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March 11, 1958
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Approved For Rele a JQ3f171 C1 2D 0 U 676R002700050043-3
11 March 1958
SUBJECT: Resume of OCB Luncheon Meeting, 5 March 1958
PRESENT: Mr. Cutler, Mr. Dulles, Mr. Gray, Mr. Herter,
Mr. Scribner, Mr. Smith, Mr. Sprague, Mr. Washburn,
Mr. Staats
1. Standby Statement for Use if Soviets Hit or Orbit the Moon
Mr. Staats said that the White House was interested in having
a statement or statements available for use in the event that the
Soviets send a rocket to the moon or place a satellite in orbit around
the moon before we achieve similar results. He said that General
Goodpaster had asked the OCB to consider this matter.
It was agreed that statements should be prepared, to be
delivered by both the President and Dr. Bronk, President of the
National Academy of Sciences. These statements would be of a
congratulatory nature and would be overtly cordial; they would be
slanted in a low key. It was noted that it would be particularly
important to avoid as much as possible any implication that there
was great military significance to this feat.
2. Statements Regarding Relative Strength of USSR and the U. S.
Messrs. Dulles and Sprague discussed the problems raised by
statements made by various military and other U. S. officials
regarding the relative strength of the USSR and this country in a
number of different fields. It was pointed out that these statements
are often inconsistent with each other and with intelligence estimates.
It was agreed, that there is no easy way to stop people from making
such statements, especially when they appear in the context of
testimony before Congressional committees. One suggestion was
that speeches on this subject should be cleared in advance by appro-
priate intelligence or other officers.
NSC review(s) completed.
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3. Proposed International Conference on Science for Peace
A paper was distributed which summarized a discussion among
Dr. Waterman, of the National Science Foundation, and representatives
of USIA and State. The conferees had agreed that the meeting could
be profitable provided certain criteria were met. Among these were:
the conference should have non-governmental sponsorship (e. g.
National Academy of Sciences); it should be held in the U. S. , and the
President should address it; the emphasis should be upon the applica-
tion of scientific knowledge for peace and human welfare and should
avoid highly technical aspects of these problems; it should be limited
to approximately 100 scientific leaders. It was felt that a useful
target date would be the Autumn of 1958.
This time would have the advantages of cool weather and avoidance
of pre-election confusion.
Mr. Cutler said that he had discussed the matter with Milton
Eisenhower and it was noted that Dr. Waterman would talk to Dr.
Killian about it. It was also agreed that the Science Advisory Committee
would be made aware of the proposal at an early date.
4. Meeting with Librarians
The discussion of Item 3 led logically to a consideration of what
tangible results might be obtained from international conferencesof
that sort. In this connection Mr. Herter said he had recently had a
meeting with representatives of the International Relations Committee
of the American Library Association. They had urged that a strong
central point be established which could facilitate the interchange of
scientific data, including abstracts and translations. It was agreed
that this was a worthwhile end toward which to work.
5. Dearborn Committee
There was some discussion of progress made to date by the
"Dearborn Committee" and the function which such a committee might
fulfill. It was agreed that, at least for the time being, the committee
should be continued in some form and that an early meeting should be
called in order to dispose of pending problems and to examine the pros
and cons of continuance in the future. It was thought that Mr. Harr
Approved For Relea(3e, 2UOC103/17 r C1A,tDF~$D, 0l,p76R002700050043-3
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might act as temporary chairman. It was noted that any decision on
the continuance of this committee would be greatly affected by the
basic decision as to whether Mr. Dearborn's position would be filled
and if so, by whom.
6. Airplane Accident in Morocco
Mr. Sprague said that the original report from Sidi Slimane,
which had indicated that American and Moroccan personnel had
suffered ill effects as a result of the crash on 31 January of an
Air Force plane carrying a nuclear weapon, was greatly exaggerated.
He said that there had been no appreciable result and that there was
no cause for further alarm.
7. Ryukyu s
Mr. Herter reported on a meeting which he had had with
Mr. Sprague immediately before lunch, at which they had resolved
many of the points of difference between State and Defense which
had resulted from the Working Group's development of a paper on
the Ryukyus. It was decided that the paper would be re-done in the
light of the Herter-Sprague agreements and would be presented to
the Board as soon as possible.
8. JCS Representation at OCB Meetings
Mr. Sprague said that, as an outgrowth of discussion at the
recent Puerto Rico Conference, General Twining had asked to have
a high level military representative of the Joint Chiefs of Staff attend
the regular meetings of the OCB as an observer. Mr. Sprague said
that this proposal had the approval of the Defense Department. It
was not intended that the observer would . attend the luncheon
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