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August 18, 2005
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Publication Date:
February 6, 1958
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Approved For fe?;2 06/0' ~I 40BO1676ROO2700050047-9
NSC review(s) completed.
6 February 1958
SUBJECT: Resume of OCB Luncheon Meeting, 5 February 1958
PRESENT: Mr. Allen, Mr. Cutler, Mr. Dearborn, Mr. Dulles,
Mr. Gray, Mr. Murphy, Mr. Quarles, Mr. Scribner,
Mr. Smith, Mr. Stassen, Mr. Staats
1. Leak on Soviet Missile Launching
Mr. Quarles raised the subject of the story by Jack Raymond
in the NEW YORK TIMES of January 31, about the missile recently
launched by the Soviets. There was general discussion of how
leaks of this sort occur and what steps might be taken to prevent
their happening in the future. Mr. Dearborn said that he had had
under consideration the possibility of an inspired leak on this
subject, in order to blunt the effect of a later announcement by
the Soviets that they had achieved another scientific success;
however, the Raymond story had made such an inspired leak useless.
Mr. Dearborn said that he had made a report to the White House,
as a possible aid in discovering where the leak had originated. Mr.
Quarles said that Defense had not made a report of this nature.
The result of the discussion was inconclusive as to where the
responsibility should lie for pulling together an over-all investigation.
Mr. Cutler produced a report on problems in Indonesia, which
he implied had been prepared by an interagency committee, within
the past day or two. None of the others present had seen the report.
(Note: later investigation made it clear that this was a State draft
which had not yet been coordinated with other agencies. The Far
East Division of DDP/CIA had received it only the night before and
had not the opportunity to study it or comment.) Mr. Dulles then
gave a summary of the situation in Indonesia, stating among other
things, that it appears the Sumatran dissidents plan to deliver an
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ultimatum to the Central Government by the 7th of February.
Mr. Dulles pointed out that should the ultimatum be accepted it
would raise a great many new problems, not only in Indonesia
but with regard to U. S. Government policies as well; however,
he believed it unlikely that the Central Government could accept
such an ultimatum.
5. Possible Danger in Connection with Nuclear Weapons
Various ramifications of the possibility of danger from
explosions which might occur in connection with nuclear weapons
were again discussed. Mr. Quarles noted that the Board had taken
a position in recent weeks that it is not necessary or desirable
to make a public statement playing down the dangers which might
arise, specifically with reference to a conventional explosion on an
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aircraft carrying nuclear weapons. He said that he thought this
policy might represent a head-in-the-sand attitude and that in
any case he thought we would be well advised not to establish it
so rigidly that it could not be modified should conditions make it
desirable to do so.
6. Okinawa
of the military staff plus State, 25X1
Mr. Murphy discussed what he termed an unfortunate situation
existing in Okinawa. He said that the High Commissioner there,
General Moore, appears to have imposed a sort of censorship on
officers from other departments and agencies who are attached to
his staff. He said that State, had 25X1
been prevented from reporting significant aspects of recent political
activities. In this connection he referred to the lack of reporting
on the dismissal of the Mayor of Naha by the High Commissioner.
He said if State officers were to be assigned to this Command he
believed they should be free to report on political developments.
It was recognized by the group that two kinds of reports could be
involved--those involving command decisions which General Moore
had made or proposes to make, and factual reporting on the political
situation. There was no question that the first category came
entirely within the purview of the High Commissioner but it was
felt that political reports should be made jointly by the members
There was a discussion of the situation regarding shipment of
Grumman airplanes to the government of Indonesia. It was pointed
out that one airplane was shipped in November and another in
December, and that it was not yet clear whether a third had gone
in January. The total on order comes to eight. Mr. Becker, General
Counsel of the State Department, is examining the situation to see
what steps can legally be taken to prevent the shipping of the remaining
five or six aircraft. One of the difficulties is that all have been paid
for. The President of Grumman is scheduled to confer with State
Department officials on this matter in the near future.
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