reference
to the recent incident at Florence, S. C. , when an unarmed atomic
bomb was inadvertently dropped from a SAC aircraft. It was explained
It was stated that new devices are being developed in order to
provide an additional measure of safety. It wasAlt that these could
prevent similar accidents in the future.
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