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Document Release Date:
August 18, 2005
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Publication Date:
February 13, 1958
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Approved For Ri6fdaiiL /6~37 C4-F~IP00001676R002700050046-0
13 February 1958
SUBJECT: Resume of OCB Luncheon Meeting, 12 February 1958
PRESENT: Mr. Cutler, Mr. Dearborn, Mr. Dulles, Mr. Gray,
Mr. Herter, Mr. Smith, Mr. Sprague, Mr. Strauss,
Mr. Washburn, Mr. Staats
Attention was called to a cable from USIA London, stating
that the New York Times was planning to send a man to Bucharest
to investigate mounting reports of unrest there. A suggestion was
made that the DCI might consider including Rumania in his next
intelligence briefing of the NSC. This was considered to be
unnecessary since two items on Rumania have appeared in recent
issues of the CIA Daily Digest and the Bulletin.
2. Weekly Activity Report
Mr. Staats explained how the Weekly Activity Report is
prepared. He emphasized particularly that there is little time for
coordination on all items, and therefore the report should not be
viewed as authoritative. He stressed that it was considered a
worthwhile vehicle for information even though items in it have not
been formalized or cleared with the responsible departments or
agencies. He added that the criteria for inclusion of items are
currently being discussed by the Board Assistants.
3. Cancellation of NSC 123
The results of the limited meeting of January 29, at which it
was agreed to cancel NSC 123 were outlined for the benefit of the
Board members who had not been represented. Mr. Sprague said
that upon further consideration by Defense, and particularly by the
Joint Staff, Pentagon officials felt that some provision should be
NSC review(s) completed.
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made for evacuation of limited numbers of people other than those
of interest to CIA. He said that this view might be raised when
the cancellation is considered by the National Security Council.
Mr. Cutler commented that Dr. Teller's recent article in
LIFE which explains the need for continuing nuclear tests was one
of the best he has ever seen. It developed that Admiral Strauss
had collaborated in the preparation of this article. It was generally
agreed that as wide a circulation as possible should be given to the
article and to the arguments developed in it.
Mr. Herter read a letter from Defense to State regarding
arrangements for the HARDTACK tests which will take place in the
Pacific. It developed that this letter had not been coordinated with
the AEC. Admiral Strauss expressed little concern at the oversight,
saying that AEC and Defense would be able to come to an agreement
on general arrangements.
Admiral Strauss said that the United States finds itself in a
somewhat embarrassing position with regard to invitations to
foreign observers. The President had said in a press conference
several months ago that one of the objectives of our testing program
was to develop clean bombs and that he would welcome observers
from other countries who could see for themselves what we are
accomplishing in this connection. It now appears that it is very
difficult, if not impossible, to demonstrate any progress toward
cleanliness in our bombs. As Admiral Strauss put it, any assertions
that we make toward this end will have to be taken at their face
value; it can be expected that our friends will believe what we say
and our enemies will not.
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7. Cooperation with the Soviets in Eradicating Malaria
Mr. Smith called the group's attention to the fact that there
has as yet been no answer from Moscow to the President's offer
to join with the USSR in eradicating malaria, along with heart
disease and cancer. He felt that we should press this part of the
offer in order to put the Soviets on a spot and exploit what are
obviously reasons of self-interest in agreeing with part of the health
program but not all of it. He suggested that this might be pursued
with Ambassador Menshikov, particularly since he appears to be
making every effort to be agreeable.
Orig. - DCI
1 - DDCI
1 - BA/OCB
Approved For Rele e,2006/O3/17 ~ IA' DFr8Q.Bp?I.676R002700050046-0