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Document Release Date: 
April 12, 2002
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Publication Date: 
September 10, 1960
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Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003600050015-4 ER 60-6656/a 10 SEP 1%U TAT Mr. meat C. !r~b t Dear Mr. Erb: I have received and have read with clone attention your thoughtful letter of 25 August concerning the U-2 incident. I woul4 like to notice that power* was over a baud days in solitary e nment without ac ess to family,' iris, his own legal sdvis +, or axW U.S. Embassy representative prior to the trial, that undoubtedly the Soviets had dad into his mind that they wished to come out at the trial# and that this can be done and be effective even short of the techniques of "brain wash .ng." I might add that in selecting the pilots for such missions, individuals whose past tars3nicg and other technical, mental and ideological aaetlook sewed to qualify then for the job.. Were chosen on the basis of these qualifications and willing ess to serve. Even though the trial itself is over, Po ers is still a prisoner of the Soviet, and we sbould be careful in our comments that we do nothing to make his own situation more difficult. Your kind comments about me and the work of the CIA are indexed reeciated. Sincerely, Allen W. Dulles Director STAT DPD-DD/P:JAC:mg (2 Sept. 60) Rewritten: O/DCI ak($ Sept. 60) Distribution: . 1 - AE -oved For Release 20/07/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003600050015-4 1 - DPD,/RI prig. - Addressee 1 - DCI 1~- ER -,/basic 1 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003600050015-4 STAT August , STAT Mr. Allen W. Dulles Counter Intelligence Agency Washington, D. C. Dear Mr. Dulles: Now that the highly overrated, over publicized, and misunderstood U-2 incident is fading from the public eye I want to congratulate you for a job well done in handling the whole affair. There is one thing on which I would like to comment however - how in the world did you ever hire a man like Powers for such an important job? You need to drastically revise your recruiting program. I cannot blame a man for wanting to save his life but at least he should have blown up the plane to prevent secrets from falling into enemy hands. I don't believe you made the boy understand how important this struggle is between United States and Russia. I was surprised and quite pleased to know that our government was conducting some aggresive espionage of its own. It makes me feel a little more secure. I believe the majority of the people feel the same way. As far as Russia using the incident to wreck the summit conference it was just as well. No one but the newspaper writers, the so called intelligentia, and some misguided leaders looking for reelection wanted it. I believe the public realizes more than is thought that the ultimate purpose of Russia is world domination and that any meeting with them will be of no value to us or the rest of the world. Generally they are to our disadvantage because we give more than we receive and then the Russians keep their agreement only as long as it is convenient to them to do so. When the U-2 incident came to light you were to be commended for telling the truth about it. Even the most uneducated and primitive people can respect the truth. If you had lied about it the truth would not be recognized later - for instance the RB47. It is a shame that so many of our newspaper writers who wield such influence cannot endorse the truth. Congratulations for your good work. Keep it up. Sincerely yoours, f Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-1676600050015-4 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003600050015-4 STAT ER 60-6656/a 10 SEP 11 X have received and have reed with close attention your thoughtful letter of 95 August oonceruing the U42 incident. S would like to mention that Powers was over a hundred days in solitary confinement without access to family, friends, his own legal advisors, or any U.S. Embassy tentative prior to the trial, that undoubtedly the Soviets had drtmied into his. wind what they wished to come out at the trial, and that this can be dons and be effective even short of the techniques of "brain washing." I might saki that in selecting the pilots for such missions, individuals whose past training and other technical, mental and ideological outlook seemed to ue-lify them for the job, were seen on the basis of these qualifications and willingness to verve. Xwen though the trial itself is over, Powers. is still a prisoner of the a iet, and we 0042A be careful in our comments that we do noth 'to make his own situation more difficult. Your kind comments about me and the work of the CIA are indeed appreciated. Sincerely, '$ . ED Allen W. Dulles Director D-AD/P:JAC:mg (2 Sept. 60) Eritten: O/DC ak(8 Sept. 60) Distribution: Orig. - Addressee IX - DCI 1 - ER w/basic 1 - AA1A proved For Releas -DPDRI