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Document Release Date: 
April 15, 2002
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Publication Date: 
June 22, 1961
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Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003500240028-0 Honorable R. Alex wr stth ER: 61: 4614 STAT- STAT STAT STAT JUN I want to let you k w that I have now read ; article you mentioned in your letter of 3 J=* - Needless to . says my people here also found your Utter most interesting and are closely following the developments in %bree, during this critteal, period. Of the many factors i al d, it 9"mA to "me that the economic conditit in Korea need immediate attention and certainly wad our full eoognretiion at this time. Insofar as the Haws article you iuvitrd to my attention is concerned, it is wing less than eceernte. For y+ur infor- mation, we were bell aware of the Korean coV play ing and of the officers Involved long before the actual coup took place. Again, many tl aks for your thoughtfulness a: with waxen personal raega.rds, Sincerely, Allen W. Dulles Di actor P.S Also, many thanks for your letter on my appoint as uatee of PrinctOn. -I feel this to a hi g ,t .honor and opportunity. F 1(16 June 61) Rewritten: O/DCIJI vgd 21 June 61 orig addrepee Y' l - DCI Distribution: 1 C FE w/basic Approved For Release 2002/08/21 CIA-RDP80BO1676R003500240028-0 STAT STAT Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003500240028-0 June 10, 1961 have read it with interest am have Ofrig. - Addressee 4 sarx tjl ex 'flat it 1ntere tng. . With Vam ritsiftr ' `a ~~ k~J6~Cs Allen W., D Di ' etor O/DCI/L____~ak(6 June 61) Distribution: - DCI 1 - Chief, FE Division w/basic 1 - 0 1-ER Approved For Release 2002/08/11 : CIA-R1)$0B01676R003500.240028-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003500240028-0 M MORANDUM FOI : Director of Central $U&IECT: $i Letter to Honorable It. Alexander Smith Cwteerning the Korean Coup 1. T" xs;emora xrn transmits a letter for the Director's t : h e referred to in r. th'1! l,p,ar of 2 T inn ua 2. Attached for your 'usal is the Korean n Repo re e, t e Han+oraDLC H. Alexander Smith. rie 3.. Attached to the letter to Mr. V da~#!h i0 an additional artirl' hi h w c clean the air a ldt as far as the prior knowledge Enele 1. Ltr for ms's signature to Ronorae Smith 2. Korea Re blic article of 25 May el DCI's Itr of 10 June to Ron. Smith w/b* aic ee: D CI Chief, la'aa>I r East Division Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003500240028-0 STA