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Document Creation Date: 
December 19, 2016
Document Release Date: 
March 22, 2002
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Publication Date: 
December 7, 1961
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80B01676R003500040004-8.pdf112.18 KB
Approved For Release 2005/12/ Y: CIA~~` ? 101676R003500040004-8 December 7, 1961 Mr. John F Kennedy President of the United States The White House Washington, D. C. Dear President Kennedy: Respectfully referred for attention and appropriate h sidling. Special Assistant to the President I have been aroused by affairs in ifashington and around the world to write my first letter to Washington. Where is our Central Intelligence Agency during these fateful days of the Cold War? One is lead to believe it is so infiltrated by Communists that it does the job for the enemy in the Cold Wars As we cheer the disposal of one hated dictator after another, vie end ui.A red-faced finding that we have bolstered another Communist pawn. 'W'hy? Will it happen again in the Dominican Republic? Il'f this should happen, the C.I.A. should be tried for TREASON! Somethi-g is wrong! Is it not possible for the ?resident of the United States, president of the most powerful nation in the world, to know what is going on in all parts of the globe, and not just depend on reporters and foreign service person- nel who jet their information second hand? And why shoudid not the nation as a whole know the true facts? Along with our C.I.A., I feel very shamed-face about our foreign service. Why don't we have a Foreign Service Academy where we can train profes- sional personnel for our embassies and legations where the Cold War is fought, as we train our pro- fess:onal military men who fight the real wars? I feel that the Peace Corps is a wonderful start towards understanding and d.elping underdeveloped countries, but wouldn't it be possible to augment this corps with a drafted corps of men and women who would serve in our embassies and legations in every capacity from chauffeurs to cooks, and not depend on questionable foreign employees about who we 'Icnow nothing? The Russians in this country never hire Americans for a job no matter how lowly. If I had not been able to serve in the :armed Service of our country during World 1Iar II I would have been very happy to serve in a corps of civilians wherever they would have been needed. morale-wise it would help our co ntry also, as most young people want to serve their country in one eras or another. Approved For Release 2005/1:,:.C,IA-RDP80B01676R003500040004-8 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP80B01676R003500040004-8 Page 2 The above mentioned questions and suggestions are not meant as a personal criticism of you or your office, but as a thought of just another American. Yours very truly, Q'. Benjamin A. Corey Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003500040004-8 STAT Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R00350 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003500040004-8