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Document Release Date: 
January 2, 2009
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Publication Date: 
November 22, 1963
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Approved For Release 2009/01/02 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003100170003-9 87 MEMORANDUM FOR: Mr. Kirkpatrick General Carter c' 2 NOV 1963 1. You will recall that last May I submitted a paper which proposed that our Appropriations Committees be requested to authorize the obliga- tion of $200, 000 of the $1, 732, 000 unobligated in the construction of our headquarters building for the purpose of preparing a preliminary plan for the construction of additional facilities at Langley to accommodate sub- stantially all of our headquarters activities. 2. I was advised some time later that as a matter of over-all policy and strategy this was not considered an appropriate time for the Agency to make this request. These funds remain unc-bligated and are set up on the books at the Bureau of the Budget to lapse an 30 June 1964 unless some action, which could be taken within the Executive branch, is taken to pre- vent them from lapsing. 3. I would like to sssuggsst the attached preliminary study of another proposal, which was at my request. We believe that we could for approximately onstruct a building at Langley to combine our printing plants now located at 2430 E Street, N. W. If the Agency desired to do this, we would have to staff out the matter more thoroughly, obtain approval from the Bureau of the Budget (which we might well not be able to do), and gain informal approval from our Appropriations Subcommittees. If this sug- gestion has any appeal, I would like to give it the college try. If not, there Is, of course, no need to spend any more time on it. 4. 1 would very much appreciate some policy guidance before doing any more work on the problem. Att: Memo dtd 6 Nov 63 to DD/S fr D/L, subj: "Printing Plant Construction at Langley" DD/S:LKW:jrf Distribution: 0 - Addressees w/9 of(Att (return to DD/S) 4-ER 1 - DD/S chrono 1 - DD/S subject w/cc of Att Approved For Release 2009/01/02 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003100170003-9 Approved For Release 2009/01/02 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003100170003-9 OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY We s} ciild clear with BOB. I'll get I'll and John Clarke to do so. Then with Cong? alert John Warner . FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER D FROM: AME. ADDRES____ `-' AN PHONE N UNCLASSIFIED FORM N0. 237 Use previous editions 2-61 U.S 1+OVEIINMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1961 0-567282 Approved For Release 2009/01/02 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003100170003-9