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Approved F -I ea ,.2Q63.L05/23 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700010029-2 NEWS, VIEWS, AND REVIEWS, Brings you some cues F: tl the:-,-Uer ~orld to ,amuse And a Cev, idea to choose.... We hope you will excuse The fact we are a little late With our March 31st date And now without pretense Follows our TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. ARE THE DEAF IN CUBA ? Or, One Secret of USA International Re) ationnn at home 2. American Prodacts in Soviet Land 3, OH, SONS OF HAM f 4. A SONG FROM THE WINTER OLYMPICS (As witnessed via NBC TV and Radio) 5. IN SEARCH OF THE HILARIOUS WHEN IS A SPHYNX A SMILING SPHYNX AND NO GROUCH --OOH t 6, IN SEARCH OF THE MELODIOUS HOW GOD CAME TO MAKE HONKY* TONK ANGEL" 7. CAPTAIN KANGAROO AND THE TREASURE HOUSE, T3O Gold to be found on CBS b r the Youn ;er txt S. AMERICANA OF THE SEA Catharine Sibley Onlr~e STAT Approved For Release X00 lb4 I0.Q80 30 '676R003700$ p029-2 Approved For Release 2003/05/23: CIA-RDP80B01676R003700010029-2 AF .E T H E Y D E A F I ? C U B A ? Now that President Ike has returned from l._nds afar, Back to our nation's Capitol, its bright and shining star On the world horizon of struggle and bargaining and f tght: against fraud Are backstopped here at home In class rooms as well as the Capitol's dome. Young ministers without p >rtfolio may be found In many a conference round Fashioning research theses or group discussions fine On mulitple marketing for Chile, Brazil, or Uraguay, or th42 Argentine, For International Relations here at home Have a new look from top to toe as diplomats return from roan Bringing views :Afresh of problems and opportunities f r ne-'o-;s the foam, Not only do we speed packages by plane and train through WA But we organize our citizens' emissaries and fly them there And hold conventions of ;;i' umni city club design, As University of Pennsylvania did in Puerto AS last y .r _. i'59, To be received by the Mayoress who Was graduated from Pennsylvania, too, Today we see the Commies have Cuba in uproar, And so our planes from America through Puerto Rico's skies now soar, A bulwark of friendship and reassuring force 'Gainst some men's irn:rgiri.iUs that democracies of course -- Can not take preventative action in time To aid their friends in any climes AMERICAN PRODUCTS IN SOVIJT LAND I saw Richard Nixon in Russia on my television screen Opening up America's exhibit with its products never soern In Sovietland until that very day. Automobiles and color TV sets Had the crowds all gaping wild so that Kruschev had to Ti ke grind atand. bets In trying to outshout America's accomplishments in wanu - facturing and marketing in every oil Dick Nixon saw wh 7t he was up to and and o?ut.- shouted Mr. K---------_, I saw Richard Nixon sitting down to chat :awhile Over San Francisco's station giving Education a tri::l KOED it was where John Day Sits as program manager that he may Serve his subscription viewers with the best to come his a iy. That night was Richard Nixon's chance to show what he ce t 1 give On a program called significantly -- "That Free Men Mill`, 0v( The idea I took away was that Soviet Russia is on the rr_:1 o To distill from her culture everything that she can take Whether it be for the good of individ uals or not It is all to go into the great big USSR pot. Now Nixon called America to think on how she could Make new comb-Inations from her democratic culture it she could. What unused potential could thus be recombined In Education's laboratory for the training of the mid? Well, we hope that you who read our sheet Will glimpse where Education's already out to meet fi prli~~f r PAc- /ds123icdm Rf31MOB187 03700010029-2 o retool minds and men in life long learning's span. Approved Fore}//21 DP80B01676R003700010029-2 CONF AR'NCE ? Christian Herter ' s p tience holds.holds,, , While inquiring Committeemen yell --"Coal,,;' "No outlined plan?" ".No stated urpose?" "No est,abl:fi s }-ed. subject?" 'No written agenda?' "The interrogator snarled a bit under his breath with its "Lenda t" Why then have a Summit Conference at all ? If we're not prepared in advance all plays to C All This was the voice of another of the coamitteeren hounds Just another pressure on top of all the rest to pua-_: 11 kindly patience out of bounds. Fortunately the man at the helm of the Department of i tate Had developed long stretches of patience while pen Torte The secondary goals and try pushing the cart berore the horse Thinking to force the logic of conclusion of co'a.rsf: Before the m=ain proposition is set at the source In the minds of leaders -y just a willingness to meat -- And find out what the problems in common are the t will greet The efforts of statesment gathered round the col fer- 3 to-able In the Nth attempt world affairs to make stable But so it must ever be where councils of men sit to define The course of events inste nd of opening the way to thor divine, 0 H, S O N S O F H A M I Oh, Sons of Ham, we wish you well, we wish you well In this ungodly cont6st as to who can raise the nos o f ll Between man and man. j Who can carve up the most, the mightiest and the best, Whittle the spirits until like all the rest Of the people, America, too, must writhe in pain Under the lash of revenge and hate at no little ;trail; For any one of us on earth l Oh. Sons of Him, your War Department of the NAACP Your Urban League with all its subtlety For spreading rife twixt man and man How little do you know who pulls the puppet stri:ags And feeds the hate of these misunderstandings. Sons of Ham, how can you be so blind! You who know what laughter does and what kind Magic the tender touch can make ; Are you perhaps under the delusion fine That because you think you descend from the line Of Ham that you must serve and serve and serve and se-"n Do you not know th